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Click on a thumbnail picture below to see the full size version. 212 Entries.
Friday, January 3 View Page
Forecasting -10 here tonight. brrrr. Stay warm out there.
Monday, January 6 View Page
Had the pleasure of seeing Matt's new creations over the weekend. They're looking good.
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
So these next few posts will be my current seed inventory and trying to decide what to grow for next year. The goal: HD Winning quality :) This group is the following seeds: 427 Geyelin (400 Frei x 1290 Poirer) 874.8 Geyelin (1770 Lieber x 1290 Poirer) 978 Geyelin (854 Frei x Self) 14% Heavy 766 Geyelin (1290 Poirer x 400 Frei) - This one is high on my radar.
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
the seeds here are: 1091 Frei 625 Frei
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
this is the 1191.5 Northrup 07
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
This is the 904 Northrup 07 (670 Daigle x 965 Northrup)
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
these seeds are: 592 Vezzolo 06 (250 Rys x Self) Deep red/orange color 250 Simpson 06 (1101 Northrup x 670 Daigle) 993.2 Vincent-McGill 08 (772 Poirer x 998 Pukos)- another one high on my radar 617 Horton 06 (783 Daletas x 670 Daigle)
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
This group is: 1131 Gansert 10 (1059 V. McGill x 827 Gansert) 963.5 Gansert (1059 V.McGill x 1210 Vanhook)-HD Winner Freirchs Farm 960.5 Gansert 12 (723 Kaczenski x 859 Gansert)-HD Winner Topsfield Fair-High on my Radar AGAIN. 334 Arnold 13 ( 960.5 Gansert x 1131 Gansert)- HD Winner Durham Fair The 334 Arnold is my own personal seed and it is the ONE seeds that I have absolutely chosen to grow next year. It's mother is the seed listed above it; the 960.5 Gansert which I am seriously considering growing again this year.
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
this group: 1126 Gansert 12 (859 Gansert x 1103 Young) 969 Gansert 11 (1441 Gansert x 973 Rondeau) 1441 Gansert 10 (1287 Gansert x 1059 V. McGill) 1287 Gansert 09 (973 Rondeau x 836 Gansert)
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
The final 3 are: 1000.5 Gansert (827 Gansert x 1059 V. McGill) 827 Gansert (755 Gansert x 837 Sullivan) 859 Gansert ( 1131 Gansert x 1059 V. McGill)
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
also have these and considering these: 729.4 Frei 07 989.4 Frei 11 400 Frei 12
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
and these: 1103 Young 11 (1059 V-McGill x 1131 Gansert) 777 Young 11 (993 V-McGill x 1059 V-McGill) 735 Veader-Hahn 09 ( 1191.5 Northrup x 730 Dill) 990.5 Young 12 (1103 Young x 1059 V-McGill)
Tuesday, January 7 View Page
and the final seeds in consideration for 2014: The Northrup Seeds 1090 Northrup 10 (904 Stelts x 1432 Northrup) 1432 Northrup 09 (998 Pukos x 1385 Jutras) 972 Northrup 12 840 Young 12 (777 Young x 1059 Vincent-McGill)
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
Acquiring seeds from this beauty. It's mother is the grandmother to my 334 Arnold. Maybe some line breeding in the future??
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
Also adding some seeds to my collection from this stunner. Doesn't get much "prettier" than this. For those wondering; yes I have spent a lot of time with the "search function" of this website to find what I like and acquire seeds from.
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
How about some more seeds?? Added this HD Winner to the seed inventory
Tuesday, January 14 View Page
and how about this one? Another orange to add. now...what to grow??
Tuesday, January 28 View Page
It's been a long, cold winter this year. For those that don't know; I live on a farm with horses and 1 pasture-puff cow. I like collecting antiques and restoring old things. I went to a tack sale over the weekend in central CT and found this old tack trunk for 20.00. I considered it a good find. Brought it home, sanded it down, stained it and put a coat of poly on it. Also purchases some brass fittings for it and a nice brass nameplate. I was going to put it in my barn for storage but I think it's too nice for that. I'm going to use it as a coffee table!
Tuesday, January 28 View Page
another photo of the trunk (inside).
Friday, January 31 View Page
thank you very much to the grower who sent me this seed; I am very, very excited about it...the 1662 Stelts!
Friday, January 31 View Page
I've collected about 15 trash bags full of coffee grounds so far. They're frozen outside so I'm not worried about mold. Should be really good to put in the patch when everything thaws out. 4 more weeks until March!!!
Monday, February 3 View Page
More seeds to add to my ORANGE collection. Thank you to the growers who generously sent these to me; I very much appreciate it and I'm very excited!!
Monday, February 3 View Page
more --------->
Monday, February 3 View Page
and more ---------->
Monday, February 3 View Page
and more --------->
Monday, February 3 View Page
more orange
Monday, February 3 View Page
I spy a cool one in this pile
Wednesday, February 5 View Page
This is what the highway looked like this morning. still managed to do 50mph on it but it was snowy!!!
Wednesday, February 5 View Page
I have sent out a lot of seeds from my 334Arnold. If you plan to grow it in 2014, please keep in touch with me; would like to know how it does. Thanks!
Monday, February 10 View Page
More Seeds. Forgot to add these earlier 827 Gerhardt 923 Gerhardt
Monday, February 10 View Page
Currently have 53 seeds to choose from this year. How in the world am I going to narrow it down to 3 or 4????!!!
Tuesday, February 11 View Page
I was probably the only person in the garden department at the local stores last night. I have some very large grubs and corn maggots in my patch. Picked up some Triazcide at half price and also picked up some insect dust to apply to my main vines (later in the season) at half price also. Can't go wrong there. I'm going to be growing Lavender and Marigolds in my patch this year to combat insect issues. Picked up my seeds and pots to start them. Should be starting the Lavender this week (takes awhile to get going).
Tuesday, February 11 View Page
this is my resident cow who lives at our house :)
Thursday, February 13 View Page
Can't wait for April so I can see how my own seed does this year... very excited
Thursday, February 13 View Page
I wish I could post a video of how hard it is snowing right now. have not seen snow like this in quite some time.
Tuesday, February 18 View Page
don't worry...it's snowing again
Friday, February 28 View Page
I think I have settled on my choices for this year. FINALLY!!
Monday, March 10 View Page
patch is still covered in 7 inches of snow. Hoping I can see the ground by the weekend.
Tuesday, March 18 View Page
I can just about see my patch!!! Bad news, temps will be dropping off again next week. This time last year, it was 70 degrees in CT! What a difference a year can make! I am holding out hope that this weather will not affect planting of seedlings this year!
Friday, March 21 View Page
I can finally see my patch. Unfortunately they are forecasting a winter storm Tuesday into Wednesday. We just cannot catch a break this year. Going to get some plastic down in the patch this weekend in hopes to get the ground unfrozen. Time is ticking!
Monday, March 24 View Page
Well, I went to a calf sale over the weekend and couldn't help but come home with this cutie. She is a registered Jersey and will be added to the show string for this year
Friday, March 28 View Page
the weather has finally turned! going to be 50's and even 60 this coming week. My plan for the weekend is laying plastic to warm up the soil and getting to work on 2 new greenhouses. Going to wait until mid-april to till. The ground is still pretty frozen.
Monday, March 31 View Page
Just when we thought spring was coming; it is snowing again.
Friday, April 11 View Page
started my marigolds and my watermelon last night. We'll see how it goes. Waiting to start the pumpkins, for now. Patch is still too mucky to till.
Tuesday, April 15 View Page
2 inches of rain today...when will it end??
Wednesday, April 16 View Page
2 inches of snow and 25 degrees this morning. Low 20's forecasted tonight. Feel for those who put seedlings in already....
Monday, April 21 View Page
Started 25 more Marigolds yesterday. Starting pumpkin seeds this coming weekend
Tuesday, April 22 View Page
My watermelon seed did not want to cooperate. So, instead of growing 3 pumpkin plants this year; I am upping it to 4 plants! In celebration of Earth Day; I am starting my seeds today. I still do not know what I am planting so I guess I better figure it out today! Stay tuned!
Wednesday, April 23 View Page
so now that I am on my desktop here is my final decision for 2014: 1059 V/M 334 Arnold 13 (960 Gansert x 1131 Gansert) 754 Schweiger 10 (110 Schweiger x 993 V/M) 890 Stucker 05 (670 Daigle x 670 Daigle)
Thursday, April 24 View Page
Well here they are. Started in pots last night. Let the fun begin. Also finished 2 more greenhouses last night.
Monday, April 28 View Page
Added 12 bags of lime, Humic Acid, etc and tilled the patch yesterday. Expecting rain for most of the next week. Will add Gypsum after the rain and till once more.
Monday, April 28 View Page
754 Schweigert and 334 Arnold germinated. Nothing from the 1059 or the 2005 seed (yet)
Tuesday, April 29 View Page
here we go....
Wednesday, April 30 View Page
the 334 Arnold and the 754 schweigert popped up yesterday!
Thursday, May 1 View Page
Picture from last night. on the left is the 754 Schweigert. On the right is the 334 Arnold. Both of these seedlings are cruising along. The 1059 is just starting to pop up.
Friday, May 2 View Page
Nothing from the 890 Stucker 05. Going to start a 4th seed. The 334 Arnold and 754 Schweigert are on a roll. The 1059 V/M popped up with slightly deformed Cot leaves. Looks like it's still going to be OK though.
Monday, May 5 View Page
754 Schweigert and 334 Arnold (on the right). They will go in the patch this week.
Monday, May 5 View Page
my 1059 v/m. having trouble with this one. It's been abnormally slow compared to the others. It was started the same day as the 754 and 334. Took forever to Germ and when it finally did the cot leaves where deformed (almost looked burned on the ends). Within a day of giving it some help it popped up and started to look better. It has been under a grow light and I put it outside for a few hours in the sun for the past 2 days (to hopefully give it some help). It really has not grown much, cot leaves have been the same size for 2 or 3 days now. It has a tiny true leaf in the middle but it's looked the same now. It's green and it seems to be doing "ok" (hey, its alive!!) but not sure what it's issues are? Any ideas??
Tuesday, May 6 View Page
plants are doing really well. Very please this year!! I'm finally on-track!! My 890 Stucker '05 did not germ. So instead of growing that seed I have replaced it with.....drumroll....the 960 Gansert. It grew my 334 Arnold and it has been a great seed! It germ in under 24 hours and is popping out the soil already! I think it won't be too far behind the others. Excited to see how this seed does for a 2nd year in a row.
Tuesday, May 6 View Page
Plants are getting big. Very healthy looking. the 960 Gansert has great roots on it and it is popping out of soil now. The 1059 v/m has a true leaf on it but it is deformed also and very small, it is just starting to add more leaves now but they look to be extremely tiny also. It will go out in the patch with the other plants this weekend. Exposure to sunlight doesn't seem to be aiding it much. Good news is that it is still very much alive!
Thursday, May 8 View Page
Size comparison. The 334 and 754 are neck and neck in size but the 334 is a little more aggressive with new leaf growth. Both plants are extremely healthy looking and both will be going out to the patch this weekend!
Thursday, May 8 View Page
Here is the 1059 seedling with it's new true leaf. True leaf is extremely small and slightly deformed also. It's adding more leaves and has grown slightly. It's alive and that's all I care about :). It'll go out in the patch next week sometime.
Thursday, May 8 View Page
The 334 Arnold. Seems to be the most aggressive so far in terms of rapid growth. Not the biggest leaves but it's adding a lot of growth in a very short period of time. Excited to see what it does when it's in the patch
Thursday, May 8 View Page
The 754 Schweigert. Again a very aggressive plant but a little slower than the 334. Bigger leaves, very healthy looking. I think this one is going to take off once put in the patch.
Friday, May 9 View Page
960 Gansert (mother to my 334) is up and out of the soil. a little bit of a late start but it's the replacement for the 890 that didn't germinate. When I grew this plant last year it was also a replacement to a seedling killed by corn maggots and it wasn't started until the end of May so I have faith!
Sunday, May 11 View Page
View of the plants. The smallest one is the 960 Gansert which was started last week and is taking off like a rocket. Really surprised with how fast it's growing. The next biggest is the 1059 V/M, which, in all of its deformities, is finally starting to grow rapidly and looks great! The other 2 are the 754 and the 334. Both will be going out in the patch today. Potential for a monsoon later in the week but they're too big to keep in pots any longer. Time to sink or swim!
Tuesday, May 13 View Page
334 Arnold out in the patch last night
Tuesday, May 13 View Page
754 Schweigert finally out in the ground
Tuesday, May 13 View Page
the 1059. Small but its alive and its doing better everyday.
Tuesday, May 13 View Page
Finally a view of the patch. Need to till it once more but it's been so wet! The 960 Gansert will go out in a few days.
Wednesday, May 14 View Page
The 3 plants that are outside look good. Flourishing more everyday. Hoping to see some more progress in the coming days
Friday, May 16 View Page
3 inches of rain tonight...can you feel my excitement building??
Wednesday, May 21 View Page
No new pictures to share but plants are looking good. So far no sign of corn maggot damage this year. I think I beat those suckers this time!
Wednesday, May 28 View Page
I need to get some updated photos but it dropped 30 degrees overnight. didn't even vent the greenhouses today. cloudy, very cool and breezy. Plants are getting bigger but not vining yet
Thursday, May 29 View Page
we had frost this morning. good news is the plants seemed just fine in their greenhouses this morning. temps to return to the 80s next week so will be interesting to see if they take off.
Friday, May 30 View Page
Alright, time for some photos. This is the 334 Arnold. Picture doesn't do it justice. All of the plants are pretty big at this point. Looking forward to the 80 degree weather next week!
Friday, May 30 View Page
754 Schweigert also about the same size of the 334 Arnold. Both are showing signs of laying down very soon
Friday, May 30 View Page
The 1059 V/M has bounced back to life and is taking off like a rocket! It has the biggest leaves of any of the plants this far; surprising with the issues it was having. Also about the same size as the other plants in the patch.
Wednesday, June 4 View Page
the 334 Arnold is the first plant that is on the ground and running!! awesome, awesome!!!!
Monday, June 9 View Page
plants are just loving this weather. All 3 on the ground and running. the 960 Gansert (which was started a little later) is taking it's sweet time. still small but healthy and alive. Might be a good plant for one of the later weigh offs.
Tuesday, June 10 View Page
334 Arnold and the 754 schweigert outgrew their greenhouses last night. They are really taking off. 1059 V/M looks great too, also on the ground with about a 2 foot main right now. the 960 gansert is looking better and better with the warmer days.
Tuesday, June 10 View Page
Here is the 1059 V/M pictured on 6/10/14. It is the smallest of the plants in the patch in terms of length but it is very bushy looking. It will outgrow it's greenhouse by the end of the weekend.
Tuesday, June 10 View Page
the 754 Schweigert pictured on 6-10-14. 2nd longest in the patch. Close to about 4 feet in length right now. It laid down about 5 days ago and this is how fast it's taken off. very healthy and happy plant. Looking forward to watching it grow
Tuesday, June 10 View Page
334 Arnold pictured on 6/10/14. Longest plant in the patch and is right around 4 feet in length. Smaller leaves (which I like because they seem to handle the wind better). Very healthy and very eager growth in the last week. Forecasting 80 and 90 degrees this coming week so these should start to take off now! All of the plants in my patch are very healthy this year, very excited!
Monday, June 16 View Page
Plants are around 5 feet in length now. I can see some secondary vines starting now. My plants are still small compared to what I'm seeing in every other growers diary but this year I am thankful to have healthy plants that are on the ground and running right now. Weather for this week looks great so I am expecting a lot of growth this week. All plants got a dose of fish yesterday morning.
Tuesday, June 17 View Page
Finished putting up the wind barriers tonight as well as burying vines. 334 arnold and 754 schweigert are at 6 feet in length. 1059 v/m has very thick vines and big leaves but is only at 5 feet. Strong t storms expected tonight. Producing hail in NY. Hope it dies out before it reaches here
Tuesday, June 17 View Page
The 1059 v/m. Removed its hoop house last night. The vines on this plant are very thick and it is very "bushy" looking, big leaves. It's about 5 feet long and slowly taking its time adding growth.
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
754 Schweigert. 2nd biggest plant thus far. Very healthy and eager to grow.
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
334 Arnold. Not the best picture angle but it is the longest plant in the patch by about 6 inches or so. It's adding the most growth on a day by day basis. After I took these photos; I buried vines and watered everything. Right now I am only giving a dose of fish about once a week right now. I had a problem last year with too much nitrogen so I'm being cautious this year,
Wednesday, June 18 View Page
apparently it's windy today...very windy. I guess its a good thing I decided to put up wind barrier between the plants and bury vines last night. Plants better still be upright when I return home :)
Friday, June 20 View Page
we had a nice rain yesterday, we needed that. I couldn't keep up with watering in the heat. Plants seemed to enjoy it as they all put on significant growth yesterday. The 334 Arnold and 754 Schweigert are both around 7 feet long at this point. Secondary vines are taking their time but plants look very very healthy. So far I have not seen a single cuke beetle (which is great news). Looking forward to the beautiful streak of weather these next few days. 80 degrees and not humid and full sun!
Sunday, June 22 View Page
The 334 Arnold on 6/22/14. Growing like crazy. This weather has been absolutely perfect. If this type of weather keeps up for the next 2 months, expect some big pumpkins to come from New England this year. The plant is about 8 feet in length and has some secondaries that are about 1 foot in length. It's been so dry that its become difficult to keep up with watering. We need one good, drenching rain this week. I have done some weeding around the plants and I have found significant roots about 10 feet from this plant. It must love the soil in the patch this year!
Sunday, June 22 View Page
the 1059 V/M. I am very excited to see what this plant produces but it is one odd plant! It first started off with deformed leaves and was very stunted for awhile. All of a sudden it took off with rapid leaf growth but it is very, very slow to add vine growth. The main itself is very thick for a plant 6 feet in length. In addition, the leaves seem to be very bunched together. Its very, very healthy looking so I'm not too worried about it. As long as it's healthy, that's all that matters :) Maybe I'll have a nice late pumpkin on it for Topsfield or something
Sunday, June 22 View Page
754 Schweigert. Another beautiful, healthy plant. It's so exciting to see these healthy plants everyday. This plant has a baby kin at 8 feet on the main. Leaning towards culling it and waiting for one at 10 or 12 feet. Beautiful plant.
Wednesday, June 25 View Page
Chopped off every kin on the plants last night. Sad but I know the plants need to get a bit bigger. Also gave everything a nice dose of fish last night. Hoping that speeds up growth a bit; I was hoping to see more growth from the plants over this past week than what they actually did. Waiting on my liquid kelp to arrive....
Thursday, June 26 View Page
The 334 Arnold last night. We needed a good rain and we finally got one last night. I think the plants will add significant growth today with the heavy rain.
Thursday, June 26 View Page
the 754. It is neck and neck with the 334 but the 334 has a little bit more for secondaries. Looking forward to seeing how they are in the next few days.
Thursday, June 26 View Page
the 960 Gansert. It's on the ground and its going. Smallest plant but I'm not worried. Im still way ahead of where I was last year. Hoping this one puts on a beautiful pumpkin just like last year!!
Thursday, June 26 View Page
why the hell are my plants so long with very little secondaries and everyone has big beautiful, bushy looking plants?? ughhhh
Friday, June 27 View Page
plants look better after 2 heavy rains. 334 Arnold is taking off now. secondaries are at 2 and 3 feet in length. other plants are still taking some time. foliar fed with fish and kelp tonight. see if that helps
Sunday, June 29 View Page
Plants watered. Another 85 and sunny day. Grow grow grow.
Sunday, June 29 View Page
334 Arnold is rocking and rolling now. The amount of secondary growth in 2 days is impressive. It's following in its mothers footsteps in the same spot in the patch. It has 2 kins on it that I am planning to pollinate as it should have plenty of secondary growth by the time they open. Feeling much better about these plants now!
Monday, June 30 View Page
the 1059 last night. Getting longer and filling in a little better. it is throwing baby kins everywhere and they are rapid growers! I keep having to pick them all off. Secondaries are growing on this plant now. Just being patient with it
Monday, June 30 View Page
The 334 Arnold is rocking and rolling now!! It grew these secondaries over the weekend. It has 2 kins on the end of this vine. I'm thinking about pollinating them as the secondaries will be well developed by the time they open. Plant is looking really good right now and taking after it's mothers footsteps (its growing in the exact spot that it, itself, grew :)
Monday, June 30 View Page
754 Schweigert, putting on secondaries just slow to do it. Foliar fed with more fish and kelp tonight. Looking forward to seeing how it looks in a week.
Monday, June 30 View Page
a 1059 I plucked off a secondary on the plant last night. the vine it was on is only about a foot long and it grew into this that fast. quick little bugger
Tuesday, July 1 View Page
What should I pollinate the 334 Arnold with? It is a 960 Gansert x 1000 Gansert. I have pollen in the patch from the 1059 v/m or the 754 Schweigert? Should be opening by weeks end.
Wednesday, July 2 View Page
this photo makes this plant look small but trust me it's not. Rapidly putting on secondaries and taking off. I haven't officially measured it but it is probably is in the 13 foot long range. Will be pollinating a kin on the end of this plant by the weekend. It will be crossed with the 1059 V/M if I have pollen available. I still have not seen a single cucumber beetle, etc in the patch. Feeling fortunate for that. Last year they were everywhere. the 754 and the 1059 are both putting on small secondaries but still very reluctant to do so. Drenching with kelp/fish and foliar feeding hasn't seemed to help any. Going to try some blood meal and see if extra nitrogen helps them any.
Wednesday, July 2 View Page
don't think my plants are loving this weather today
Thursday, July 3 View Page
Golf ball size hail and 70 mph gusts traveling through CT right now. Just anchored down all plants with every bamboo stake I own. Was planning on pollinating 1 kin tomorrow. Guess we shall see how this goes!
Friday, July 4 View Page
Pollinated my first kin today... on the 334 Arnold! Crossed it with the 1059 v/m!
Friday, July 4 View Page
The 334 Arnold has taken command in the patch and taken off. This photo was taken on July 4th. Putting on a little over 1 foot of growth in main vine and secondaries everyday.
Friday, July 4 View Page
Pollinated my first kin and its on my very own plant! Pollinated this beauty at 10 feet on the 334 Arnold on July 4th
Saturday, July 5 View Page
Pollinated a 5 lobe on the 754 Schweigert. Crossed it with the 1059 v/m. Not sure if it'll take. The lobes themselves looked deformed? We will see
Sunday, July 6 View Page
Looks like the 334 x 1059 and the 754 x 1059 pollinations took. Both kins are considerably bigger this morning. I was worried about the 754 since the lobes appeared deformed but the next few days will tell if It will make it. Also concerned with the lack of secondaries on the plant but nothing seems to be helping. Seems like a like lot of other growers are having similar issues. Patiently waiting on a kin on the 1059. Should have one ready to pollinate this week.
Sunday, July 6 View Page
This is the 334 Arnold 2 days after pollination. Very excited to watch this grow. It is crossed with the 1059 Vincent McGill. Very excited for this cross and happy that this plant took off and I am somewhat on time this year!!
Sunday, July 6 View Page
I Pollinated a kin at 10 feet on the 754 Schweigert on Saturday, July 5th. I crossed it with the 1059 v/m. This plant still has very little secondaries on it which I think is partially my fault for burying the main too early. Oh well. This kin had some deformed lobes on it but it seems to have taken to the pollination and we will see how it does. Photo was at a day old.
Tuesday, July 8 View Page
Pumpkin on the 334 Arnold is growing. Already the size of my palm. Looking forward to watching it grow. Also pollinated another on the main of this plant. Cucumber beetles showed up this morning. Looks like war is on :). Plucked off a nice looking kin on the main of the 1059. Wasn't sure about it but I want the plant to grow a little more so I will patiently wait.
Wednesday, July 9 View Page
Saw my first SVB today...it was drowning in the horse water trough....hahaha...die! die! die! I've been keeping up with my spraying so hopefully this helps this year. Cucumber beetles showed up yesterday and by last night every one that I saw was dead on the leaves. Going to try some blood meal tonight to help the plants along. We are lacking rain so I've been watering like mad.
Thursday, July 10 View Page
Didn't see any cucumber beetles last night. hopefully it's a good sign. Spent the night burying vines and spreading a sprinkle of blood meal. Plants look like theyre lacking so lets see how this helps
Friday, July 11 View Page
Here is the 334 at 5 days old. Its a hefty little pumpkin. It's growing well; I have no complaints. I culled another kin off this plant in favor of this one. Will pollinate one more this weekend and see how it goes. So far; I think this is the keeper.
Friday, July 11 View Page
and here is the 334 plant. I like the looks of this
Friday, July 11 View Page
And here is the 754 Schweigert that is crossed with the 1059 v/m. Excellent shape on this kin at 5 days old. Not much plant behind this pumpkin so we will see how it goes.
Sunday, July 13 View Page
Everything looks good. Pumpkins are gaining everyday. 754 schweigert is going to be a beautiful pumpkin if it keeps going. Perfectly round and shiny skin. 334 arnold has nice shape like it's mother too. Lots of growing to do
Tuesday, July 15 View Page
I have never seen it rain so hard as it did last night. Expecting more big storms today. Plants seem to have handled it well. Both kins are growing like mad now. They doubled in size yesterday when I checked on them. Their both hitting the 10 day mark and starting to kick into gear.
Friday, July 18 View Page
I've been at a dairy cow show since Wednesday and won't be returning for another day. Excited to see the pumpkins when I return and how much they've been growing. They've had beautiful weather to fend for themselves for a few days lol
Monday, July 21 View Page
I haven't been able to water my plants in 6 days but they will get a long overdue drink tonight. Surprisingly the pumpkins are still adding considerable growth everyday. This is the 754 Schweigert at about 16 days old. Amazing shape on this and startint to put on orange color.
Monday, July 21 View Page
The 334 Arnold about 3 days shy of being 20 days old. Crazy color on this one already (and it's been kept covered!)
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
Pollination on the 1059 v/m. My first one. Not sure if this one will take; the bees stole all of my pollen from my flowers. I selfed it because they only flowers I had available were on this plant. There is another kin about 12 inches farther that I will pollinate to the 960 Gansert or the 754 Schweigert depending on flowers. Its a pretty kin though!
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
The stem end of the 754 Schweigert. A beautiful pumpkin. It was pollinated on July 6th so it is still very young. The plant is absolutely the saddest plant I have ever seen but the pumpkin keeps putting on impressive daily gains which is GREAT!
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
the blossom end of the 754. a real beauty, nice shiny skin. at this point I'm growing it just for the heck of it because the plant is virtually non existent
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
The 334 Arnold which was pollinated on the 4th of July. Growing nicely! Looks like this one is going to be VERY orange. It is extremely, extremely round all the way around; so much so that I have to prop it so it doesn't roll over lol. I don't think the shape will be quite as nice as the pumpkin before it but it will be very very orange.
Tuesday, July 22 View Page
The 334 Arnold Plant. By far the biggest in the patch. Its huge and its aggressive. Those of you coming on the Team-Pumpkin Patch Tour this weekend will get the chance to see all of these in person. I doubt my patch will be impressive compared to others on the tour :)
Thursday, July 24 View Page
pollinated one last pumpkin on the main on the 334 Arnold. Going to let it grow for a week and see how it looks. The plant is out of control and I am going to start cutting secondaries today. The pumpkin on the main that was pollinated on the 4th is growing well and will be VERY orange by the looks of it. Might not have the shape it's mother did but we shall see. Pumpkin on the 754 Schweigert is going to be a stunner. Adding rapid growth despite the complete lack of plant. If this pumpkin holds together; I'll be thrilled.
Thursday, July 24 View Page
This is the 334 Arnold at 20 days. Estimated weight is 40 pounds. Not too impressive and its a bit slow growing. I can tell you it must be thick because it is quite heavy to try and move it. Also turning very orange; hope its not aborting. Will keep an eye on it over the next few days. If no growth occurs; it will get culled. I pollinated one more female on this plant yesterday so it's now a wait and see game. The plant looks really nice which leads me to believe it shouldn't be lacking nutrients.
Thursday, July 24 View Page
This is the 754 Schweigert at day 17. It is estimated at 50 pounds. For those coming to the patch tour this weekend; you will see the plant this pumpkin is on and you will laugh. With that being said; the pumpkin is really adding growth in the last few days and boy is it going to be a beauty if it keeps going. I can easily move a 50 lb bag of grain but I can say this pumpkin is pretty darn heavy as it is getting very difficult to move it at all to reposition. The plant has pretty much shut down all growth because of this pumpkin but it seems to still be doing just fine with what it has
Friday, July 25 View Page
I still have the 960 Gansert plant going in the patch. its considerably smaller than the others because it was started so late but I'm just going to keep it in the patch just for the fun of it. Will set a pumpkin on it in the next week and see how it goes. The 1059 v/m looks pretty good; it has really matured in the last week. Still not sure if the pollination set from the other morning; if not, I have another kin coming in the next day or two
Friday, July 25 View Page
forgot to add that bugs seem to be minimal this year. have only seen a few cucumber beetles. Weather has been pretty good this year
Monday, July 28 View Page
To everyone that came to my patch yesterday for the patch tour, thanks for stopping! Sorry I didn't have more to show :) and the rain wasn't too bad. 754 Schweigert measured at 70 pounds yesterday at 20 days old. Spread some potash per Matt D. advice in between the storms last night. Culled the 334 Arnold yesterday due to a split near the stem. It wasn't meant to be. More kins coming on the vine now and the plant is massive. I'm still ahead of where I was last year so that is a bonus :). Pollinated a kin on the 960 Gansert yesterday. Plant is small and behind the others but that one is just for fun. Pollinated with the 1059. The pollination on the 1059 did not take but have another due tomorrow. Will cross with the 754 Schweigert for some line breeding to the 993. Not an impressive season thus far for me as the kins on the 334 just aren't working in my favor right now but at least I have one pumpkin in the patch lol!
Monday, July 28 View Page
This was the 334. such an oddball. You can see the split to the left of the stem
Monday, July 28 View Page
Inside of the 334. Weighed it and it was 52 pounds. Exact to the chart. Thick walls but it wasn't meant to be
Monday, July 28 View Page
This is the 334 Arnold plant. very impressive. Aggressive growth, very healthy. Lost the pumpkin on this plant on sunday so now I'm waiting for another one to pollinate.
Monday, July 28 View Page
The 754 Schweigert. Measuring around 80 pounds. Beautiful pumpkin; it is crossed with the 1059 v/m. If the plant can continue to support this pumpkin; I am very excited.
Tuesday, July 29 View Page
Pollinated a kin on the 1059 v/m this morning. I selfed it. Plenty of plant behind it so as long as the pollination takes it should take off.
Monday, August 4 View Page
Hoping the rain stops soon. Everytime I get a new kin on a plant; the weather dumps heavy rain and the pumpkins split within a day of pollination from rapid growth. So far the 754 Schweigert is going strong on its mini plant and it's loving life. Starting to put on orange color now and I love the look of it! At this point in time I have pumpkins on every plant in the patch: 1059 v/m, 334 Arnold, 960 Gansert, 754 Schweigert
Tuesday, August 5 View Page
You can see me in the rear of this photo. This is my 334 Arnold plant. Very. very impressive. Adding rapid growth everyday. I finally have one pollinated on it so here's to hoping it takes off now! This plant is a beast!
Tuesday, August 5 View Page
The 754 Schweigert hit 120 pounds yesterday at just a month old. Slow growth but a beautiful pumpkin. I can't complain; it's the only big pumpkin I have in my patch. Tiny little plant for this pumpkin and its still doing around 8 - 10 pounds a day. Hoping it can step it up a little bit with the weather this week
Tuesday, August 5 View Page
754 schweigert is starting to add growth to the plant now. Funny; after the pumpkin set on July 6th; the plant shut down and stopped growing. Now it's had a change of heart and is adding little by littler everyday. I cant complain. Plants look insanely healthy in the patch this year!!!
Tuesday, August 5 View Page
I have 2 pollinated kins on the 1059 now. 1 selfed and 1 crossed with the 754 Schweigert (double up on the 993 v/m with this cross). Let the fun begin. At this time last year I still didn't have a pumpkin on my plants. no complaints. GROW TIME
Wednesday, August 6 View Page
If there is one spot of a storm in the state...it will find my patch. Just got dumped on again for the 4th day in a row. Having issues keeping young kins going on my plants with these downpours. Except for the 754 Schweigert, I am back in the same boat I was last year. Pollinating in august! YEA!
Thursday, August 7 View Page
Pollinated a side vine kin on the 334 Arnold this morning. Better late then never I guess :/
Friday, August 8 View Page
50 degrees at 6am this morning. Cold mornings yesterday and for the next handful of days. Not very good for August! Highs in the 80s during the day though. 754 Schweigert did another 10 pound gain to 140 pounds yesterday despite the colder temps. Looks like this is my only hope for a fair pumpkin this year. Pollinated one on the 960 this morning. If it doesn't take; I'm pulling the plant. Also pollinated one on the 334 Arnold. If those 2 don't take; I think I'm debating pulling the plant. august 8th and I don't have a pumpkin going on this plant. pretty bummed!!
Monday, August 11 View Page
754 Schweiger is still going. over 160 now. Slow and steady. Nighttime temps are int he 50s lately. Very cold for august. At least its still been hot during the day but the night temps are definitely more like September. I'll be lucky if I break my pumpkin weight from last year at the rate im going...
Tuesday, August 12 View Page
As much as 3 inches of rain expected tomorrow. Please pray for my pumpkin lol
Wednesday, August 13 View Page
still pouring. Will check the pumpkin later today. Hopefully luck is on my side since its smaller and only at 170 lbs.
Thursday, August 14 View Page
good news is the pumpkin did not have any issues with the extreme rainfall. Bad news is growth has slowed to a few pounds a day. It just is not my year :(
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
I finally have pumpkins on my 334 Plant. Bad news; it's really late in the year and very cold for August = they just don't want to grow. Good news is; they look VERY orange. We shall see
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
Here is a kin on the 960 Gansert. Another one growing just for fun. Despite the cold weather this one is taking off at only a few days old.
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
Here is the only pumpkin I have that has potential to be taken to a weigh off. This is the 754. Taping in the around 200 pounds but thinking it might go heavy to the tape. Nothing special. Cold weather and lack of plant is hitting this one hard. Im lucky to get 5 pounds a day on it right now. oh well...
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
the pumpkin on the 1059 v/m. Good shape but a crappy stem. Fun to grow though; the plant has been very easy all summer
Tuesday, August 19 View Page
here are the stem splits that keep occurring on the 1059 kins. Usually they go into the skin and then the pumpkin Is done. So far this one seems to have stopped at this stage. Hopefully it stays like this and doesn't get any worse. This is my last chance for a pumpkin on this plant.
Friday, August 22 View Page
Pulling the 334 Arnold plant today. bummed. The kin I had on it aborted and a rabbit ate the end of my main vine off so no other chance for a pumpkin on this plant this year. Such a beautiful plant too...
Monday, August 25 View Page
This is the 960 Gansert just shy of 2 weeks old. It has been growing like crazy for the past 7 days despite the cold night temps. If it keeps growing like this good things are to come
Monday, August 25 View Page
Here is the 1059 v/m and it is just shy of 2 weeks old. Picking up steam now and looks great. I should grow this one on it's blossom end; it has very nice shape. It looks like a Jack B' Little gourd/pumpkin. So far it's stem issues have seamed to resolve themselves and now it's growing like a champ
Monday, August 25 View Page
Unfortunately this is the last photo of the 334 as I pulled it on Saturday. Such a beauty of a plant; I was very disappointed to do it. The pumpkin on it aborted and it was too late in the season to set another. There is always next year
Monday, August 25 View Page
Here is a photo of the 754 earlier last week. I do not have a current photo of it. You can see the lack of plant this thing is on. Im also fighting powdery mildew like crazy. The pumpkin is no longer eager to add growth so now I just have my fingers crossed and Ill take anything I can get with this one
Thursday, August 28 View Page
After several days of no change in measurement; the pumpkin on the 754 added another 10 pounds so it is around the 220 mark now. I don't think this one will be a personal best for me but if it's still growing, Im happy. The size of the plant is what is slowing this one up The 1059 is growing rapidly now. At 12 days old it measured 58 pounds and as of today its just past the 2 week old mark. It looks like a pin-wheel, very tall and narrow but perfectly symmetrical. Looks like this one must be pretty thick in the walls too, it's like a solid rock. Could be a pumpkin for one of the later weigh offs. The 960 Gansert is also at the same age as the 1059 pumpkin. At 12/13 days old it was measuring at close to 40 pounds. This one has great shape again for me. Really looking forward to watching it grow for the 2nd year in a row. Like the 1059, it is doubling in size daily. Both the 1059 and 960 are adding much more rapid gains than the 754 was at this stage but they also have more plant behind them. Weather is still very dry; makes watering very difficult. Luckily the august weather returned and we are back in the 80s everyday in the forecast. Hopefully this means good things for growth through September.
Thursday, August 28 View Page
Sprinkled some Urea and Bone meal around the plants last night. Not a lot, just a sprinkle. Hoping that it will help kick them into gear a little bit since they were struggling with the cold temps we had the last 2 weeks.
Thursday, August 28 View Page
This is the jersey calf I bought in March when she was a week old. Our show season is off to a great start! She is growing up and developing really well. She won her class and was Honorable Mention Jr. Champion at Connecticut State Jersey Show. Her next stop is Eastern States!
Friday, August 29 View Page
Maybe it should be ORANGEGENE not GREENGENE
Friday, August 29 View Page
Team-Pumpkin weigh off at Woodstock Fair
Friday, August 29 View Page
And without further delay.... my orange one for this year
Tuesday, September 2 View Page
This picture doesn't do the pumpkin justice for the color (flash was on, on the camera). Here is the 754 pictured on Saturday August 30th. I had another few days of it not showing any change in measurement. I drove out the driveway this morning and noticed I could see it from over the fence which means it grew, yeeeeha!! I did not measure it yesterday or Sunday. The color is getting better and better everyday and the shape is near perfect. We got heavy rain over the weekend from a storm which really drenched the soil (we needed it BAD). Weather forecast for the first week of September is HOT. Highs of 92 and very humid. Making up for the very cold august temps.
Tuesday, September 2 View Page
1059 v/m is looking really good. It is going to catch the 754 Schweigert in weight and size in the next week. It is adding extreme growth everyday. Fastest I have seen a pumpkin grow from day to day. It is on the main and backed by a very large plant. The plant is EXTREMELY healthy, aggressive and GREEN for being September. I will try and get some pictures of the plant today. It started off as a very deformed seedling and then took forever to grow and mature in the patch and its finally coming along like a freight train now. all of the vines on this plant are very large and the main vine is huge which means lots of nutrients going to that pumpkin. I'm currently fighting powdery mildew with the humidity and heat but it isn't as bad as it could be.
Tuesday, September 2 View Page
Here is a much better picture of the 754 from a few days ago. This really shows the color coming on.
Tuesday, September 2 View Page
and one last one. I think this is one of my favorite photos of my pumpkins
Thursday, September 4 View Page
Taped the pumpkins last night. The pretty orange one did 15 pounds and the 1059 pumpkin did 35 pounds yesterday. Nice to see them still growing and doing well into September. I did lose the pumpkin on the 960 Gansert and the plant will be pulled. Blossom end got soft and mushy; not sure why; the pumpkin was still growing despite. Weather is still very warm for September; highs in the 90's and 80s expected. Plants still look very healthy and adding main vine growth everyday. My pumpkins may be small but I can't complain
Monday, September 8 View Page
754 schweigert is still inching along; nothing dramatic to add other than it developed 3 stretch marks which means it is growing. Stem still looks good . Oldest leaves on the plant are dying off now but the leaves past the pumpkin still look amazing I wish I had good news to share about the 1059 but I don't. It developed two splits along the stem and skin yesterday. I'm not sure if it goes into the cavity as the splits are not wide enough to see into. I flushed it out with insecticide/fungicide and whatever I sprayed in the top crack came out the bottom crack so hopefully this means I am good to go. I caulked it to keep any bugs out. I will measure it today so hopefully it is still growing. If I take it to a weigh off ill dig the caulk out and drag it to a weigh off lol; for now it will serve its purpose of keeping insects out and keeping it dry. It didn't make any dramatic gains in the past two days so I don't understand why it split. We went from extreme hot and humid to much cooler and low humidity which could've done it. Oh well. They're both pretty to look at so if I make it another 2 weeks ill be doing ok
Monday, September 8 View Page
my little orange doing her thing. Has a few stretch marks now but that just means it's still growing. Still no secondaries on this plant so this pumpkins was grown off a 30 ft main vine only. I guess I can be happy with this result!
Monday, September 8 View Page
View of my two pumpkins in the patch last night. I have concluded that no matter the size; it is still an accomplishment to get one to grow until the end of the season. They may not be the biggest but they are still giant pumpkins!!
Monday, September 8 View Page
Here is a picture of my split repair. Doesn't look like it went into the cavity which is great news. Caulk will keep the insects from making it any worse inside. Last year when I had a split I had those little fruit flies getting into the pumpkin and making it 10x worse. Hopefully this helps
Monday, September 8 View Page
And lastly, here is the picture of the split. Not as bad as it could be. This pumpkins is very tall, pin-wheeled shape and seems to have very thick walls which should mean this tiny split didn't go very deep. Fingers crossed for some gains measured today!!
Wednesday, September 10 View Page
Blossom end split on the 1059. It's done. I'm so bummed. I think it is bigger than my pumpkin from last year so it would be a new PB for me. I am going to bring it to work later this week and weigh it on our shipping scale just so I know how big it got. the 754 still looks pretty. barely any growth at this point, temps are getting colder and the season is drawing to a close. Not a good season for me but there isn't much I can do about that!
Friday, September 12 View Page
The 1059 v/m continues to do solid daily gains besides for a growing blossom end split. It did a 10 pound gain yesterday and is now over 350 pounds which is a new personal best for me. I put a flashlight into the crack and no signs of rot...yet. Cool nights and very dry air are helping. I am thinking of cutting it from the vine this weekend and storing it in the barn until Durham. The 754 is still gaining, measuring over 250 now. Seems solid as a rock so hopefully it goes heavy. showing some skin splits on it now as the skin has matured and it's still growing.
Friday, September 12 View Page
Here is my 754 pumpkin. I used my shoe as a size comparison. It was my only option lol
Sunday, September 14 View Page
The 754 is up to 260 lbs. I have stopped all watering and fertilizing at this point. The 1059 is approaching 400 lbs with a massive split on the blossom. I have kept it covered which seems to have helped ward off rot.
Tuesday, September 16 View Page
This is the 754 photo taken last night. It is still growing. Over 400 pounds now and the inside of the pumpkin still looks good from the split. Very surprised. All of the walls seem very sturdy and solid thus far. This is a new personal best for me in my 2nd year of growing
Friday, September 19 View Page
the 1059 pumpkin with the giant holes in it is still going! up to 420 last night and its still doing 10 pound gains in measurement even with 38 degree nights! so far no mold, rot, smell or goo inside the cavity. I have been checking daily with a bamboo stake and it seems very dry and solid inside which is so odd considering I could stick my whole arm in it. It does not appear to be very thick inside so it will likely weigh light to measurement if I do take it to the weigh off The 754 pumpkin continues to grow small amounts. it is the most beautiful pumpkin I have grown, it is nicer than my one from last year. the color is unbelievable. I will cut them from the vine on Tuesday. Weigh off is Wednesday. I have a severe lack of help for getting these pumpkins in the truck for the weigh off so I am forced to cut a day early and make an attempt to get them loaded Tuesday night. From the weigh off I go straight to a wedding in Mass and then I come home and jump on a plane to Wisconsin to go show my calf at World Dairy Expo! Very hectic week ahead!!!
Friday, September 19 View Page
potential for frost tonight. growing season might come to an abrupt end.
Monday, September 22 View Page
Both pumpkins will be cut tomorrow (Tuesday) for weigh off on Wednesday. Good news is they are both still growing, bad news is that the deer have eaten most of the plant for the 754. Oh well. Its a good thing they waited until now to eat it. The 1059 is over 450 pounds in measurement now with a giant hole in the back of it that is ever-growing. Good news is, it is still solid with no signs of rot. It has been going for over 2 weeks now with no rot. I find this to be quite the accomplishment. If it holds together to go on a pallet tomorrow I will take it for a weight to the weigh off. It is a new Personal Best for me so I figure I should get the weight on it; even if I took it right back home with me. the 754, while small, is the most beautiful pumpkin I have ever grown. It is a deep red/orange now with the mosaic white pattern in it. It is gorgeous. Cant wait to see it on display at the fair. I took the time this past weekend to clean out all my supplies from the patch, take down the wind fence, etc. Growing season has come to a close now and its time to prepare for winter. Good luck to all at the weigh offs!
Monday, September 22 View Page
EDIT*** The picture of me witht he pumpkin above is the 1059, NOT the 754. That is the pumpkin with the giant hole in it
Monday, September 22 View Page
This is my calf and I winning Reserve Junior Champion at Eastern States. Junior Champion went to Arethusa Farm. I was beside myself and speechless; I wasn't expecting this. I told myself prior to this show that if she won at Eastern States I would take her to Madison to compete at World Dairy Expo. I didn't believe she was that good but apparently she is! She leaves for Wisconsin on Friday and I take a flight on Monday morning. A very exciting time indeed!!!
Tuesday, September 23 View Page
Harvesting both kins tonight for a weigh off tomorrow. Hoping all goes smoothly.
Tuesday, September 23 View Page
This is the 1059. Talk about a holy pumpkin! it is split up the front (happened yesterday) internally now which means it is still growing! I am up to 2 1/2 weeks with a wide open cavity and it has done over 150 pounds in growth. It is currently measuring over 470 pounds but it will likely go light as the insides are starting to dry out. Making an attempt to get it to a weigh off tomorrow just to get it weighed!!
Wednesday, September 24 View Page
My Durham Fair entry. She is small but she is beautiful!
Wednesday, September 24 View Page
Side view of this stunner. I've never had one in my patch that had such balanced, uniform shape to it.
Wednesday, September 24 View Page
1059 v/m is loaded. It's going to Durham for a weight. almost 3 weeks of growth with a giant hole in it and it isn't rotten! Proud of this one. Two of us couldn't pick it up on a blanket so we rolled it like a wheel onto the pallet. It stayed together which means its solid!!
Wednesday, September 24 View Page
both loaded and came to work with me for the day :)
Friday, October 3 View Page
My beautiful little pumpkin. Didn't go heavy but hey its still pretty! It wasn't an HD winner either but it made it to the scale...
Friday, October 3 View Page
My new PB! It made it to the scale! It even stayed rock solid for the past 7 days!! Yippeee! Not bad for a pumpking with a giant hole in the back of it! You could see right through this thing. Over 100 lbs better than last year so I'm happy. season is over now its time to relax
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
I only got about 20 seeds out of my 453 lb from the 1059 v/m. When I harvested the seeds; some had germinated inside of it! I'm currently letting this one grow just for the fun of it; wish I had space to grow indoors for the winter!! I guess I don't need to do a germination test for the seeds from this one; they were one step ahead of me! This pumpkin was a freak; growing with a giant hole in it for almost 3 weeks; making it to weigh off, and now the seeds were growing inside of it. These seeds should produce VERY orange. They were crossed with my 754 Schweigert pumpkin (the nice red/orange one in this diary) which is a 993 offspring.
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
And here is my solid entry for the weigh off this year. Not very big because the plant it was on was only 10 feet long! It's a nice porch sitter for the month
Tuesday, October 7 View Page
and here is my beautiful calf, Flirt. This picture was from Big E where she won her class and was reserve junior champion. She showed at World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI last week where she was mid-pack in a very "deep" class. She is likely going to Louisville in November for the All-American
Monday, October 20 View Page
Hope everyone had good weigh offs with their pumpkins. Growing season is officially done here. It was 28 this morning! brrrrr. Preparations for next year will begin soon. Going to till the patch and plant some winter rye. Trying to figure out what I want to do next year: Think I might go down to 2 plants for next year and do a bunch of small gourds, CT Field Pumpkins, etc instead of giants. We'll see. I have all winter to think about it. Heading to Kentucky in November with my calf to compete at the all-American!
Monday, October 27 View Page
I got an impressive seed count from my beautiful orange pumpkin. This thing was loaded inside. Nice uniform walls all the way around. I was very happy with it. If you are looking to grow Orange next year or would like seeds for your seed auction; please send me an email. I would be more than happy to send seeds. Just send me a prepaid bubble. These seeds are from the 754 Schweigert (HD winner) crossed with the 1059 VM. Doubling up on the 993 VM with this cross. Should produce beautiful pumpkins!
Monday, October 27 View Page
Here she is all carved for Halloween :)
Tuesday, November 4 View Page
get out there and VOTE today!!
Monday, November 17 View Page
Seeds are dry from my 754 x 1059 pumpkin that I took to Durham. I also have seeds from the 1059 which was crossed with the 754. Both crosses double up on the 993 V/M. If you would like seeds please send me an email; I will start shipments this week.
Monday, December 15 View Page
Well I may be sitting out the 2015 season. My patch is located in a neighbors field and they have decided to sell their home after Christmas. The land that the patch is on will go with their house. I don't think I am going to find a new place to plant for 2015 as I really do not want to till in virgin land only to fight grass growth the entire season. Id also be starting with an area that has no amendments added to it as spring time around here is so muddy; it's nearly impossible to run the tiller in the soil until May-ish. I am not counting out the 2015 season yet but I am preparing to sit it out as I am not going to plant my pumpkins on land that could be sold mid-season. again, if you would like orange seeds to grow next year please send me an email; I have plenty to go around. Merry Christmas to all
Monday, December 22 View Page
Some of you have been asking about your bubble envelopes for seeds. Quick explanation is I have been extremely busy with work, travel, and Christmas this year. I have the seeds and the bubbles and they will be going out in early 2015.
Wednesday, December 24 View Page
Merry Christmas to all. Blessings!
Monday, December 29 View Page
I have lots of orange seeds to spare if anyone is looking to grow Orange for next year, Nice orange crosses. I have a 1059 x 754 Schweigert and the 754 Schweigert x 1059. Both of those were HD winners!! I put together the seed packets today and will be shipping seeds this week! I also have good orange crosses from last year among others! Send me an email and a bubble and i'd be happy to send some out.


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