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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Day 10

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Jeff Reid

Nova Scotia

Hows everyone doing this year at Day 10 seem to be very small here for there age anyone else seeing the same on the east coast Thanks Jeff

7/12/2007 2:10:27 PM

Will Neily

Paradise, Nova Scotia

I haven't seen a diary update from you in 2 weeks. I may have to come for a visit.

7/12/2007 10:02:05 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Still waiting for my day 10. Will have a couple in a few days.

7/13/2007 12:28:34 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

We're still waiting for day 10 here as well. The dry weather in June & the cold May temps have put us 2 weeks behind last season.


7/13/2007 6:44:42 AM


[email protected]

Couple 10 days coming up in a few days
Have one that was 10 days on the 11th of July, 28" on my own 522

7/13/2007 10:14:34 AM

MR. T. (team T)

Nova Scotia

things are small for me to. they just don't want to grow. I set a new one today hoping that better weather and a good fall will help me.

7/19/2007 9:03:43 AM


St. Thomas Ontario

Got a few day 20's happening now. Cool nights and no rain is our biggest problem in Southern Ontario right now. Being from N.S though, I feel your 'cool, rainy pain';). Growth seems to be tailing off a bit, might need more water, maybe need warmer nights or just...sing a better song to get these things up over 1000 lbs:)

7/23/2007 9:44:29 PM


Edmonton, Canada

Day 10 is approaching for me... it's looking pretty good so far.... the weather in Alberta has been HOT!!

7/24/2007 12:19:03 AM

Drew Papez [email protected]


day 23 here, 92 inches on 1st1068. other plant day 18 74 inches. Average start here but too early to tell. Younger pumpkin growimg at a quicker pace. Cool nights is slowing them a bit here. drew

7/24/2007 8:30:57 PM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

I'm very slow too. Biggest is 84 on day 26.

7/25/2007 3:20:52 AM


Edmonton, Canada

25 inches on day 10.

7/28/2007 5:08:23 PM


Rapid City, SD

they grow pumpkins in canada?



7/28/2007 6:31:42 PM



whatdayeah mean EY

7/28/2007 10:15:48 PM



444 at day 10...and thats MILLIMETERS........GOOD DAY EY

7/29/2007 7:22:57 AM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Today is day 30 for me. No measurement yet today. But, my day 29 was 92.5" CC and 216.25" OTT. That may not sound huge to some. But, it means that I have already beat my personal best. With at least a month of growing left, I am looking to smash my record (and avoid being last place at Port Elgin for three years in a row).

7/29/2007 7:41:09 AM

Jeff Reid

Nova Scotia

congrats crammed pumpkins picking up speed now here 12 inch cir in 2 nights now thats more like it

7/29/2007 9:50:33 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

Our biggest was 28" on day 10 & 83" on day 20, but with the cool night time temps I'm afraid we are 2 weeks behind the growers in the southern part of Ontario. Hopefully Sept will be a warm month.


8/10/2007 8:24:50 AM

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