John D.:
Hello All, In case anyone doesn't already know, Brett's handle is "The Pumpkinguru".
The Pumpkinguru:
Oh, yep, this is Brett, The Pumpkinguru
John D.:
Before we start, I would like to thank Brett for taking time out of his early evening (West Coast) and welcome him to the "Featured Grower" chat room.
Mark P...:
nice place bret saw it on joes video the wife doesn't think I have a problem now after seeing the video thanks lol
The Pumpkinguru:
Thanks John.
The Pumpkinguru:
Thanks. It was my grandfathers house, bought it from my grandma
What state are you in Brett?
The Pumpkinguru:
I am in Oregon
The Pumpkinguru:
Canby to be exact
How big is your patch Brett?
The Pumpkinguru:
currently it is 8 sites averaging 35 x 35
Any advice for a first time grower Brett?
The Pumpkinguru:
DJK dont be afraid to ask questions and be annoying
Brett, I have missed the times you have been on chat and talked about the Flag Pattern. Can you explain it a little tonight?
The Pumpkinguru:
I sure can. The flag is kinda cool.
The Pumpkinguru:
I'll hold off till everyone gets here
The Pumpkinguru:
I'll go into the centipede, stripe and any other pattern too.
hey Brett how many days?
The Pumpkinguru:
I plant on April 19th and pluck on first Sat in Oct.
John D.:
Brett, Can we start off with some background info, such as how you got started with this hobby?
The Pumpkinguru:
The Pumpkinguru:
I got started in the hobby by raising a garden with my grandpa.
The Pumpkinguru:
We were challenged by a guy down the road to beat his 50 pound pumpkin.
The Pumpkinguru:
So I did the research and found this variety called the Burpee Prizewinner
The Pumpkinguru:
The first year we cranked out a 133.5 pounder. Thinking it was the biggest ever we went to Tallinas
The Pumpkinguru:
Fully thinking we were going to win.
The Pumpkinguru:
Well, we beat only one person, an 8 year old kid in the children class by only 1.5 pounds
The Pumpkinguru:
I don't like getting beat, so we found out about Atlantic Giants and got in heavy
The Pumpkinguru:
That first fruit was in 1994
The Pumpkinguru:
My grandfather passed away in 1997 and didn't get to see the 1000 pounder, but I keep growing cause I know he is watching.
The Pumpkinguru:
The last thing we did together was load a pumpkin for the state fair
The Pumpkinguru:
Anyway, that and the fact that I love the sport is why I grow
Brett That was good that you and him shared that experience together.
Brett, do you use the 16 x 16 ft temp greenhouses like Joel?
The Pumpkinguru:
My cloches are only 8 x 12 or so. gets warm early here usually
The Pumpkinguru:
Lets see, my PR is 1028 Pumpkin and 986 Squash (real squash) I am 29 years old and now have a Mrs Guru as of Dec 2000
What kind of watering system do you use?
The Pumpkinguru:
My watering system is all automated. PVC underground to overhead impact sprinklers.
The Pumpkinguru:
Auto fert injecter, auto heat turn on etc.
Mark P...:
Your Dosatron, where did you buy it and how much was it?
The Pumpkinguru:
The Dosatron, awesome and worth the 200 ish I paid for it.
Do you fertilize every time you water with the auto system?
The Pumpkinguru:
This may sound strange, but I only fertilize maybe three times during the plants life. I let my soil prep do most of the work
cool. so what is your soil prep regimen?
The Pumpkinguru:
My soil prep is like this. 20 yards of mint compost per site, dolopril lime/calcium, add slow release fert. and make the top foot or so of my soil like one huge 'glory hole'
Brett, what do you see as the single most important piece of the giant pumpkin growing puzzle?
The Pumpkinguru:
Ths single most important thing is keeping an open mind and be open to change. Don't stop learning.
Brett, do you pollinate fruit on sec. vines?
The Pumpkinguru:
Fruit on secondaries, oh yes. I try for the main, but have no fear of secondaries, the 1034 was on a secondary
pumpkin kid:
No manure Brett?
The Pumpkinguru:
I add micros, pumice, used potting soil, regular ferts.
The Pumpkinguru:
Nope, no more manure
pumpkin kid:
What type of slow release?
Any particular reason why no manure?
Why no more manure?
The Pumpkinguru:
Manure is too hard to work with. Mint is also higher in nutrients, and well it smells like mint
The Pumpkinguru:
It also fluffs up your soil.
The Pumpkinguru:
I love it. This year I will be adding 100 yards or so old potting soil for 2003
The Pumpkinguru:
Mint compost is harvested mint plants?
How did you start using this mint stuff?
The Pumpkinguru:
Mint plants after they have had the goodie steamed out of them.
The Pumpkinguru:
I started using mint in 1999. What a difference
Would this work growing as a cover crop?
The Pumpkinguru:
Oh no, you dont want live mint in your patch. It is as bad a chickweed
The Pumpkinguru:
I don't have a cover crop
Where do you find mint? Brett
The Pumpkinguru:
We have mint farmers up and down the whillamette valley
Brett, how far off is that first 1500 lb pumpkin and where will it come from?
The Pumpkinguru:
Ah, the 1500 pounder
The Pumpkinguru:
It will be in the Ohio/ Penn area, or in the NW. I guess around 2012
The Pumpkinguru:
Steve Daletases 1230 would have done it at only like 3% heavy. It measured 1476 lbs
The Pumpkinguru:
The most volume by a long shot. It dwarfed the 1262
The Pumpkinguru:
We can do 1500
Mark P...:
Osmocote how much do you use per plant Brett?
pumpkin kid:
and what formula?
The Pumpkinguru:
Osmocote, Meister, all works. I use balanced like 20-20-20 6 month
The Pumpkinguru:
Then I adjust using other faster ferts
How much 20-20-20 would you use on 1 plant in pellet things form?
The Pumpkinguru:
Oh man. I'll be honest, I don't measure
The Pumpkinguru:
I go till it 'feels' right. Scary hugh
A heavy coat would you say or light?
The Pumpkinguru:
15-20 lbs per site?
The Pumpkinguru:
maybe more
I've got a barrel full of it at the farm so I was just wondering
The Pumpkinguru:
If I put on all my ferts at the same time it would look heavy
Brett, do you bury all your stems?
The Pumpkinguru:
Stems, you mean stump?
The Pumpkinguru:
I used to, but I started getting stump rot and losing the main root. Not good
john boy:
Brett, was your biggest pumpkin on the flag style?
The Pumpkinguru:
My biggest fruit on a flag was the 821, but my fastest growing fruit of 2001 was on a flag and blossom split, darn it
Brett, how much time per day you spend in the patch?
The Pumpkinguru:
Average day, between Lisa and I, probably 4 man hours
pumpkin kid:
Brett do you trench then bury or just throw dirt on top of the vine?
The Pumpkinguru:
I definitely trench and bury.
What do you mean trench?
The Pumpkinguru:
Trenching was developed by Jack and Sherry Larue.
The Pumpkinguru:
Dig a 6 inch trench where you want the runners to go and lay the runner in them as they grow, then bury
The Pumpkinguru:
My runners are usually about 4 inches underground
Mark P...:
sandy soil or clay soil bret?
The Pumpkinguru:
It used to be sandy loam, but no I don't know what you would call it. Looks like potting soil
Ken D.:
What is your organic matter percentage?
The Pumpkinguru:
My organic % is around 6-8%
john boy:
Brett, do you plant in the same area, every year?
The Pumpkinguru:
Same old places. If you keep the disease out, it works
The Pumpkinguru:
Kirk Mombert has been in the same places for over 20 years
Do you grow any other strange things....tomatoes, log gourds etc.?
The Pumpkinguru:
Yep I grow or have grown just about all the giants veggies
pumpkin kid:
have much problem with weeds
What seeds are you planting this year?
The Pumpkinguru:
Ahh, seed question.
The Pumpkinguru:
Top 5 are the 723, 846, 801, 712, 705.
The Pumpkinguru:
Second 5 are a tougher choice
Are you going to be planting your 611 this year?
The Pumpkinguru:
940 Mombert, a second 705, my 611, 895, and 968
The Pumpkinguru:
Yes, my 611 is going in for sure
What do think of the 810 snow
The Pumpkinguru:
810 Snow, not sure about that one
What do you think that 611 is capable of?
The Pumpkinguru:
The 611 has an 1100 pounder in it I am sure
The Pumpkinguru:
The 1034 may have made it
pumpkin kid:
i think so too
The Pumpkinguru:
I like the looks of the 1075 Daletas seed as well
Mark P...:
1034 will the offspring be orange a pretty orange Brett
The Pumpkinguru:
The 1034 genetically should be nice and orange as far as offspring, but, it does have the 900 lyons in its genes
Mark P...:
pumpkin kid:
weeds Brett a problem
The Pumpkinguru:
I have bad chickweed
The Pumpkinguru:
It is a pain, but it seems to not hurt much
pumpkin kid:
that crawls on the ground
did you ever try straw around your plants?
The Pumpkinguru:
I have thought about it, but man thats a lot of work. I am aweful lazy
i'm the same
tell us about the flag style
Mark P...:
floating row cover do you use it in the fall
The Pumpkinguru:
Is it time for the Flag??
john boy:
Brett, what pesticide do you use
The Pumpkinguru:
Subdue and alliete for fungus, various for bugs
What do you think about using Sevin on your plants?
The Pumpkinguru:
Hey if it helps kill the bad guys, use it
The Pumpkinguru:
Just can't make pumpkin pie after harvest
The Pumpkinguru:
did you ever use rotenone
The Pumpkinguru:
Nope, but I may try some rootshield type stuff this year
The Pumpkinguru:
Okay to get them out of the way, here are some plant patterns. ready?
Brett, I think anyone who doesn't know about the Flag style, would benefit from learning about it!
pumpkin bill:
hi Brett,i don't know if this was covered yet,do use calcium nitrate if so how much
The Pumpkinguru:
Okay first is the "Snake" or Anaconda should you want a fancy name.
The Pumpkinguru:
Pretty simple, cut off all secondaries, bury all the main runner you can without termination. Fertilize the crap out of it, and hope you one fruit on this plant doesn't split.
The Pumpkinguru:
I have heard this main runner alone can push fruit at 20 lbs a day.
The Pumpkinguru:
Any questions about the Snake?
How far out would you try to set the fruit on the snake?
Brian C.:
What the biggest pumpkin grown from it?
The Pumpkinguru:
It is great for experimental seeds as you can plant a bunch in a small area, just may lose oveall fruit size.
The Pumpkinguru:
I would set fruit around the 12' mark and the biggest fruit I have heard of was in the 650 range.
andy W:
How long did the vine get?
Does the main get terminated?
The Pumpkinguru:
The one I did went out about 45', and no termination of main.
The Pumpkinguru:
Keep trenching and burying that puppy
The Pumpkinguru:
It sounds funny, but if you have a little room on the side of your patch, try it
The Pumpkinguru:
Next size up would be the flag
Ken D.:
Brett, you want to take a quick break?
The Pumpkinguru:
Okay, basically, imagine the main runner as being your flagpole
The Pumpkinguru:
Sure Ken. I'll go give my wife a quick kiss and catch some more food
Ken D.:
OK, take 5 and we will pick up with the Flag!
Ken D.:
Tonight's chat is sponsored by US .....
Ken D.:
We will be drawing for three bumper stickers and one t-shirt at the end of the program.
John D.:
Thanks again for Kilr for putting this chat together.
who is sponsoring the next 2 featured grower chats?
Ken D.:
We are working on that!
Ken D.:
Our day jobs keep getting in the way!
This is great, really giving me alot of info, thanks
You have day jobs?
When was this made, when did it start?
Ken D.:
huh? what do you mean?
When did you start to make the site what year etc.?
Ken D.: has been around for 3 years.
Ken D.:
We have been growing and growing and growing....right guys?
John D.:
More cool stuff is in the wings too... working on it as we chat....
Ken D.:
The featured grower chat is new. We have had a few other ones and plan to continue as long as the talent keeps coming in!
john boy:
Ken, you and John and Kilr are doing a great job.
Did anyone ask about calcium showers or baths?
Mark P...:
You and John have done a great job this beer is for you.
Ken D.:
Ken D.:
Keep your eye out for a re-design of the diary section for this season!
John D.:
Glenn's favorite holiday comming up...
Ken D.:
St. Patty's day?
Ken D.:
Brett, let me know when your ready.
The Pumpkinguru:
Okay, Ready to go
Ken D.:
on with the flag...
The Pumpkinguru:
Lets start with a square site
The Pumpkinguru:
Now, draw two lines making an x splitting your site into 4
The Pumpkinguru:
In the center of your site make 4 dots just out from the center, one in each quadrant
The Pumpkinguru:
Those dots are the 4 root stumps of your plants. Oh, this site should be at least 35 x 35 feet
The Pumpkinguru:
Now then, the main runners should each head to a different corner so that each plant gets its own area to fill in.
The Pumpkinguru:
Run your secondaries perpendicular to the main so that no plants are growing secondaries towards each other.
The Pumpkinguru:
Questions so far?
Mark P...:
Secondaries only on one side, right?
The Pumpkinguru:
Yes, cut off all secondaries on one side of your plant
The Pumpkinguru:
Now then for fruit set, and this is key. You want to set a fruit on the same side as your secondaries
The Pumpkinguru:
The main runner will make it to the corner, at that point, turn it so that it borders the site
john boy:
Brett, fruit on the main or the secondaries?
The Pumpkinguru:
In the flag style, just the Main
The Pumpkinguru:
Set on the secondaries only if the main won't take.
The Pumpkinguru:
I also let the runners nearest the fruit trail on and border as much as I can.
Ron H:
Why fruit on the same side as the secs?
The Pumpkinguru:
The main and those two nearest the fruit really feed that pumpkin
The Pumpkinguru:
Ron, if you look closely at the route the 'veins' of the plant take, you can see that not all of the main runners veins go into the fruit, half go right on by.
pumpkin kid:
How far apart are your 4 plants from each other?
The Pumpkinguru:
the half on the opposite side of the runner as the fruit. This is where the flag idea came from
pumpkin kid:
few feet?
The Pumpkinguru:
The stumps are about 3 feet apart.
The Pumpkinguru:
Okay, let the questions fly.
Mark P...:
After the first 3 secondaries you cut off every other one until the fruit?
The Pumpkinguru:
Mark, yes I do. I cut off every other secondary after the first three as things get too crouded and you lose efficiency
The Pumpkinguru:
The runners and leaves are too close together and start competeing. also makes pest control and weeding easier
Mark P...:
Do you keep setting fruits on the main and cull them when they get the size of a b-ball to keep the plant young?
The Pumpkinguru:
I let them get about softball size.
Hi Brett. Do you put anything under your pumpkins?
The Pumpkinguru:
Yep, I sure do.
The Pumpkinguru:
I use that paper mill fabric under my fruit.
Brett, whatever happened to that pumpkin you grew underground last year?
The Pumpkinguru:
That subterranean fruit was a hoax. The 815 Checkon threw massive stems, like 15-20 inches long and 6-8 inches thick, but the fruit only got about 20 pounds.
The Pumpkinguru:
The icecube theory of 90% underground made for a good pic.
had me going:)
The Pumpkinguru:
It looked cool, and with the size of the stem, looked believable
John Mc:
Hi Brett , do you try to keep your fruits out of the sun or full sun?
The Pumpkinguru:
I try to get all day sun on the plants, and no sun at all on the fruit.
pumpkin bill:
Brett, how big is the pumpkin patch?
The Pumpkinguru:
My patch is 8 sites averageing 35' x 35'.
John Mc:
Do you give them calcium wraps or baths?
The Pumpkinguru:
Nope, no calcium stuff, yet.
The Pumpkinguru:
Oh getting back to the fruit shading.
The Pumpkinguru:
I heard an interesting theory on true green squash.
The Pumpkinguru:
Why are squash green? Well they are full of chlorophyll and the fruit itself is photosynthesizing.
The Pumpkinguru:
HMMMM, perhaps that is why they weigh so well, the actual flesh of the fruit is alive and active in the plants energy production
Brett, how many and how would you grow in a patch 50 x 80?
The Pumpkinguru:
50 x 80, I would go 40 x 80 and use the extra 10 feet on that side for a couple flags.
Do you think the calcium baths have some merit?
Mark P...:
Centipede style, explain?
The Pumpkinguru:
Wahoo, the Centipede.
The Pumpkinguru:
Okay. Cut your square site in half.
The Pumpkinguru:
not diagonally, horizontally.
The Pumpkinguru:
Again start your 2 plant in the center one will have essentially two mains running one way, the other plant will go the other way
The Pumpkinguru:
This style is used in Ohio
The Pumpkinguru:
as a note
The Pumpkinguru:
Okay, have your main runner parallel the line you made dividing your site, but for only about 2 feet, then turn it so that it is heading away from the other half of the site.
The Pumpkinguru:
now then just run secondaries on that side of the half site, kinda like a flag.
The Pumpkinguru:
Soon a second, or back main will come out, do the same thing only on the other half of your half site.
The Pumpkinguru:
I need to make pictures of this and get them on this site.
Mark P...:
set two fruits on this plant
The Pumpkinguru:
When the mains reach the edge of the site, turn them so they are going the same direction as the secondaries and let them trail on cutting off all the secondaries after it reaches the last turn
The Pumpkinguru:
This allows for a fruit on each main, two on each plant
The Pumpkinguru:
Any questions?
Mark P...:
Biggest fruit on this style is?
The Pumpkinguru:
Mark, I have no clue.
The Pumpkinguru:
I think Dave and Nic have used this style.
Do you use kelp at all?
The Pumpkinguru:
Yes, I do use Kelpmeal.
The Pumpkinguru:
It is a great fert and also helps boost the plants immune system.
Do you use Ironite?
The Pumpkinguru:
I used it for the first time last year. I didn't notice the difference in Ironite sites and non Ironite sites.
The Pumpkinguru:
I will use it again, it is a good fert, but others are good too.
The Pumpkinguru:
Our water tastes like a rusty nail, so our plants get a lot of iron anyway.
Mark P...:
What is your goal for this year Brett?
The Pumpkinguru:
At this point, my goal is to beat my personal best. I also want a 1000 pound true green squash. No squampkin.
The Pumpkinguru:
I am also going after our state record for giant beet.
So your an anti-squampkin?, LOL
The Pumpkinguru:
Squmpkins are the anti-fruit!
The Pumpkinguru:
Mark P...:
What is your favorite growing style and why?
The Pumpkinguru:
Hmmm. Good question. I like the flag for you can greatly increase your gene pool to choose from.
The Pumpkinguru:
But I like the good old christmas tree.
The Pumpkinguru:
Now, this year I am trying the centipede, and will probably like it too.
Ken D.:
What style will you use on your top 5 this year?
The Pumpkinguru:
The top 5 will all get x-mas trees.
The Pumpkinguru:
I am going with 8 trees and 8 flags.
Mark P...:
How do you determine what pumpkins to cross?
The Pumpkinguru:
Try to keep orange with orange, squmpkin with squmpkin, and squash with squash.
The Pumpkinguru:
I also like doing the cross with heavy and vigorousity.
The Pumpkinguru:
As it turns out though I like crossing pumpkin with the 900 Lyons.
Do you believe there is a relationship between quick germinating seeds and large pumpkins?
The Pumpkinguru:
I would have to say no.
The Pumpkinguru:
Germination times have so much to do with micro climate of the germination area. Also, the most vigorous plant vegetatively also may not produce your fastest growing fruit.
Mark P...:
Is it true your wife does all the work out in the patch while you drink beer? LOL
The Pumpkinguru:
Lisa does the pollinations and a lot of the subcanopy weeding. She is smaller than me
Are there any new crosses this year that you find particularly appealing?
The Pumpkinguru:
I like a lot of seeds from 2001. Wow!
The Pumpkinguru:
The 1075 Daletas looks tasty.
What about the 975 Emmons?
The Pumpkinguru:
Of the Emmons, I like the 922.
The Pumpkinguru:
I also like my 1034, 611 Hester with the 801 Stelts as the daddy.
The Pumpkinguru:
I think Jerry Rose did the 611 with the 801 too.
pumpkin kid:
Yes I did.
Mark P...:
Thank you very much for answering my questions Bret. You are cool.
Mark P...:
The Pumpkinguru:
You are welcome.
John Mc:
To date, what are your thickest walls and what have you done to thicken them?
The Pumpkinguru:
The thickest walls go to my 986 squash, by far!
The Pumpkinguru:
They were over twice as thick as a pop can is tall.
The Pumpkinguru:
There were strands of fiber connecting inside the fruit, even at 986 lbs.
Do you believe the 1167 Handy may be a good seed down the road?
The Pumpkinguru:
The 1167 is a formitable seed.
The Pumpkinguru:
Get them if you can.
The Pumpkinguru:
There were not many, and they are nice with a nice potentially heavy cross.
The 545 Handy 99 throws quite heavy if anyone wants heavy.
Got three woo hoo!
Do you have your soil tested each fall and do you think that values higher then recomended is good?
The Pumpkinguru:
Okay, soil. Cool. Once your soil is good, all nutrients available and in good supply, don't go too far.
The Pumpkinguru:
Remember that a plant can only take up so much of each nutrient and if you get too much of one it can actually reduce the uptake of the others.
How deep is the quality soil tilled?
The Pumpkinguru:
In my patch I go about a foot down. I would go up to 18 inches if my tiller went that deep.
The Pumpkinguru:
Any deeper and you are wasting your time
Do you want to raise your OM percentage?
The Pumpkinguru:
Heidi, Always. The higher the better.
The Pumpkinguru:
If I could get 20%, I would be cool.
The Pumpkinguru:
Rain forest topsoil is around 75%, that is some great dirt there.
Do you dig a "planting pit" or sweet spot to plant?
The Pumpkinguru:
No glory holes here. I shoot for the top 12" of the whole site rather than a 4 x 4 x 4 hole that might collect water.
Ken D.:
Nice job tonight Brett! Thanks for getting in the hot seat!
The Pumpkinguru:
No problem Ken. It's fun.
Ray A:
Thanks Brett
The Pumpkinguru:
Everyone is welcome.
john boy:
Thanks Brett
The Pumpkinguru:
Again, you guys are welcome. Anytime I have a spare few, I would do it again, its fun.
Thanks Brett (& Lisa for letting us borrow him)!
Ken D.:
Nice job!
The Pumpkinguru:
Thank you.
Ken D.:
Goodnight everybody!
The Pumpkinguru: