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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Cornerstone weigh-off

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Dutch Brad


Congratualtions to all of the growers that entered at Cornerstone.

Why were the weights so much lower than last year? Are we going to be seeing lower results in Port Elgin too? Or are we going to see better results in Port Elgin because everyone wants to get the last few pounds out of their monsters? Do the pumpkins need more time because of the cooler weather in large parts of Ontario?


9/17/2007 3:19:02 AM


St. Thomas Ontario

Are the results posted somewhere for Cornerstone Weighoff?...

9/17/2007 6:00:37 AM

Dutch Brad


GPC page here on BP.

9/17/2007 6:08:03 AM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

Brad, It was a very tough year hear in Southern Ontario. We know there are some big ones out there. I know of monster on a 947 Hunt and a few others. The overall numbers of fruit left in the patches seams to be way down this season due to the severe drought conditions in Ontario...

Many areas received less than 1" of rainfall from June to mid August and nightime cool temperatures really slowed growth on fruit set between June 25th and July 12th. Lastly for growers who did managed to have the heavens to open up with a thunderstorm BES sealed their fate in the heat wave at the end of August.

My own conditions were the worst I've dealt ever dealt with. Roy and I lost almost all of our 3 acre plot of Jack-o-Lanterns. The sprinklers never got turned off somedays here at the Cornerstone patch. Heck, the weeds didn't even grow.

9/17/2007 8:05:17 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

We had a great Day Russ. Thanks again for all the hard work you & Roy put into this weigh off to make it a success. It's too bad the weather was so crappy & cold. It sure kept the number of spectators down. Great lunch & free beer as well. We all had a great time & Jane drove home. LOL. We look forward to next year's event.


9/17/2007 9:35:16 AM


Spanish Ontario

HI Russ you want to try in N ONT this year got hit with frost thur fri an sat all 9 plants are done start to clean up this week 6 plants will leave 3 big ones covered an on vines til i decide what 2 are going to elgin

9/17/2007 10:42:17 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Who has one on the 947? Would be interested in following that one

9/17/2007 11:08:36 AM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

Glen, That large 947 has been kept nice and hidden all summer long by a great big fence. Many know of the fruit as it was seen on the patch tour. In mid August it was big, I can just imagine the size of it now. I don't think it would be fair to the grower to it away just yet.

9/22/2007 7:51:45 AM

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