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Sunday, June 14, 2015 RyanH Eganville, Ontario

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Mid June update. Plants are growing well, about a week ahead of my all time best start. The soil prep and deep heat cables were the difference. For the second year in a row my 1463 is the best plant out of the gate and it's not close. I've pulled off one female at about 10 feet as soon as I saw it a week or so ago. I have another at about 12 feet that I may take off too. I want to go with bigger plants this year and pollinate the first, and keep it. The last few years I'd pollinate two and usually take the second, all the while the second pollination sits idle for a week while the first takes all the growth. The 1463 is so aggressive with large vines and leaves. I want to see if the fruit acts the same way, hopefully. I ended up pulling the 1719 Daletas because it was a little funky. For the second year in a row I had to drive to Todd Klines magical kingdom and get a backup. Only Todd has quality backups like the 1676 Daletas, which is what I have growing in the right side of the photo. Nice and low leaves, smaller vines, and an easy plant to grow so far. 1463 on the left.

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