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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  federal election?

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Edmonton, Canada

What do all of the other Canucks think about our new minority government?

6/29/2004 11:10:32 AM


Taber, Alberta

What I can't figure out, is why people still vote Liberal? My wife coulnd't bring herself to vote Conservative, and she hates the Liberals and is scared to death if the NDP even get an ecouraging showing, so she voted for the Greens. At least the Liberals didn't get her vote.

6/29/2004 12:11:41 PM


Edmonton, Canada

Your wife is a smart lady - I did the same thing.

6/29/2004 12:22:36 PM


Taber, Alberta

Not me. I went with the Alberta flow. Does that make me not smart? Maybe, maybe not, but I didn't vote Liberal.

6/29/2004 2:06:08 PM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

Lets see, How about > Balanced budget, Strong economy, Low inflation, Low unemployment, Harmonized Quebec, only Pan Canadian Party.

6/29/2004 2:24:24 PM


Taber, Alberta

Geez, if I wasn't just leaving for a week on vacation, I could really get going on this. Oh well, off to the mountains and I'll have a few beers to cool off.

6/29/2004 2:43:17 PM


Edmonton, Canada

I gotta agree with Alan. The Liberals simply have too much corruption. I like their platform, but can't stand their waste. Oh well, they're still in charge, but will have to be on their best behaviour!

6/29/2004 2:50:39 PM

Giant Veggies

Sask, Canada

What's this???

We had an election...

7/4/2004 7:26:34 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

How will it affect the price of fertilizer and pumpkin seeds, is what I ask?

7/10/2004 2:56:59 PM

Total Posts: 9 Current Server Time: 3/16/2025 5:16:31 PM
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