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Subject:  Anyone Else having Cuke Beetle Problems ?

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Was wondering if anyone else if haveing problems with
the Yellow Stripped cuke Beetles ?

They never showed up in my patch till this past week.

Now they are covering my back yard in groups of hundreds

They never really started showing up till my male flowers started to open everyday a new male flower opens and within an 3-4 Hr period there is bascially nothing left to the flower due to the beetles eating the entire flower down to the stem !! They are now at the point of attacking un opened
flowers and also my new female fruits. I need something thats going to help controll this problem any suggestions?

Ive been useing a product 7-10 day intervals for the past moth called BUG X, its a liquid and is a spray.

This past friday ive been doing a daily Powder spray of
BUG B GONE an green earth product.. sure it works but only
kills the ones that are here the next day new ones are there doing the same damage.

anyone else haveing a cuke beetle problem and how are you controlling or stoping them?

Thanks Dave

7/5/2004 2:29:21 PM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

Not many at all here in Barrie. I have only seen one bug about two weeks ago. Standing ready with the insecticides. I think it has been to cool for them this far north.

7/5/2004 4:42:44 PM



Russ, Thats a good possibility, But they will be on there way up there soon so ya better be prepared because They never got bad till this past week and all week its been in the high 80's so maybe thats why they are not bothering you yet. All I know is,,, Its pretty bad when a flower opens at
6am and is almost 100 % gone come 10.30 because of cuke beetles. LOL


7/5/2004 5:23:50 PM


[email protected]

We used to get hammered. But Imidacloprid (Admire, Provado, Bandit, Merit, etc) as a soil applied systemic twice a year helps a lot.

For contact activity we're using Bifenthrin (Capture, Talstar, etc) which lasts up to 4 weeks.

Still more popular as a contact (though not as effective) here on the US, is Lambda-cyhalothrin (Warrior, Battle, Scimitar, etc).

Hope this helps.

7/5/2004 5:31:27 PM



Dave, I had a batch come through my backyard a weekago..there the same that killed everything in site or so I think.last year.this year i read some posts about SEVIN so I bought some at TERRA nursiers I made a small batch not to much as in this case I tend to want to not kill everything and VAMOOOOOOOOOS ...... havent seen or heard from any of them lovely little bugs in a week....

7/10/2004 10:10:39 AM


I haven't had one in almost 3 weeks here. there was a lot then they all seemed to leave. Now my patches are infested by Honey Bees just all of a sudden.

8/12/2004 8:34:49 PM

the big one

Walkerton Ont

none at all and the blosomes are growing still
and i take them off and throw them in the tall crasss or down the river, no sign of beetles for a long time
i spray twice a week, i think its getting cold for them

8/12/2004 9:04:09 PM

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