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Subject:  How many sq. ft. for plant size?

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n d fan


Im a new grower for fp. I was wanting to know how big i should grow my plant before pruning?

3/20/2018 5:03:24 PM

megakin(Team Illiana)

west central IN/East central IL

43560 sqft Phil

3/20/2018 8:45:51 PM


Bloomington Indiana

Phil 400 sqft

3/20/2018 9:05:59 PM

megakin(Team Illiana)

west central IN/East central IL

Phil, on second thought, you best go with Gary's suggestion.

3/20/2018 10:58:16 PM

Pumpkin Shepherd

Georgetown, Ontario

I grew a 150 pound FP in 200 sq ft last year

3/21/2018 9:35:24 AM



Last year´s European record was grown on a plant of about 330 sqft size, and this plant grew a 181.7 and 175.5 lbs fruit at the same time as well as a 182.1 lbs fruit a couple weeks later. Hence, the sugar factory water supply for decent fruit growth should already exist in smaller plants (150-200 sqft). A long duration of fruit growth (40 - 45 days) is key rather than trying to make the daily gains go up and up (for example, additional five days of peak growth of 10 lbs a day is much more important than trying to add another 1 or 2 lbs of daily gains to a fruit which will be done growing after day 30). The duration of fruit growth (it may range between 25 and 50 days) depends on weather, soil etc. and GENETICS. Therefore, if you have maybe 400 sqft available, I would plant two plants rather than just one plant, because that will increase the odds of having a plant which keeps the fruit growing for a couple more days.

3/21/2018 9:50:45 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

About the efficiency of the field pumpkin plant compared to an AG.../ which could grow about 3-4 lb per square ft.maybe more.../ I’d guess in the field kin most of the loss in productivity must be either the shorter growth period of the fruit or the field kin just doesn’t have enough cells in the blueprint of the fruit. Not sure the patch size would matter beyond 150 ft.

I’m going to try one in 150. I’ve heard of staggering the fruit set on larger plants so that’s another option... when one slows down go ahead and set another.

My ignorant assessment is that other than heat it helping they’re more similar to watermelons than AGs

3/21/2018 12:27:30 PM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

* heat not helping

3/21/2018 12:28:44 PM

grunt worker


150 sq ft here 159 lbs personal best

3/21/2018 2:02:48 PM




3/21/2018 4:23:16 PM



The above pic was at day 40

3/21/2018 4:24:12 PM




3/21/2018 4:25:34 PM



It was grown on the approx 700sqft plant inside a very hot greenhouse as you can see from the pic in the above link. I believe a long grower is key.

3/21/2018 4:28:05 PM



It was grown on the approx 700sqft plant inside a very hot greenhouse as you can see from the pic in the above link. I believe a long grower is key.

3/21/2018 4:28:14 PM



It was grown on the approx 700sqft plant inside a very hot greenhouse as you can see from the pic in the above link. I believe a long grower is key.

3/21/2018 4:28:46 PM



It was grown on the approx 700sqft plant inside a very hot greenhouse as you can see from the pic in the above link. I believe a long grower is key.

3/21/2018 4:29:40 PM

Ben Carter

New Brunswick

Grew my 131 pollinated at 18 ft out main vine in 300 sq ft picked at day 45 and still had more to go.

3/21/2018 4:56:44 PM

John Cabot Trail

Nova Scotia

I always tried to have a plant in the 400 sq. foot range. From my own experiences I've found when temps are too hot it results in fewer growth days and faster maturation.

3/21/2018 5:14:49 PM



I do think there is absolutely no need for 700sqft . Depending on soil conditions i feel 250sqft is plenty

3/21/2018 5:34:21 PM

n d fan


Thanks for the help all. Good luck this yr

3/21/2018 5:42:11 PM


Rapid City, SD

grew a 637 pound greenie off a 100 square foot plant few years ago

3/21/2018 6:12:45 PM

Dutch Brad


I grew 176.5 lber off of 150m2. Larger plants might be helpful if you are growing more than one pumpkin on the plant.

3/22/2018 3:47:11 AM

Total Posts: 22 Current Server Time: 3/14/2025 9:40:29 AM
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