Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: GPC Regional Rep-Eastern Canada-Need Nominations
Date Posted
Kelly Klinker |
Woodburn, Indiana
Hello Everyone,
We hope your off season is going well. Dawn Northrup is stepping down at the end of the year from her post as regional GPC representative. We thank her for all the help she has given us, and will be wishing her luck in her future commitments.
We are now in the process of finding a replacement for her in accordance with our bylaws.
At this time, we would like you to nominate someone from your region to fill this position. So far we have only received one nomination, Jeff Reid.
Basic duties will include (but not be limited to): - meeting online (especially throughout the winter via skype) - communicating via email to both the committee and the sites - helping and coordinating the regional sites with applications
Please email me as soon as possible, the deadline is 1/10/16 @ 11:59 PM Eastern time.
Kelly Klinker GPC Secretary
[email protected]
1/3/2016 9:45:37 AM
Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO |
Jeff would make an excellent new GPC Rep.
A special thanks to Dawn, for all the help & support she's given to the GPC, the growers & the sport overall. Hopefully we'll see the Northrup patch in action again soon. Cheers, Jane & Phil Hunt GVGO
1/5/2016 9:48:31 AM
Donkin |
so who is the new regional eastern Canada rep ??
1/17/2016 2:08:34 PM
Donkin |
jan 10 was the deadline??
1/17/2016 2:09:08 PM
Donkin |
this is not an essay question?
1/17/2016 7:38:27 PM
iceman |
[email protected]
January 10th was the dead line for nominations. The final decision may not be announced until the seminar in England.
1/17/2016 9:16:19 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
Thanks Eddy, I was about to post something snotty about reading the original post by Kelly, after all it wasn't an essay question was it:)
1/17/2016 9:23:28 PM
Donkin |
Do we really need one Eddy? Haven't heard a word from the last one in 10yrs
1/17/2016 9:23:33 PM
Donkin |
are you looking for seed again Andy??
1/17/2016 9:27:36 PM
Andy H |
Brooklyn Corner, Nova Scotia
That's it Carl, go ahead and disrespect the Northrups, can't wait to hear how you have been slighted. Seeds, I have no need for any seeds nor have I requested any for myself from anyone in a few years. Made a trade or two with seeds I purchased privately. Let's hear it, what's up your butt now.
1/17/2016 9:40:02 PM
Donkin |
disrespect is not a nice feeling..............
1/17/2016 9:51:39 PM
iceman |
[email protected]
Carl weather you heard from her or not is irrelevant, I will tell you for a fact, she worked very hard and tireless right from the day she started until her last day in office. She was a true Asset to the GPC and to all pumpkin growers all over the world
1/17/2016 10:33:28 PM
Phil and Jane Hunt - GVGO |
I agree with Eddy. Dawn has stepped up when no one else from the region would. Her hard work was an asset not only to the GPC, but to all Canadian growers. Dawn also wrote East-Coast updates for the GVGO newsletters & continues to do that to this day. Her help & support of not only the GVGO, but also the East Coast club & their local weigh offs is a asset that should be appreciated & praised.
Thanks Dawn. You served your term well.
Jane & Phil GVGO
1/18/2016 9:36:49 AM
Annapolis Valley , Nova Scotia
The GPC position in any region is a necessary part of both the hobby and of the organization. As President of the AVGVG we have on numerous occasions relied on Dawn’s expertise, experience and position to help make both our weigh off event and our club successful. As growers in this region we owe genuine debt of gratitude to Dawn for countless hours spent resolving problems, making necessary contacts, promoting our hobby and the GPC, and representing Atlantic Canada at many GPC and other events. We most sincerely thank both Dawn and Bill for their volunteer time spent growing the GPC organization and hobby both here in Atlantic Canada and around the world. We also appreciate them as competitors and mentors for many more years to come. Paul Ferguson President, Annapolis Valley Giant Vegetable Growers
1/18/2016 11:37:21 AM
Donkin |
didn't think i disrespected her ...all i said was i didn't hear from her! I will have the last say ...believe me !!!!
1/23/2016 6:43:41 PM
Donkin |
just a reminder ...i think my 1811 is still the Nova Scotia record Paul....lol
1/23/2016 6:50:55 PM
Donkin |
keep them coming!!!There will be more than just dues to pay before long...lol
1/23/2016 7:08:20 PM
Donkin |
Eddy this is for you! Where in my post did i disrespect the the Northrups ???
1/23/2016 7:26:07 PM
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