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Subject:  Cross of „154 Orr09“?

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Berlin, Germany

After the end of the saison I started to check the family tree of my new fieldpumpkin-crosses, but I can`t find anything about the cross of the „154 Orr09“....
...No informations about the world-champion of 2009?...Can`t believe this....

Greetings from Berlin


10/5/2017 10:28:53 AM


Nekoosa, Wisconsin


The female was 101 Meier (08) and male pollinator was 109.5 Orr (08)

10/5/2017 11:56:11 AM


Berlin, Germany

Ahh,..I see, thank you.

It is much more difficult to get informations for older fp`s than for giants....
The "101 Meier08" is an 145 McInnis x 98.9 Meier07, but for this 98.9er there are no data`s, too, just like the 109.5 Orr.

..but it looks like that are all modern field are progeny`s of the 145 McInnis....more or less.

Are there actally any other roots known?

10/6/2017 5:49:53 AM


Nekoosa, Wisconsin

Sorry, I don't have any information on the Meier 98.9 or Orr 109.5. I bet Al Eaton would know though. He has been growing for a long time, and is extremely knowledgeable in giant veggie history.

10/6/2017 10:56:34 AM

Alan E.

eastern Ontario

I just saw this message and find that the above info agrees with my records.The only thing I can add is: 109.5 Orr 08 -- Conestoga Special open.
Also I have nothing on the"98.9 Meier 07".

1/3/2018 8:19:15 PM

Alan E.

eastern Ontario

Another comment,about 98 % of the genes in the 2017 FP gene pool originated with Fenton McInnis (Howden) in Nova Scotia
and Doug Keel (Gold Rush) in Nova Scotia and Neal Leland in Oregon (Phat Jack).
Most all the other early starts from commercial seed have been eliminated by competition over the last 12 years that lineages exist.
Although McInnis and Keel have passed away,I bet they would be proud that their FP genes are carrying on.

1/3/2018 8:29:24 PM

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