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Subject:  how much watering.......

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with all this excesssive heat we've been getting just curious on how much I should be watering . I have been watering everynight for about 15 mins..but man its hot..Pupkin is growing about 3" day so Im not complaining..garden size is about 5 X 15 feet..what is everyone else up too in Canada??

8/2/2006 5:29:34 PM

MR. T. (team T)

Nova Scotia

I've been soaking the pumpkin every night the soil is a bit dry.

8/3/2006 9:03:34 AM


Abbotsford, B.C

Well, I have several plants that I water with an overhead watering system (inefficient I know, but it's the only thing that reaches to all parts of the patch), and to water effectively, I water for a couple of hours every day...

I must say that 15 minutes seems like not a whole lot. Not sure what your soil is like, but if it's really hot, 15 minutes seems a bit skimpy to me.


8/3/2006 12:18:59 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Wow Cameron, now we know why we have a water shortage in our area. You valley boyz are breaking the water restrictions put in place that allow for sprinkling only twice per week between the hours of 5am and 8am and 7pm and 10pm unless you are using your own well water and then you may water as you please. Of course you may hand water as much and as often as you please but of course that is much more time consuming.


http://www.abbotsford.ca/ and go to "announcements"

Sure hope the Lawman does not see this posting and rat you out to the water cops in the valley!!

8/7/2006 11:58:14 AM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Just saw this... hmmmm, maybe I should bring a by-law infraction book and go do a "patch tour"...

8/15/2006 12:14:55 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

And no comment yet from Cameron...his silence is deafening!!

8/15/2006 4:15:49 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Chad, you noticed that too? Being a professional farmer I guess it hits you right where it counts when you hear of "others" over-using our resources.

Strange silence from TP too.....hmmmmm.

8/15/2006 4:38:58 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Holy smokes, you stirring the pot or what?!

8/15/2006 7:23:03 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

He's got nothing else to do. I'm starting to think Glenn's diary is a bunch of leftover pictures from last year. There's no 1016 going in his backyard, he's probably growing carrots this year. I don't think we'll have to worry about him this year Lawman. He can just stand there and hand out the prizes!


8/16/2006 3:47:20 PM


Abbotsford, B.C

Oh, sorry guys, I didn't see this post. Ummm... I haven't seen the watering restrictions for my area... I really don't see the difference between sprinkling and hand watering, either way it is going to be overhead watering. With a sprinkler I just save a lot of time, thats all! Next year for sure I will have extended my drip watering system to include the whole patch, but for this year it doesn't go far enough, only eight feet. Out here in the hot, windy valley, especially with the type of soil I have, if I don't water frequently it dries out super-quick. And when it dries out, it turns into rock-hard clumps of clay cemented together by manure remnants. Also during the heat of the day the tips of the leaves start to scorch, so the watering acts as my misting system. Next year I am definitely mulching; keeps down weeds, reduces watering, and cools the soil, among other numerous benefits. I'm amazed that more growers aren't using mulches.


8/16/2006 4:59:07 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Its OK Cameron, we're just having a little fun. Seriously though....here is the restrictions that apply to all of Greater Vancouver including the valley. Don't get caught.


8/16/2006 8:16:15 PM

Tony Pumpkin

Abbotsford BC

Glen, check your info. It's November 17th and there is no watering restriction on right now as far as I know. Besides there is so much rain lately I don't need to water the patch--and the pumpkin is gone now too so it is kinda pointless.

Guess I should check this board in the summer eh? LOL

11/17/2006 4:52:50 PM

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