Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Date Posted
Eng6900 |
They give us are own CANADIAN forum and what do we do we post 2 messages a month?????????.......Come on...Hows the pumpkins hows the location, size of garden..etc.....how big.pics... Hamilton, here...one little guy ont the vine the size of a peanut...LOLOL....
6/26/2004 9:43:15 PM
Wyecomber |
My 620 Boyton has 2 females, One will be ready to pollinate by end of week 2 also on the 1178 L Wentzell a 3rd working its way out on the new tip. should have at least one 1178 Wentzell and one 620 Boyton Pollinated by end of week.
as for pollination this is what it will be:
1178 L Wentzell x Self ( Male flower from same plant)
620 Boyton x 1178 L Wentzell ( male flower from 1178L wentzell will pollinate the 620 Boyton)
I am HOPEING!! That the cross between the 1178 and 620 makes a biggem for Port Elgin, But time will tell !!
I had a bad start, then they took off as soon as the 620 Boyton took off we had some bad storms pass by, the 1178 had a main straight up in the air about 1.5 foot and it was blown over cracking the main vine right at the stump. i put some fungicide around the wound burried it and 2 weeks later the main is now out to the 4 foot mark with 3 females dureing the last watering the vine was un covered by the watering and the split vine has healed 100 % nice and thick and dark green in colour the area that split it now wooded over and plant is growing better then my 620 !!.
As for my Patch size..... its small... LOL my total patch is
20' x 15 ft. half of the patch is 2 pumpking plants the other part of the patch is skyrocket tomatoes and a few pepper plants with some peas and beans and lettuce !!
Plans for 2005 will be larger. the patch will be expanded right back to the fence which will make the patch 20x22 and it will be raised another 1.5 foot via 4x4 lumber.
next year this 2005 patch will home 4 plants which then later in the growing season will be culled down to 2 plants for 2005.
7/3/2004 11:06:46 PM
Wyecomber |
Actually,,, You know what would be REALLY NICE!! is if someone would rent me some farm land or some good land in the local area thats out in the country some were close were i could have an 200 ft x 200ft area for growing then I would grow 4 or 5 plants.. LOL like thats ever going to happen.. My problem is.. I dont have the room, My day time sun light is not so great. my yard is filled in with trees and my patch only recieves light from around 11am till around 4.30 pm which in my thoughts JUST isnt enough day time light. On the other hand over at my fathers place his patch is a bit smaller then mine BUT he has a very large yard which the plants can grow out onto it. The 950.4 Boyton plant which was transplanted over there a month ago now has a main vine over 8 ft with 2 females pollinated and growing well. even his stoggie holler seeds have pumpkings with mains way out.
7/3/2004 11:16:28 PM
Lawmen |
Vancouver, White Rock, Canada
I'm with Dave, my patch is microscopic in size, and the soil here in the city is the cruds. The plant is doing well, but if it takes a turn towards the centre of the lawn, my wife will kill it, or me, or both. Gotta keep it near the fence.
7/10/2004 3:04:11 PM
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