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Subject:  Conjoined fruit?

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Lockport, IL

I started some pumpkins on my back hill late (maybe too late) in the season to harvest in October.

I was out pollinating today, and saw this conjoined fruit.

How often does this happen? If it takes, can this actually grow?


9/10/2020 2:59:05 PM

Andy W

Western NY

Made it to 189: http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=265577

9/10/2020 3:07:01 PM


Lockport, IL

That's crazy! Loved the carving you went with.
Surprised it grew a wall so well between.

9/10/2020 3:18:38 PM

Dutch Brad


It happens once in a while. Usually the split.
In any case, the new GPC rules will disqualify conjoined fruit.

9/11/2020 3:34:26 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

Brad, as long as the fruit do not have separation and one stem I don't see how it would be DQ. Can you show me where it says this? As if Andy's fruit showed up I would accept it based on that. Kind of like a tomato

9/15/2020 7:39:54 AM

Andy W

Western NY

That one wasn't mine that I linked, it was the Don Crews pumpkin that was heaviest in the world that year.

I had a few twinned ones when I grew field pumpkins two years ago, they all ended up splitting on me.

9/15/2020 8:07:32 AM

Dutch Brad



Conjoined fruit is only allowed where it is a common (ie. normal) occurance. If not, they will be disqualified. With pumpkins it is highly unusual and not normal.

9/16/2020 3:14:20 AM


Upa Creek, MO

I had this happen on a gourd this year. I pollinated both flowers, and it grew to be double wide compared to all others on the the plant. It's sitting by our fire place now and twice the size of everything else.

9/16/2020 8:23:02 AM

719.5 Pounder

North Of The Border

I got this on a marrow. It has like four, or five, al stuck together. Three or four, have already bloomed and I am still waiting on the last. It looks wild!

9/16/2020 4:11:32 PM

Don Crews


Those aren’t the GPC rules Brad. I believe they are still legal though highly unlikely. It takes an even growth rate of both sides. That line throws doubles a lot. Enough to say it’s common. I’ve tried many fruit but the 189 was a freak.

9/16/2020 11:30:43 PM

Dutch Brad


Hi Don, the GPC requested those rules to be written so they are now official GPC rules. The GPC helps growers of any giant veg class file for world records with Guinness, which is why they wanted those rules in the first place. We had quite a few experts involved in that decision and it was unanimous. This was after yours was weighed. I think yours was the first and only one to grow that big, so job well done!

9/17/2020 3:02:37 AM

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