Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: biggest pumpkin set 1st August in Canada?
Date Posted
MR. T. (team T) |
Nova Scotia
Just looking for a shed of hope. My buddy Lookajook is killing me. But I have a Notoriousely fast plant with a good looking set that should be 25lbs tomorrow at day 10. So what is the best case senario out there you heard of thanks
8/8/2008 8:09:32 PM
lookajook |
St. Thomas Ontario
8/8/2008 8:12:59 PM
LiLPatch |
Dummer Twp - Ontario
With the weather being what it is and with sunshine coming that pumpkin could take on some good growth quickly, keep er going
8/9/2008 8:20:51 AM
Donkin |
Could possibly see 350lb by weighoff.
8/9/2008 10:30:14 AM
lookajook |
St. Thomas Ontario
Frantz grew that 1010 to over 800lbs in 35 days...you got a good 25 days left...push it, "root & branch...ROOT & BRANCH!"
8/9/2008 12:41:30 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
My buddy Larry grew one 387 lbs that was pollinated on August 1st.
You could still get one well over 500 lbs if weather conditions are your plant holds up.
Good luck with it.
8/9/2008 7:10:43 PM
Donkin |
Slow and Steady wins the race.
8/9/2008 8:03:07 PM
MR. T. (team T) |
Nova Scotia
Donkin at this point slow and steady gets me a 350lbs pumpkin which wins last place. I'm still looking to the star's not first place anymore just a 1000lbs. If I get the weather I think I can do it. For I have a lot of speed tricks. I may blow her up but I'm still going for it.
8/9/2008 8:46:38 PM
Donkin |
Too much chemical will shut her down.
8/9/2008 9:29:15 PM
Donkin |
Pull it and prepare for next year
8/9/2008 9:33:26 PM
lookajook |
St. Thomas Ontario
3" a day for the next 30 days isn't alot to ask. 90"+current 40 puts you at 130"circ. add another 10" for late season growth and you're looking at 6-700lbs. I don't think you can ask for much more that that...seeing as you "KILLED YOUR KEEPER";)
8/9/2008 10:19:17 PM
MR. T. (team T) |
Nova Scotia
did 5.5" circumfrence last night and 14" ott. I seldom use chemical fertilizers. tonight I will be giving a little push as we finally have had sun here yesterday and also today
8/10/2008 7:39:17 AM
Elderberry Al |
Col.Co. N.S. Can.
I have her twin sister (1 day older)here in Hilden NS; Good Luck ! I'll keep an eye on your blogs.
8/16/2008 1:54:06 PM
MR. T. (team T) |
Nova Scotia
thanks Elderberry, look forward to seeing you at the weigh off.
8/16/2008 10:14:01 PM
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