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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  How far behind?

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Darfield, British Columbia, Canada

How far behind are you other Canadian growers? The sun has almost cought me up here but now instead of a two weeks or more to geat everything ready it's going to be the four day rush.

4/13/2009 11:14:40 AM

MR. T. (team T)

Nova Scotia

slow cold spring on the east. like to till befor weeks out, might be able to

4/13/2009 12:57:12 PM

Scott M

Roblin, Manitoba

All the snow finally left the patch today, now hopefully no rain for awhile so it dries up a bit, then the work begins. Its a little behind this year but not much. I'm shooting for mid may to put plants in, I'm going to wait longer than I did the past couple seasons, to let things warm up a bit more.

4/13/2009 6:07:00 PM


Kakabeka Falls,On. Canada.

I still have a 8-10" of snow on my patch but there calling for highs of 14-16 degrees C this week.I hope this kicks the shhhhhhhhhhhh it out of it and then I can get started.

4/13/2009 7:16:52 PM

BPMailey TL


Been tilling for a couple weeks now...and another great week upcoming....starting seeds next week to go in the hoop houses early May...


4/13/2009 7:19:39 PM


Dummer Twp - Ontario

Way ahead of last year as at this time I was still creating my new patch from lawn to patch. Added some Alpaca manure this weekend and some granite pebbles also. Setting up pits under planting sites and putting heating cables in this week.


4/14/2009 5:54:10 AM

Mleach (Team Lunatic)


just waiting for mine to dry out so i can re-till it, might be good to go by Friday


4/14/2009 8:54:46 PM


Vancouver Island

We had frost just a few days ago on the coast, but am still planning to plant the second week in May, providing there's enough dry weather to rototill the patch (am a bit late in preparing the garden this year due to other time consuming hobbies).

4/19/2009 12:34:39 AM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON ([email protected])

I don't get in too big a rush to till my patch, although it could have been worked up this week. If I work it and it turns cold and wet, it just take all that much longer to dry out again.

I will likely work it next weekend, if the weather holds and plan to set up the hoops about a week after that.

Seeds will be started next weekend, with set out day planned for May 9th.

Overall, I would say the spring is fairly normal.

4/19/2009 9:29:06 AM

flying dutchman

Port Alberni, BC, Canada

Garden is basically ready to go. Need one more till. Will put cloches up next week. Will start the germination process tonight. Plants will be in their heated cloches the week of May 5.
Have a great season everyone.

4/19/2009 11:34:11 AM



It is cold here in CapeBreton . O degrees(-6 with wind chill)The wind has been from the NW for a week now. It will be Sept before the ocean warms up this year. A very comfortable 110 deg(f) inside the greenhouses which have been up for a week now. My seeds go in on monday. Hey Jake. You got some serious work to do this season if your looking for a personel best. The best of luck to you and everyone else.

4/19/2009 12:03:50 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Same here as Jake. After a cold and snowy winter, spring has sprung into full force. Hoop house is up, patch is tilled and hope to have plants in the ground by first weekend in May.

4/20/2009 6:01:49 PM

Jordan Rivington (JRO)

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

A little behind. I would normally have the patches all prepped, greenhouses up, and the seeds in dirt, but the rain is stopping that from happening.

Once I can till, the greenhouses and cables go in, and the seeds will be started. Looking like seeds won't hit dirt this year until sometime in May.

If the rain keeps up, I will put up a greenhouse or two in some spots to keep the water off so I can get a couple in the ground...

4/22/2009 1:08:49 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

Is it spring?? We had snow here today.

4/22/2009 11:30:53 PM



Worked the Garden Last weekend and Tilled in some more Manure, Been cold and wet all this week, suppose to be in double digits next couple of days so I may put out the hoop house. Plants are started ( sanded and heat soaken) Plant out date set for May 16.


4/23/2009 1:54:58 AM

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