Tomato Growing Forum
Subject: The Zeke Demars tomato Team challenge
Date Posted
Porkchop |
Central NY
Get your entries in now!!..will announce the winners this week!!
10/16/2022 3:11:21 PM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
Outstanding job team Cunuckelheads !!!
10/16/2022 3:32:13 PM
wixom grower ( The Polish Hammer) |
Wixom MI.
This is my Mike DeMars eggplant entry !!!
10/16/2022 7:14:44 PM
Saswampo |
San Diego, CA
Hey all, what a fun, crazy season..... if you see any mistakes or missing data, please PM me ASAP at [email protected]
10/16/2022 9:15:39 PM
KeaauSurferGirl |
Keaau, Hawaii (Big Island)
| must have missed my last email message...I will resend because Sam has 2 tomatoes watch for it...thanks!
10/17/2022 5:23:45 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Will do!
10/17/2022 5:27:09 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
Holy crap..can’t believe Halloween has already passed…Ok…I believe we’ve tallied everything that needs tallying. Huge thanks to Dan Greene for keeping score during the did a fantastic job with the stats and the leaderboards and there is no way I would have been able to keep up without the effort you put into this. Thanks buddy.!!! RUNNER UP in our Draft division is Saswampo, saberonxy and Todd “The Cape Horn Posse” with a total weight of 21.17 pounds. FIRST PLaCe in the Draft- vtjohn, biddygoat, and Dylan for a team total of 23.80!
Runner up in our Open division, and what easily could have been the story of the year, is Team Tomatto !! Jack, Cindy and Scott crushed it this season. Even besting last years winning total, coming in at 37.52 pounds!!! First place in the Open Division- The CAnKNucLKE HEadS!!…porkchop, John butler, and framac, with an unbelievable 46.18 pounds!!.. a new contest record. 2 fruits from three different growers….(with some help from above). What a great season and so honored to be a part of this team. I’m also honored to present “ The Mike Parenty SMASH Award “ to my teammate John Butler for absolutely SMasHIng his PB to Tie the Canadian giant tomato record! And our newest, “State record award” goes to Vtjohn with his enormous single 7.95 pounds , and New Vermont State a record!! (I got to hold that sucker!!..what a beast!!).The CUP will Travel back to NY and sit on my mantle for the year. Congrats on a great season y’all!!!..let’s do it again NEXT YEaR!!!!….winners please e-mail me with screen name, real name and address. [email protected]
11/4/2022 5:36:09 PM
Porkchop |
Central NY
11/4/2022 5:36:44 PM
Randouth |
Norwich, NY
Congratulations everyone! I’m looking forward to doing this next year.
11/4/2022 7:34:04 PM
Altitude (to)maters (Scott) |
congratz everybody. Fantastic.
11/5/2022 3:01:35 AM
VTJohn |
Jericho Vermont
Woo Hoo for our draft team called smashing mater minds! Thanks for starting the competition Porkchop and for helping out Dan. I am fortunate and thankful for receiving the new State tomato trophy.
11/5/2022 8:13:39 AM
Materdoc |
Bloomington, IN USA
Congratulations to everyone!
11/5/2022 9:55:00 AM
Little Ketchup |
Grittyville, WA
Fun to be a part of this, blessings to all.
11/5/2022 5:11:12 PM
Saswampo |
San Diego, CA
Big congrats to the Open and Draft champion teams... the CAnKNucLKE HEadS and Smashing Mater Minds. Was a very strong year for many growers including 9 growers getting new PBs.
Also big kudos to John Butler for the earning the "Smash Award" and John/Kerry Young for crushing the VT state record.
Finally, a big thank you to Porkchop for championing this fun contest and a huge congrats for having a great season, cranking out three 8+ pounders.
11/9/2022 8:52:47 PM
Elaine |
Mead, WA
A lot of fun growing tomatoes this year here’s hoping next year for a better one
11/14/2022 10:04:41 AM
BiddyGoat |
I had a great year hitting my personal best. Our team (Dylan, John), Smashing Mater Minds, we did it!! Congrats to VTJohn for his awesome Vermont State record. You guys rock. Can't wait to see that trophy. BIG CONGRATS to all growers MANY thanks 😊 Porkchop.
11/19/2022 9:54:57 AM
Farmer Brown (Chris Brown) |
Zimmerman, Minnesota
Congratulations to all who placed as this is a tough competition!!! Well done!!
11/27/2022 2:21:27 AM
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