Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: Growers in BC.
Date Posted
BCBen |
Darfield, British Columbia, Canada
Is there a giant pumpkin growers association in British Columbia? Also, is there any other growers in the Thompson Okanagen are? If there is I would like to chat. Thanks
3/29/2008 4:40:29 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
I Am
3/29/2008 6:04:41 PM
BCBen |
Darfield, British Columbia, Canada
Great to know. Have you started growing yet?
3/29/2008 8:46:14 PM
island orange |
van isle b.c. canada
hi there.s a few growers on van isle and we do have a weigh off in naniamo . good to see more b.c. growers . craig
3/29/2008 10:09:39 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
There are more and more lower mainland growers getting into it now...good luck to you.
Join the GVGO, great source of information and a fantastic seed giveaway each year.
3/30/2008 1:14:25 PM
Pinnacle Peak |
British Columbia, Canada
im starting april 25
3/30/2008 1:52:38 PM
cheryllee |
kamloops, BC, Canada
I am in Kamloops. I have a couple of seeds soaking and am about to put them in pots to start inside.
3/30/2008 6:19:20 PM
cheryllee |
kamloops, BC, Canada
where is Darfield??? what other cities are you close to?
3/30/2008 6:19:47 PM
BCBen |
Darfield, British Columbia, Canada
Darfield is fifteen minutes north of Barriere. About an hour north of Kamloops. You must know where Barriere is though.
3/30/2008 8:46:38 PM
BCBen |
Darfield, British Columbia, Canada
Last year I started my seeds too early (middle of Feb) But I have not started any yet though. Have you had good luck starting this early?
3/30/2008 8:57:54 PM
cheryllee |
kamloops, BC, Canada
i usually have good luck just putting the seeds straight into the ground in about beginning of may. can't wait to see how the seeds from my 200 pound pumpkin do this year. How many years have you been growing big ones. do you go to any weigh offs in this area. put my seeds that i had soaking into pots today and covered with plastic to keep them warm. i have never started seeds that early even though i would love too. this crazy weather this year who knows when we can put plants out.
3/31/2008 7:08:08 PM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Ben, alot of BC growers will start seeds the last weekend in April and plant on the first weekend in May inside heated hoop house arrangements.
I live in the hills in North Vancouver so keep the heaters in the hoophouse for about 3 weeks after planting. Might be differant for you in Darfield but with your weather, you should grow a huge pumpkin or 2 this year.
4/1/2008 1:24:46 AM
BCBen |
Darfield, British Columbia, Canada
This will be my third year growing. Grew a 136 my first yaer and a 139 my second. yah yah, I know that's not big. But I got hooked right away. Both years I was starting seeds on the second week of February but transplanting a five foot long vine is not fun. I just started my first seed yesterday. I plan on starting one every three days or so for a few weeks. Trying to find out the best start time. I hope to grow something worth looking at this year. "I will call him giant me"
4/1/2008 10:16:40 AM
cheryllee |
kamloops, BC, Canada
sounds like a good idea to plant seeds over a couple of weeks. I will have to try that. Planting the seeds directly in the ground doesn't give me any growing advantage but then I don't have to worry about the frost getting the plants.
4/1/2008 3:37:19 PM
cheryllee |
kamloops, BC, Canada
my seeds that I started at the end of march are started to root. just checked them today and the root is just sticking out of the seed. Can't wait to get them in the ground.
4/4/2008 12:50:25 AM
BCBen |
Darfield, British Columbia, Canada
My first seeds have just started to sprout. Took too long though. It has been a bit over a week. I would like to get them to come out of the dirt in about four days. Then I don't have to wait for the darn things. Wondering if the are going to grow
4/4/2008 10:25:29 AM
cheryllee |
kamloops, BC, Canada
we just need a few suny days and things will start to take off here. such a cool spring we have had so far. I have heard forcasted a hot summer though.
4/4/2008 10:28:51 AM
BCBen |
Darfield, British Columbia, Canada
I hope so. Or atleast a good two or three weeks of sun at a time would be a good change instead of four days of sun then two days of rain. We have not had any rain for quite a few weeks now. Had a skif of snow two weeks ago I think. You probably got that in town too. What part of Kam do you live in?
4/4/2008 2:42:42 PM
cheryllee |
kamloops, BC, Canada
i am out in rayleigh down by the store. end of the street so we have a little bit of land for growing.
4/4/2008 7:20:28 PM
BCBen |
Darfield, British Columbia, Canada
I live on my parents property. We have a dairy farm so there is no shortage of room and cow crap. haha. But I have seen pictures of people growing giants in a 40x40 yard. Space is nice though.
4/5/2008 12:05:03 AM
cheryllee |
kamloops, BC, Canada
i wish i knew someone here that had cows/chickens that i could get at their crap. my garden is lacking in good compost. we have really clayey soil here and it sure dries out fast in the summer.
4/5/2008 3:57:45 PM
BCBen |
Darfield, British Columbia, Canada
When we get some good composted manure we could robably spare a few pickup truck loads.
4/6/2008 4:30:25 PM
cheryllee |
kamloops, BC, Canada
might have to take a fishing trip that way to get some. thanks for the offer.
4/6/2008 9:53:12 PM
BCDeb |
Salmon Arm, BC
Wow...I've obviously been away too long. So nice to see other BC growers here.. How is it going cheryl? Deb
3/15/2009 1:58:12 AM
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