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Subject:  Tomato Scans - 3d Printing

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Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA

Hey All:

As a 3d printing enthusiast and Giant Tomato grower, I'm thinking its possible there may be interest in preserving our big tomatoes through 3d scanning, photogrammetry, and allowing others to see your tomato as more than just a photo on a scale, but rather a 3d model and possibly a tangible model. I have one that Brett armstrong from this website printed for me of my 5.91 pound tomato that held the record from 2018 to 2021 and it is really a great knick knack to have on the shelf and look at and talk about with guests. there are some apps on the ipad and smartphones that will scan objects. I've been seeing some photos of smallish looking tomatoes lately that are supposedly in the 5-6 pound range and they look way smaller in the photos than mine did. maybe the people holding them are taller or their hands are gigantic but it isnt adding up in my mind. If we could print these out and see them it would be pretty cool. I'm suggesting people start scanning their big tomatoes and posting the thingiverse link to the .stl files in a thread like this one. - Austin

11/8/2022 11:17:57 AM

Little Ketchup

Grittyville, WA

Great idea. Wish we coulda helped Dan get this done on his 16 lber.

11/9/2022 9:27:08 PM

Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA

I'd have to slice that thing into multiple print pieces. But yeah, seeing a physical representation of that wouldve been a great thing and probably inspirational to kids and adults alike who love growing giants. They could also sit atop trophys and what not.

11/10/2022 9:42:12 AM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


I'm not sure I want my tomatoes on a trophy. Can I just get a normal pretty one instead. :)

11/10/2022 3:01:56 PM

Altitude (to)maters (Scott)


My brother does a bunch of 3d printing. I'm assuming you would make the center hollow.

11/10/2022 5:11:55 PM

Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA

The center would most likely be hollow, yes. saves on filament/resin cost.

11/14/2022 7:15:30 PM


Bloomington, IN USA

The sheer size of the larger fruits limits being able to do 3D printing. Of course you have to have a large enough printer.

11/20/2022 7:28:38 AM

Weird Wint (Tomatoes)

Newcastle, CA

My printer bed is about a foot wide and 6.5" deep and a foot tall, you can split these into parts if needed.

11/21/2022 1:16:57 PM


Bloomington, IN USA

I did a video with my cell circling around my 8.355 last year & loaded it into Polycam. I had an acquaintance that I sent it to but they never did anything with it. Finally I discontinued the monthly subscription to Polycam but I still have the video. I could send it to anyone that is interested. I don’t know if anything could be done with it.

12/29/2022 11:35:00 PM

Total Posts: 9 Current Server Time: 3/14/2025 10:43:50 PM
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