Ken D.:
Hi Alan, welcome.
Alan N.:
Hello everyone
Ken D.:
Are you ready for an evening of questions?
Alan N.:
Ken, Yes I'm ready
Ken D.:
We will try and keep the pace but feel free to tell us to slow down when you need too.
Ken D.:
Just answer them the best you can and try and stick to the order of asking.
Alun J:
yeah..stop for a rest when your fingers fall off
Alan N.:
Ken, okay...if I miss any questions please ask again
Alan. Have you ever used giberrelins or other PGR hormones?
Alan N.:
No..I haven't used any hormones as of yet
what pruning patterns and rules do you use?
Alan N.:
I grow christmas tree style at 700' this year
Mike Frantz:
how many ft in the past?
Alan N.:
Last year was 900'...a little too much
4 plants again?
Alan N.:
Yes 4 plants this year
Hi Alan-first time for me on the chat room for myself the correct seed is most important , what is next? amount of water, fertilizer, soil pH?
Alan N.:
Swain...I would say all, but water is very important
Do you foliar feed at night or in the morning
Alan N.:
I foliar feed in the morning after the dew
how long are your secondaries?
Alan N.:
this year secondary will be at 14'
thanks Alan!
Any specific type of calcium supplements? Wraps?
Alan, how often do you water and how much?
hi Alan what's your line up for this year
Alan ,,,,,how long were the secondarys before
Alan N.:
16 feet secondaries before...a little much I think
I have access to all the horse manure i can use the only thing is they bed with wood shavings does this matter
SIR pumpkin:
Sneakysnake, it's not a great idea to get shavings in there, (Involving acidic reasons)
thanks will leave it alone
SIR pumpkin:
Now, if you could get it without all the shavings, then you might just be A.. ok.
what is your organic %
Alan N.:
Organic was 6% at last check...too low
Alan-how much water per day?
Alan N.:
Water all depends on conditions....I keep the soil moist..maybe 150 gallons max during the summer
Hi Alan, What do you use for foliar feeding.
Alan N.:
mainly fish/seaweed for foliar feeding...did use some miracle grow in June
Ben Bortner:
Any new major additions to your patch this year? Like your windbreak and water tank?
Alan N.:
Ben...yes a new hail protection set up to be used all season long
Ben Bortner:
Alan - Do you use rain water in the collection tank?
Alan N.:
Water in Tank comes from our well....and a small 15' well that gets full early spring
what seeds are you planting this year
what OM% would you strive for?
Alan N.:
I would love 15 to 20%
do you temperate your water
how warm does the water get in the tank?
Alan N.:
Water in tank gets to about 75 to 80 degrees
How often do you apply pesticides and what do you use?
Alan, Do you have any favorite insecticides? Systemic or contact?
Alan N.:
Yes..I use liquid Seven and a systemic called Admire
Alan N.:
Remember Admire is restricted and you need to check your state rules
Admire contains Imidacloprid which is also marketed as Merit (non-restricted)
Alan N.:
Tremor...Thanks for the info
Your welcome
Alan N.:
sorry if I'm missing questions
no problem, it's hard
What do you believe to be a good pollinator for your 845?
Big Dave the Hamr:
Alan Dave Hampton here What system do you use to pick your main fruit first one on main?
Alan N.:
Hi Dave...I pollinate all on main and then measure at 14 day's...I'm looking for over 30" at day 14 and solid shape
Big Dave the Hamr:
same system i use its a great way to do it thanks
Alan N.:
Dave...It seems to work well and usually I can pick a favorite
How often to you apply the pesticide
Alan N.:
Dave...about once a week
are you going to plant your 845?
Alan N.:
I will plant my 845 as a back up
what else on the seed selection this year?
Alan N.:
Seed Selection....not sure as of yet...probably 723 and 845 Bobier
all proven seed?
Alan N.:
All proven seed for main plants
Thanks Alan
what kind of watering system sprinkler, soaker hose or other method?
Alan N.:
Water system...I have always done overhead by hand...this year I'm using whizzer heads plus hand
fruit shade - I know you use tarp. Should there be any air circulation or cover it tight?
Alan N.:
I like air circulation along with enough cover to protect the fruit...I cover during bad weather
One Dude:
what fungicide do you use
Alan N.:
Fungicide...Daconil...basic stuff
Do you bury all vines?
Alan N.:
Dave...bury all vines except the main...I like to keep track of it
Alan, someone asked earlier a good question, would you have a preferred pollinator for the 845?
Alan N.:
Tremor..I have a lot of learning to do as far as genetics go....that's tough for me to answer
Me too!!! Thanks
how big would be your greenhouse and how long do you keep it on?
Alan N.:
Greenhouse this year will be like Joel Holland's....16' by 16'. Last year was terrible with cold and wet and I lost a 723 and 712...OUCH
Alan, Once you have a pumpkin set on your main, how much plant do you let grow behind it. IE main and secondaries
Alan N.:
Brad...Good Question..I have always let the plant fill up my growing area after the pumpkin...this year I'm thinking about letting only 5'; or so behind the fruit
me too, thanks alan
pumpkin bill:
hi alan,do you use calcium nitrate,if so how much?
Alan N.:
About 10 pounds of Calcium Nitrate during starting time...I will be messing around with the Calcium Metalsolates also
pumpkin bill:
I irrigate w/spring fed pond - I am concerned w/water temp. How cold is too cold?
Alan N.:
I never had too much of a problem with 55 degree water from our well...I just think warmer is better. But remember water is the most important
How do you terminate secondaries to reduce or eliminate added growth?
Alan N.:
I will terminate growth at 14' this year...and cut off every 3rd secondary for more room
Rick I.:
Hi, Alan; have I missed my Fall window to use manure, or can I still apply (well rotted) this Spring?
Alan N.:
Rick...I'm applying 60 yards this spring...I wouldn't worry about the well rotted stuff. Getting a test of the manure is good also
How often do you fertilize your plants through the growing season?
Alan N.:
Foliar fertilize at about every 5 days depending on weather...heavy with seaweed
do you put any extra calcium in the soil or on the plant or fruit itself
do you add granular fert during the final tilling? if so how much & what?
Alan N.:
Granular at about 10 pounds this spring...20-20-20..really depends on your soil test...please remember to NOT over do it. I'm finding that fish'seaweed is really good and you can't overdo that
Thanks Alan
Alan, What is Calcium Metalsolate?
do you dig a pit or mound the dirt where you plant your pumpkin plant?
Alan-what is your pH?
Alan N.:
PH is at 7.1 on last test
Alan Are you talking about the length of the main?
Alan N.:
Main vine is planned for 25' length, but I may make it shorter depending on fruit set...sides will be 14'
Mike Frantz:
cut of third secondary to make room for what?
ever tested your water, as far as pH?
Alan N.:
I am testing my water this year once it's in the tank...I never have yet
Rick I.:
Thanks! Do you use cow or horse (manure)?
Alan N.:
cow manure mixed with sand from a dairy farm
Hi Alan- Peter Carter here do you put a heat source in your cold frames in the Spring
Alan N.:
Heat source in frames...YES. but only use if necessary..below 40
Alan N.:
6 mil plastic builds up heat greatly..along with blankets to cover and also hot water in 5 gallon buckets
Alan-what seaweed? Neptune Harvest?-which formula?
Alan N.:
Neptune Harvest blend last year
I have small quantsit huts for my transplants - 6' x 6" w/no electricity - any suggestions for heat in a cold May?
Alan do you know of anything to lower the pH in water that wont burn the plant
Alan N.:
I think something like ???? acid will lower the water ph. I forget the name..we used to use it in green house work
Alan N.:
It did work well to lower ph
Was it Citric Acid?
Alan N.:
Citric Acid doesn't ring a bell
Citric acid is from oranges,lemons etc. and is quite acidic pH 4
C&R Kolb:
We use phosphoric acid to lower the ph in the brewing industry
Alan N.:
Phosporic is right....that's what we used
Got it thanks Guys
Big Dave the Hamr:
Alan explain Calcium Metalsolates is this easier for the plant pumpkin to use
Alan N.:
My understanding is Calcium Metalsolates are easier to absorb...along with others..this is very new to me Andy Wolf is helping me
Big Dave the Hamr:
Does it come granular ,Foliar?
How long are we away from seeing a 1500# in the sport?
Alan N.:
1500 will be hit as long as splitting can be prevented...Splitting is a big problem
Alan N. Is this calcium metalsolate caylated (sp) Where did you get it?
Alan N.:
Ph...I believe it is...but I can't say for sure..this will be my 1st year
do you think the 922.5 was the biggest contributor to your splitting issues this past year?
Alan N.:
922.5 was awesome...that 852 was going to be's a real shame it's a splitter. If anything, I thing the heat we had last year had a lot to do with my splitting problems
Alan N.:
I won't be planting the 922.5 this year because of this
Alan N.:
It had no dill-rings...was nice and smooth and heavy
Ben Bortner:
Which of your 02 seeds is your favorite?
Alan N.:
I think the 948 has potential
Alan, Have you done any tissue testing to confirm calcium absorption?
Alan N.:
Tremor..good but I will this year with A&L Labs
Are you growing your plants X-mas style and total sq ft?
Alan Thanks for the info and you, Len S, Joe P putting west central NY on the map
Alan N.:
Christmas tree style..back to back
Ken D.:
Several of Alan's seeds will be going on the seed page in the next few days. Including the 845 and 948.
oh Boy!
Thanks Alan for your help tonight
Alan N.:
With Len and Joe, I can't even grow the largest pumpkin in the County. LOL And Bill C is in there too
Alan, have you ever applied Furadan foliar to pumpkins? If so, burn potential?
Alan N.:
I have never used Furadan
Alan,do you use Gypsum in your garden?
Alan N.:
I haven't used gypsum at this time
how much time do you spend in the patch a day ?
Alan N.:
I spend 4 hours a wife says much more, but I'm sticking with that
Any Helpers?
Alan N.:
My wife helps out a lot
do you dig a pit or mound the dirt for your plant where you will be planting?
Alan N.:
I don't dig a pit around the pumpkin...I did many years ago and found that it gets very wet...I create a 6" high area in a slightly raised area for wet conditions
alan thanks for all the info for us newbies as you's call us lol
Do you use a misting system to control the leaves from wilting?
Alan N.:
I work I am my own misting system during the days. I do it yes
Alan ,have you ever had vines with 8 inch splits in them,and what could cause this?
Alan N.:
Splits in vines..yes..this has been reduced with the vine burying.I have had many big pumpkins with split vines
Alan are you excited about the luck with your 845's planted so far, could be the poor mans 845 Bobier
do you think your 845 will be a great seed planted this year
Alan N.:
My 845 is interesting...the only thing that concerns me is the dill-ring in the back. Although the 846 Calai grows many dill-rings without any problems in the same area
Alan, What do you place under your pumpkins for support/drainage?
Alan N.:
I have used sand under the works good, but I had many mice last year.
Alan, you use Alfalfa meal in your patch
Alan N.:
The 60 yards will be added in the spring at one time only...I don't add extra during the year
Alan,have you tried the 712 Kuhn seed?
Alan N.:
I lost a 712 plant last was washed out. What a shame..the 1075 went in it's place
are you adding soil / compost to you patch as the season goes or is it done all at the start of the season
Alan - what is your favorite method of weed control?
Alan N.:
I weed by hand...Actually I leave small weeds if it means disturbing the roots
Rick I.:
Presuming you germinate, pot, then put in patch, how deep do you bury the seedling- same as pot, or up to seed leaves?
Alan N.:
Rick...Right up to the seed leaves I think is important...sometimes I actually add soil around the plant if it grows up more once planted
do you believe in using heavy amounts of seaweed and fish fertilizer
do you use any type of mulch around your plants to control soil temp's?( basically to keep soil from over heating...)
Alan N.:
No mulch around patch is at least 10 degrees warmer due to the windbreaks
Ben Bortner:
So do you use boards to walk on in your patch?
Alan N.:
Yes, I use boards..I am making new ones this year that minimize compaction
is that a specialized design 4 the boards?
Ben Bortner:
Special design or just wider boards?
Alan N.:
special design I'm working on...nothing to hard
Is there any "snake oil" practices and/or products that should be avoided according to your experience
Alan N.:
Bears...basically over doing it on certain things is big such as fertilizer
Alan. just 1 main,or main and a secondary main?
Alan N.:
Only one 846 that grew the 845 had a flat vine and I grew it on a side
Big Dave the Hamr:
Alan What is the most enjoyable part of growing for you?
Alan N.:
Most enjoyable thing about growing is the people and those times getting home from a stressful day from work
Alan N.:
It's just me and the pumpkins
Alan if you had the chose of one seed to plant from the last 10 yrs what would it be
Alan N.:
ocrap..I really like the 705 Stelts..the growth was really amazing
Thanks Alan
Alan,How many hours of sunlight do you get in your patch?
How old were you when you first started to grow pumpkins?
How did you get started growing AGs?
Alan N.:
In 1985 we had a 131 pound pumpkin in the patch..of course I thought it was the biggest until I went to Len Stellpflugs house and saw his 322
Alan N.:
I was 15 in 1986..set the NYS record that year
very cool.
do you use time release fertilizer?
Alan N.:
I haven't used time release fertilizer, but I like what Brett Hester does
What does Hester do ?
osmocote - slow release
Alan N.:
Check out Hester's Transcripts on
Did your family get you started then?
Alan N.:
It was basically my father who bought the AG seeds in '85 and put them in the garden..I was hooked when I saw this huge 80 pound pumpkin in there in August
Alan - what else do you grow during the season?
Alan N.:
I only grow the 4 pumpkin takes all my free time with them alone
How large is your patch for the four plants?
Alan N.:
My patch this year is 76' by 66'. It's the way the numbers work out. I want to create a sort of micro-climate and make it tight
That's a patch!!!!
Ken D.:
Alan, you want to take a break?
Alan N.:
Ken..I'm fine
Brian Hildebrand:
What a guy!!
lobsterclaw: you find the farther out on the plant the better formed the female flowers are ......Peter
Alan N.:
Peter...It seems like the females get better..yes...I'm not sure why
Alan.....I've noticed that too..last couple of years
What was it like to get the WR squash in '91? Lots of fun?
Alan N.:
The squash in '91 was fun, but I had to pick it a month early because of a rotted stayed in the barn for a month and survived to the contest
wow - I wonder how much weight you lost over the month...
Ken D.:
How does your new hail protection work?
Alan N.:
Ken...I'm in the planning stages now...The big things is it has to be very fast..under 1 minute to cover and simple so my wife can do it also during storms
do you plant your plant back to back approached, how far apart?
Alan N.:
Plants are 6' apart back to seems to work very well...700' for each plant, but the roots actually have 1400' to roam in
any problems with pythium and fusarium in your garden or any other pathogens
Alan N.:
Quinn...I haven't had any problems as of yet..they scare me
do you apply the 1 inch of water a week method to your plants?
Alan N.:
Stone...It really depends on weather I would say the plants are always moist and never dry
One Dude:
alan where do you live?
Alan N.:
The plants are moist, but do you ever try to keep the soil soaked?
I guess my question is, can you over water?
Alan N.:
Dave, I never keep them wet unless mother nature has her way. Yes over watering is's a fine line I guess
This has all been a great help. Thanks
Do you shade your young leaves in hot weather
Alan N.:
I don't shade the young leaves, but mist them. Shading is a good idea
Alan......what way do you protect your female & male flowers ?......Peter
pumpkin bill:
how many pumpkins do you leave on...per plant?
Brian Hildebrand:
Alan, you said you only bury secondaries, not the main. Would it be difficult to elevate the main to keep it up off the ground, to help with vb invasion or vine rot?
Alan N.:
Brian, I like to keep track of the main for many reasons
Mark in Western Pa:
Alan thanks for the seeds you sent, however now I have a dilemma. Which to plant, I have a small patch, I plan on planting the 845 �01, aside from that not sure. Of your seeds which of these would you also choose.
Mark in Western Pa:
865 �01, 868 �01, 852 �02, 948 �02, 895 �02, 1020 �02, Thanks again.
Alan N.:
Mark..keep those pumpkins flying
Alan N.:
Mark, I like the 948
Mark in Western Pa:
Thanks Alan.
Alan, Is there much trouble up your way with Powdery Mildew?
Alan N.:
Tremor, The seaweed seemed to help with powdery mildew last year, but I need to control it better this year
Alan - was it difficult to build your big wind barrier? you got some telephone poles there...
Alan N.:
This years windbreak is going to be 16' and yes it's takes some time
Ben Bortner:
Your building it taller?
do you ever allow any visitations to your patch from other growers...?
Alan N.:
Stone..No problem with visitors many stopped by last year
Alan......what way do you protect your female & male flowers ?
Alan N.:
ocrap..I use twist ties the night before and after pollinating. It works well
400 SF:
ALAN what brand of SEAWEED are you using , I know a lot of brands are high in salts ??
Ben Bortner:
james, he said neptunes harvest earlier
400 SF:
thanks ben
Alan N.:
Neptunes yes...55 gallon drum last year
Ben Bortner:
55 gallons wow!
The hot weather was blamed for a lot of splitting last year but was it also the reason for big pumpkins
Alan N.:
Bears..I was impressed with the growth rates during the hot's a welcome site as long as splits are not there
He even fertilizes BIG!!!! gone Nesbitt! LOL
Brian Hildebrand:
whoa Alan!!! 55 gal!!
Alan N.:
Please don't feel the need to go with 55 gallons
400 SF:
that could get expensive !!!
Alan N.:
I really like what Craig Weir does with with seaweed
50 would be just fine...LOL
he he
pumpkin bill:
it's only 13.75 gal per plant!!
That's a lot of Seaweed. Was all soil area treated? Or just the foliage, mains, & secondaries?
Alan N.:
this year will be 110 can get a discount with those
C&R Kolb:
Alan...Just how hot is new York "hot weather" its around 110 in Chicago
Alan N.:
We hot 100 degree's max last year...I think the average is 82 for us. The patch is about 10 degrees warmer
Do you use a more concentrated ratio of Neptune's than what they recommend?
Alan N.:
Bantam...yes...about 20 gallons of concentrate will be applied to the ground of each plant
How do you minimize splitting?
Alan N.:
Bears...People say limit water and set more pumpkins...but I have problems with that. LOL
At one time or during the course of the season?
Alan N.:
Bantam, I'm thinking 10 gallons in spring and another in July...also foliar feeding during the year
Ben Bortner:
all or none! I like it.
Alan N.:
Ben, Yes all or none..if they split I like to still get them weighed
110 GALLONS............WOW .........Sorry still in shock......LOL
Alan N.:
Again...don't feel you need 110 gallons...time will tell if anything comes out of it
Ben Bortner:
You said the wall will be 16 ft this year? Are you making it taller?
Alan N.:
Yes..taller. last year was 15 on half of the break and 11.5 the other half
pumpkin bill: you leave small pumpkins on the side vines to keep the vine more productive?
Alan N.:
Yes I leave pumpkins on the sides to about 10 pounds or so then cut off
Alan How much sun do you lose with walls that tall
any other sun blocking concerns? like trees near by ?
or FULL sun?
Alan N.:
Sunlight is a problem...I use greenhouse quality plastic on the top 8' one layer thick. It works well and I don't lose any sun...perhaps it's 90% at some parts of the day versus 100%
Alan N.:
Basically full sun after 8:30 am
how long do you let your secondaries get
Alan N.:
any "secret growing tips" for us?
Alan N.:
Stone...I think the future of growing is providing a "mico-climate" for these plants. It's really important to grow these thing stress free as much as possible
do you think it matters if your plant main runs north to south, south to north
Alan N.:
I run back to the plants run south and's a good question.. I'm not sure
Alan - what is your PB?
Alan N.:
1020.5 exhibition weight and 948 official
Alan, Do you think PGR's can extend the growing season to our advantage if timing & selection gets worked out?
Alan N.:
Plant Growth Regulators. like hormones that alter growth rates.
Alan N.:
PGR's only if we can control the splitting problems...they seem to be growing too fast at the present time
Kinda like "Biosphere" down there in the southwest?
Alan N.:
like a biosphere yes...although for some reason the plants prefer natural conditions so it's a fine line
Ben Bortner:
When do you start your seeds?
Alan N.:
This year will be 5/2 to about 5/10 depending on weather. I will wait if necessary
You just need a little more luck to hit 1000 lb official this year
Mark in Western Pa:
Alan , Are you growing any unproven seeds this year?
Alan N.:
Probably not any unproven seeds this year.....but there are SO MANY i would like to try
When do you start using extra potash and what type do you use?
Alan N.:
I haven't used extra potash at the season's something for me to look into
Picture of Alan's 1020 here if interested after chat:
What unproven seeds look the most interesting to you so far??
Alan N.:
WOW..there are so many. I like the 1337, the 1074 I can think of about 20
Alan N.:
I think many unproven seeds are worth trying...I still remember Joe Pukos trying a little 723 with no proven record in 2000
what are your plans for growing pumpkins in a "micro-climate"...examples?
Alan N.:
The big project for micro-climate this year is all season hail and heavy rain protection. Anything that helps control mother nature a little more
regulate the soil temp?
Mark in Western Pa:
Alan, You seem to grow very nice shaped pumpkins, do you think it�s something you do or do you think it�s just a roll of the genetic dice?
Alan N.:
I think nice shaped pumpkins is pure luck
What is the best thing to put your pumpkin on sand or ????
Alan N.:
This year I'm using sand and that "fabric" many growers use
Alan, are your soil test results posted on AGGC or some other location?
Alan N.:
I think they are posted on the AGGC
Do you think that late season calcium might help control those splits?
Alan N.:
Tremor,,,..I really wonder how much calcium would have helped...some of the splits were bad. Anything that helps I will try though
What are the 3 most important things you would tell a first time grower
Alan N.:
1st time grower....number one...get that soil LOOSE for the roots to grow in. I see too many examples of compact soil. Water is very important and good seed selection
you need a huge retractable swimming pool cover to cover your plants in bad weather....
Or a domed retractable roof stadium! LOL
yeah...that would work even better!
Who are your pumpkin grower role models
Alan N.:
Bears...Norm Gallagher and Len Stellpflug early one. Today people like Joe Pukos give me the motivation to grow bigger
what can you do for cracks in your pumpkins and vines
do you do the same thing to all your plant or you give them different treatment(fertilizer program, etc..)
Alan N.:
Basically all the plants receive the same treatment. I will pick my favorites during the season and work on them 1st, but basically they are all the same
Is it true tilling 4x4x4 is best?
Alan, do you use mist watering, deep watering, or ???
Alan N.:
All watering has been by hand in the past...this year I will use "whizzer heads" to help. I like the control I have with hand watering. Having the time can be a factor
pumpkin bill:
same whizzer heads ..joel uses
Alan N.:
I bought the heads from Joel
do you think warm water helps a lot
Alan, Do you move away from your water tank in the summer & use cooler water to ward off heat? or would the shock be too much for the plants?
Alan N.:
No..all my water is from the tank, which is about 75 to 80 degree's. I haven't noticed any stress problems with the extra warm water
what do you look for in a seeds
Alan N.:
Well, I like proven seeds of course...Unproven seeds with male and female parents that were large look good also
Alan, what seed that's 5 years or older would you grow if you had it.
Alan N.:
5 years or older...the 935 Lloyd, and the 574 Mitchell from '87.
pumpkin kid:
oh for a 574 mitchell
Alan N.:
Jerry, Imagine what the 574 could do today
pumpkin kid:
world record
Alan - any thing else you do in particular for maximum root growth?
Alan N.:
Again with max root growth, I think keeping the soil loose to around 8" or so is VERY IMPORTANT.
great thanks.
do you use a lot of leaves and cow manure in the fall, or just compost
Alan N.:
I put on a lot of maple leaves on the patch the last 2 years. Along with the manure/sand mixture
Alan, how do you store your seeds?
Alan N.:
I have been freezing my seeds for the past 15 years
580 1983 i think would do better
Alan N.:
580 from '83?
alan first pumpkin to break the 500 lbs barrier
i have complete list of all the world record pumpkin weights
Alan N.:
Mat...I think those 580's were not correct. I think the 2 pumpkins were weighed together and put into Guinness
Answer to earlier question-to lower pH of water or soil add powdered limestone (calcium carbonate - CaCO3)-same ingredient as Tums or chalk
Thanks swain
Alan N.:
Swain..thanks for info
Ken D.:
Alan, thanks for taking the time to chat with us tonight!
Alan N.:
Ken..Thanks for the opportunity to chat with everyone
Ken D.:
You have done 2 hours non stop, I think that deserves a round of applause!
thank you Alan
Besides too much....what's a rough figure on $ you spend each season?
pumpkin kid:
thanks alan you coming down tomorrow
Here here Many Thanks ALAN!!
pumpkin bill:
thank you alan
Thank You Alan. Good luck this year.
clap clap clap clap
Thanks your information is appreciated
Thank you Allan
Thanks Ken and Alan
thanks Alan good luck this year
Mark in Western Pa:
Thanks for the information and seeds Alan good luck!
thanks a lot Alan
thanks for the advise and seeds Alan...
Thanks for all the tips tonight Alan
Thanks Alan-you should sleep well tonight
Thank you, Alan!
Well done Alan
Alan, it was great, thanks
Alan N.:
Thanks everyone...I can still stick problem here