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Monday, September 08, 2014 farmergal New England

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754 schweigert is still inching along; nothing dramatic to add other than it developed 3 stretch marks which means it is growing. Stem still looks good . Oldest leaves on the plant are dying off now but the leaves past the pumpkin still look amazing

I wish I had good news to share about the 1059 but I don't. It developed two splits along the stem and skin yesterday. I'm not sure if it goes into the cavity as the splits are not wide enough to see into. I flushed it out with insecticide/fungicide and whatever I sprayed in the top crack came out the bottom crack so hopefully this means I am good to go. I caulked it to keep any bugs out. I will measure it today so hopefully it is still growing. If I take it to a weigh off ill dig the caulk out and drag it to a weigh off lol; for now it will serve its purpose of keeping insects out and keeping it dry. It didn't make any dramatic gains in the past two days so I don't understand why it split. We went from extreme hot and humid to much cooler and low humidity which could've done it.

Oh well. They're both pretty to look at so if I make it another 2 weeks ill be doing ok

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