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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Canadian Growers Associations

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Just out of curiosity.....how many pumpkin growers associations are there in Canada? What do you think of them?
I'm a member of the Niagara Peninsula Giant Pumpkin Growers Association (Drew Papez does a great job and the weigh-off is fantastic) and I joined the Western Canadian Growers Association (Great web-site. Kudos Ernie). How many more are there? I sure miss the Ottawa St. Lawerence Valley Association news-letter.

2/29/2004 2:39:18 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

I thought you were gonna be the Northern rep for SPGA????

2/29/2004 2:48:42 PM


Appalachian Mtns.

BTW...the SPGA could use some assistance getting started with seed donations, etc. I'm hoping to get a Summer raffle going if interest is there. Maybe some Canadien help?

(sorry for the shameless plugs Phil)

2/29/2004 2:51:18 PM

Dave McCallum


The Port Elgin Pumpkinfest is continuing that newsletter and to support that end we have asked growers to send $15.00 to the office to pay for production and mailing costs. Dave McCallum

5/2/2004 9:10:52 AM

Dave McCallum


Just a note to let all Ontario Growers know that we have formed a Cooperative to purchase bulk supplies for our growers and you can participate by calling the office at 1-800-387-3456. Bruce Municipal Telephone has put $500.00 in the pot and we are asking participants to buy a share. Share value to be determined by your input. We will be bringing bulk Neptune's Harvest Liquid fertilizers for you to purchase for your plot. These drums will be approx. $500.00 each for the two formulations we need. We also have Neem oil and liquid calcium. Comments please. Dave McCallum

5/2/2004 9:17:48 AM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

Dave, I would like to take part but at this time I have already purchased most of the supplements I can use. Let me know of the cost if reasonable I may decide to join in.

Russ L.

5/2/2004 9:33:51 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

Dave, I'm interested, email me with the details.


5/2/2004 4:52:09 PM

the big one

Walkerton Ont

same here dave email, i am ready to buy

5/2/2004 5:01:27 PM


Spanish Ontario

count me in ken

5/3/2004 10:25:42 AM



Count me in as well Shoot me and e-mail.



5/10/2004 11:11:27 PM

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