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Subject:  Looking for things to do in Ottawa

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Taber, Alberta

I'm taking my high school band to Ottawa from May 14th to 18th for Musicfest. I'm looking for opinions for what would be good activities for my kids to do. We are doing the parliament buildings, but I need opinions on museums, amusement parks, interesting stuff etc.

11/14/2007 3:52:27 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

I thought that the Museum of Civilization was interesting when I was there. I went to see the travelling exhibit of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Although, to be honest, we didn't really get a chance to see the rest of the museum.

I guess it depends on the students if they would enjoy that or not. It's also just accross the Quebec border in Gatineau. So, I don't know if that's an issue in terms of parental consent.

11/14/2007 5:46:39 PM


Taber, Alberta

Going to Quebec sounds interesting. As long as I tell the school board in advance and they approve it, I can do almost anything...

11/14/2007 6:12:01 PM

the big one

Walkerton Ont

i was goign to say that one and the aviation one as well both are nice, i went there when i was in grade 8, the one is the size of 5 Football fields i believe

11/14/2007 6:55:32 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Will the Stanley Cup playoffs still be on at that time? Just how wealthy are these parents? :-)

11/15/2007 12:43:43 AM


Taber, Alberta

Going to a hockey game has been brought up several times by the students. Assuming that the Senators are still in, what do you think the chances of me scoring 30 tickets are? I think the airfare might be cheaper LOL!

11/15/2007 1:47:45 AM

Dutch Brad


Depending on the age of your students and number of chaperones, you could consider the hop-on-hop-off bus letting students get off at the places that interest them (there is a list ahead of time) and picking them back up on a following bus. This way they can all choose what they want. You might want to organize who gets off where ahead of time. It isn't cheap though. I think about $20 a person, but likely cheaper for groups and students.

11/15/2007 2:25:14 AM

the big one

Walkerton Ont

lol thats a dream i wish(ticket prices cheep, and being able to get them) you woudl be able to get group sale discount but good luck geting tickets, play off tickets sell out rather quictkly, i would think if u contacted them in advance prior to the playoffs maybe might be in luck

11/15/2007 9:51:30 AM

Silly Seeds

Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada

I remember when I went to Ottawa on my high school trip we stayed at the residence of Carlton University and they scheduled different things for the students to do - museums, etc...but my memory of the funnest thing was the day they let us go on our own through the old city - there is quite a shopping district and fun restaurants - that was many years ago now but, as I said, it is my best memory of that entire week trip.

11/15/2007 12:46:00 PM

the big one

Walkerton Ont

i stayed there as well in the dorms, fun time

11/15/2007 4:18:33 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Well, maybe if the Leafs are in the playoffs, you could drive a couple hours to the game in Toronto.

OK, now I'm just sounding silly.

11/15/2007 9:27:20 PM


Taber, Alberta

Thanks for the info everyone. As I said, we're doing the Parliament buildings etc, and the Museum of Civilization, but I've got some questions. What is the ByWard Market and is it good for teenagers to tour around for a while? What is the "Old City" We've got a bus for one day, so we can venture outside of the downtown area. Anything interesting further out? Sorry for the silly questions, I'm just a good ol' prairie boy.

11/16/2007 1:31:38 AM



There's a hostel in an old jail there. It's reported to be one of the most haunted buildings in the world. (Cheap accomodations?)They give tours through the building and relate the history and ghost stories. Oh, they still have the gallows drop.My teenagers liked it but then again they like horror movies too. The place just gave me the creeps.I liked the Hippo boat bus ride and the tulips may still be out at that time.

11/20/2007 6:16:42 PM

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