Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: merit or????
Date Posted
Eng6900 |
i need some good svb control b4 i put the plants in the garden....I was told by countykid merit works well.any one no where i can get locally.....i work in brantford live in hamilton......any help.I hate to put im in the garden knowing im gooona get hammered like every year...please any help appreciated.......closer the better....SVBS kill my plants each and every year..>>>>>>>>>>
5/10/2009 12:21:36 AM
CountyKid (PECPG) |
Picton,ON ([email protected])
Unfortunately...the new Ontario pesticide ban restricts the sale of this product to commercial growers only. Under the current rules you need to either have a pesticide license, a farm tax exemption number or sign an affidavit verifying you are a certified farmer. After January 1st 2010, it will be pesticide license only.
The product Admire is the same chemical and is available as a liquid in 1L containers. The product should be available at FS Partners in Lynden (Lynden Co-op). The manager is Tony Tennant and is a friend of mine. You can use my name, John Vincent. Their number is 519-647-3451.
Another place you can try is Vineland Co-op in Vineland.
I hope this helps John
5/10/2009 3:14:10 PM
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