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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Largest in Canada So far

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Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

So who's got the largest Canadian pumpkin so far? It certainly isn't me (45lbs)! I've heard some rumours of some huge fruit out east?

8/5/2004 5:14:09 PM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

458 today.

8/5/2004 9:49:28 PM



im guessing about 25lbs..in Hamilton...was growing rapidly but seems to have slowed the last 2 days

8/7/2004 11:33:54 AM


Appalachian Mtns.

The rumour mill gets cranking right about on time, yet again!

8/7/2004 11:48:04 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Ya, and nobody is spillin the beans...

8/8/2004 4:44:11 PM

Peter Pumpkin

Rainbowlake Alberta

I will be posting a picture shortly you will think your eyes are playing tricks on you, Soon as my digital gets back in a couple of days, this is eye candy for pumpkin growers.

8/10/2004 8:58:59 AM



Myself If my garden wouldnt have been attacked by animals
the fruits that were set on july 10th probably would have been of descent size, I have ONLY 2 fruits pollinated one
is on the 620 Boyton ( secondary ) at 10 days OTT = 44"
not sure if that is good or not or if i am even measureing it properly but thats the size at 10 days. The one on the 1178 L wentzell main vine turned to mush i just pollinated another one on the 1178 main vine 6am this mourning GOOD sized fruit with 10 lobes!!.

Ive got a few 10 day photos with measurements to put up
but website is down for uploading photos.


8/15/2004 4:35:33 PM

the big one

Walkerton Ont

two at 402 as of aug 14 118 1/2 est each

8/15/2004 4:42:32 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

How about the largest in British Columbia. Jake van Kooten with his 958 to win the Puallup Fair. Bet he still have a few on the vine waiting to be weighed in. Then there is Craig Sandvik and Dave Pley (all on Vancouver Island hmmmmm?!!) Should be interesting.

9/23/2004 8:13:52 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

No pic in your diary of eye-candy Peter Pumpkin, just looked?

9/24/2004 7:06:43 AM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

I guess that would now be the 1446 Eaton... Sweet.

10/4/2004 3:54:27 PM

Total Posts: 11 Current Server Time: 3/16/2025 2:17:20 PM
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