Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Date Posted
Eng6900 |
2 killed today...funny think is killed one in the canopy in the morning and another at 4:19pm in afternoon stuck in canopy....about 10 feet from pumpkin plants...VERIFIED DEATH AND VERIFIED A REAL SVB......2 gone out of this world that they would be around this earl;y.....pesticides soon....
6/17/2007 4:19:16 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
Well done! I keep a badminton racquet handy but haven't gotten one yet.
6/17/2007 7:13:15 PM
Sav |
Leamington, Ont.
They've showed up early here as well.
Keep killing the moths, get on a weekly pesticide schedule now... do daily leaf,stalks and vine inspections for eggs. If you use your finger nail, the eggs pop nicely! :)
6/19/2007 10:24:57 PM
Phil H. |
Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic
Hey Sav
We never had them here at my place, but I'm afraid with this warmer weather that they might start showing up one year. What do the eggs look like? Thanks. Phil
6/20/2007 6:16:31 AM
Sav |
Leamington, Ont.
Phil, the eggs are sort of a copper color and round. They are not laid in clusters, very spread out and small ( approx. the size of the tip of a ball point pen). I rarely find more than a couple per leaf or leaf stalk.
The SVB moths are pretty easy to spot when they're darting around the patch, their red bellies really stand out. Dare I say...They actually look pretty cool when they are flying. O.k, let the cursing begin...LOL
6/20/2007 10:18:50 PM
Phil H. |
Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic
Thanks. No sign of any SVB here & I hope that we don't ever see them here. Cuk beetles just showed up on Monday, but a good dose of Garlic has seen them scatter to somewhere else. None spotted in two days. This stuff seems to work, but we'll wait until the big hatch starts before I make any claims.
6/21/2007 7:33:44 AM
Big Kahuna 26 |
Ontario, Canada.
Phil, I have seen them in all three of my patches recently. I have begun the spraying program. We have never had them here until late last summer. Squash bugs are here too as I have seen them at home and Cornerstone.
6/21/2007 4:39:29 PM
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