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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  BC Growers

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Is it just me or does it seem like there's an influx of BC growers this year? It makes sense that BC would be a hotbed of pumpkin growing in Canada being as they have probably the best growing conditions in the country. Why the sudden increase? I figure it will be only a matter of time before BC passes Ontario as the province with the heaviest top ten pumpkins. Keep up the growth guys! .... but excuse me if we try to forestall that top ten thing for a few more years. ;0)

7/29/2006 8:59:52 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Your right, the word has spread alot in our Province. I've been fortunate with our local newspaper that sponsors our weigh-off each year so there has been an increased awareness. Also, we have had the News Hour come to the last 3 weighoffs and do a story.

We've been doing a seedling give-away and seed give-away at some local nurseries so that has helped too.

I think alot of credit goes to Jake van Kooten who has consistently proven that BC has the right climate to grow giant pumpkins. Also, Jake was the first person to offer me seeds and sent them to me to share with friends, family and neighbours....that has gotten alot of people growing in my area.

7/29/2006 7:01:39 PM


Leamington, Ont.

I'm really enjoying the 'friendly trash talkin' between them as well.

7/30/2006 12:16:00 AM


Abbotsford, B.C

So other have noticed this "friendly trash talkin"! I find that it makes for healthy competition, without getting overly serious about the whole thing.

I can say that as for myself, I got at least one person started into serious giant pumpkin growing. And it's true, even with my (in my eyes) not all that huge pumpkins, I still got quite a bit of press attention. There are certainly more people posting grower diaries here anyways.


7/30/2006 12:34:00 AM


Salmon Arm, BC

Ahhhhhhhhhh...........Beautiful BC!

7/30/2006 11:33:49 AM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Speaking of trash, hey, Glenn, how's the patch doing? Sorry, just had to get that one in here.

7/31/2006 12:19:29 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Actually, I think the trash talking has subsided a little from last year, it seems we're all having a few issues at the moment, like my late pollinations, NSB's chewed up plant, etc... Looks like "TP" is "wiping up" the competition this year!

7/31/2006 12:26:30 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

"TP" being Tony Pumpkin of course...

7/31/2006 12:27:11 PM

flying dutchman

Port Alberni, BC, Canada

It ain't over 'till it's over. Or,the BS stops when the tail gate drops.
BTW, there are a couple of big ones in Westbank at the moment.

7/31/2006 1:20:30 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

For a second there, when you wrote "Westbank", I thought you meant "West Bank". I don't think that there are many giant pumpkins there.

7/31/2006 4:20:10 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

"Looks like "TP" is "wiping up" the competition this year!"

...or "blowing up". Might be time to get the trash talking cranked back up now that my 'puters fixed. lol

Best of luck everyone

7/31/2006 7:44:55 PM


Salmon Arm, BC

Westbank! right on 1 hour from here!

7/31/2006 9:40:17 PM


Salmon Arm, BC

Hmmmmm Kelowna....Westbank....if I can get my poop in a group I might actually be able to grow a record one day! Wish this rookie luck..Maybe next year I'll do some friendly trash talkin' but growing up in Port Coquitlam I did my fair share of that to North Van in high school! lol.

7/31/2006 9:43:14 PM


Salmon Arm, BC

by the way..Crammed don't you go have a tornado to go watch? lol

7/31/2006 9:46:59 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

The tornadoes seem to have been all around me. But, none have come close enough to do damage. High winds did turn over some planes at the airport 10 minutes away. Last week we had rain and there was some tiny hail for about 30 seconds. It wasn't even enough to poke through a leaf. So, I'm not too worried about wind. Although, after last year's hail (check out August 19th in my diary from 2005), I still get nervous when it rains hard.

8/1/2006 1:53:04 AM


Salmon Arm, BC

Best of luck Bud...batten down the hatches..ekkkk sorry to ask but which planes got over turned??? damn southern pilots not setting thier tail locks! Glad to hear your kins are alright! Deb:)

8/1/2006 4:07:18 AM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

There were three small planes flipped over at a regional airport (Buttonville) in Markham. Apparently they were all tied or chained down. But, they flipped anyway. The same wind also blew the roof off of a garden centre. I certainly had strong wind in my patch and a baranch on a tree in front of my house (which was already partly cracked) would have been snapped off if I hadn't tied it up. Somehow, I didn't have a single snapped leaf.

8/1/2006 11:09:58 AM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

I'm sure there are a few monsters lurking in patches out there... Speaking of monster pumpkins, how's your season coming along, Jake? Haven't heard much from the other Island guys this year so far, Craig, Dave...

8/1/2006 1:57:59 PM


Abbotsford, B.C

Yes, indeed, how ARE the islanders doing? Dave Pley seems to be doing quite well judging by his last diary postings... and it's almost a given that Jake van Kooten will have something up his sleeve... and Craig Sandvik always seems to have a few biggies growing in his patch too... ???... hmmm! but, like Jake said, it's not over till it's over, right! Good luck to all!


8/1/2006 3:48:37 PM


Abbotsford, B.C

Just did a quick search on BP.com here, and I found out that the grower in Westbank is Gavin Gibb. Grew a 915 lber which he took to Smoky Lake last year... you've been in correspondence with him, Jake van Kooten? And there "are a couple of big ones in Westbank"... hmmmm...

8/1/2006 3:57:19 PM

flying dutchman

Port Alberni, BC, Canada

Us Island growers are so laid back that we just let our pumpkins do the talking in October. If I'm growing anything of size at the moment, I could be in for a big let down if it splits later on, so I'll just say my "gosh - darns" in private and move on.
Lawmen, let's just say I'm happy with my patch so far but there's two months to go.

Cheers y'all

8/1/2006 11:01:02 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

A happy Jake is a scary thing come weigh-off time!! Didn't Archie Lingl of Kelowna grow one over 1000 last year as well? I beleive he had one at 1048 that he brought to Smoky Lake last year. I guess it's a little early to worry about who's got what, usually this stuff doesn't start until September?

Good luck to you Island guys, not that you need it.

8/2/2006 12:37:36 AM


Abbotsford, B.C

and so this convo ends for now... to be resumed in September!...

good luck to all.


8/2/2006 8:40:32 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Hey, Happy Gilmore, good to hear from ya. Don't bring anything down to the weigh off heavier than 300lbs, with the price of gas, I wouldn't want you to have to fill up the old tank more than once... just looking out for ya, man.

8/2/2006 10:41:09 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

Unfortunatly I won't need my truck this year....

What I was thinking of doing is carving it out before I come down, you know conserve some weight. Or maybe just throw a big block in it and drive it down on it's own. Should be room for five or six people in there, plus the scales, and a trophy. Maybe you could help me out with the "u-built" vehicle permit?

8/3/2006 11:36:32 AM


Salmon Arm, BC

Yes, Archie Lingle of Kelowna did grow the record last year at the Smokey Lake weigh off. It was from an 1153 Eaton, which is why I also chose that seed this year and it's doing pretty well also,,we will see.

8/3/2006 3:04:17 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

LOL @ Jake, "If I'm growing anything of size at the moment" really means "I've got a couple of record setting fruit on the vine right now and just deciding which weigh-off to go to with the most prize money"

As far as the trash talking, all I can say is that the Lawman deserves every shot that is directed his way and when the tailgate drops this year, he will be once again scratching his head and wondering "what did I do wrong again this year"?

TP or Tiny Pumpkins in the valley seems to be a nice sort of fella and being from the valley, I did not really think that he would understand all the friendly trash talking that we are doing unless someone from the big city explained it to him. All in good fun....!!!

8/7/2006 12:05:58 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

OK, the Lamwan's back in town. Was out of town for a while working on something, haven't been giving pumpkins the time they need. But it's game on now...

8/11/2006 12:00:30 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

Lawman, you better check out the NSB diary. Glenn's been talking some awful smack about your pumpkins, you, and Cops in general while you've been away. NOT trying to stir anything up here or nothing, just looking out for ya. I know he's outta your jurisdiction but maybe you wanna go release another squirrel in his patch or something like that. Don't tell him who told ya.


8/11/2006 2:36:01 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Chad, my brother from another mother, ratting me out to the Lawman.....wow....never thought I'd see that day.

8/11/2006 4:07:16 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

Lawman, how'd he find out? I can't believe you gave up your source. I'll never have faith in your "blossom end" again!

8/12/2006 1:11:51 AM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Gotta protect the source at all costs... wasn't me, bro. I released a few more squirrels, but that freaky cat of his chased 'em off. So far that 869 I gave him, with the soil disease hasn't annihilated his garden yet, either. I guess I'll just have to beat him (again) fair and square this year...

8/12/2006 12:45:07 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Lawman....lay down when you dream!! Better yet, post a current pic in your diary of some pumpkins....oh ya, you too Chad!!

8/12/2006 2:38:56 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

Some pumpkins? I've seen Steve and Larry's fruit in your diary but the only fruit I've seen in your backyard is the picture of someone sitting in a chair drinking a beer! If you show me yours I'll show you mine.

8/13/2006 2:44:08 AM



No wonder BC is taking the pumpkin world by storm. So much B.S. ! ;0)

8/13/2006 10:24:02 AM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Happy Gilmore, you cracking me up, man. LMAO

8/13/2006 1:58:01 PM


Abbotsford, B.C

Wow, this post just never ends, does it. BC growers certainly are unique.


8/13/2006 2:34:15 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Gotta keep a few things to myself boyz. When I feel it is worthy, I will post some more pics. In fact, there should be some good ones up on my diary soon. In advance, sorry Lawman but you started it!!

All in good fun.....not too much BS just a good helping of British Columbia humour....or is that humor??

8/13/2006 5:10:38 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

BTW....ouch from good ole Chad!! Game on buddy!

8/13/2006 5:11:41 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Game on indeed. This is more like it.

8/14/2006 1:48:06 PM



lawmen...I really thought u were posting a pic o the big pumpkin....CHEERS TO THE TRUE LAUGH I GOT WHILE LOOKING AT YOUR DIARY...GAME ON INDEED...luved it made me laugh my A$$ off.....Who's next...lmao.cheers x 200000000 class act well done............

8/14/2006 6:42:43 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

Glenn, you better check out the Lawgirls diary. Hooper's been talking some awful smack about your punkins, about you, and people from North Vancoover in general. NOT trying to stir anything up here or nothin', just looking out for ya. I know he's a cop and all but maybe you wanna go stick one of his little punkins up the tailpipe of his cruiser or somethin' like 'at. Like I said NOT trying to stir the pot here it's just us hicks have to stick together. (spit) Don't tell him who told ya.


PS: Your looking better then ever ol' buddy.

8/14/2006 8:30:47 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

I smell a rat.

8/15/2006 12:11:54 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Gosh Lawman, do you forget meeting Chad? Our friendly potato farmer friend from the Pemberton Valley? I guess it slips your memory what Chad was wearing at the weigh-off and how much he enjoys his chewing tobacco? Way to make friends fast especially with the rest of the bigpumpkins hillbillies out there......nice work Lawman!!

8/15/2006 4:41:51 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Glenn, are you calling our fellow growers here at bp.com a bunch of hillbillies? I guess you, me and Tater Tot from Pemberton gonna have to let our pumpkins do the talking...

8/15/2006 7:19:43 PM


Salmon Arm, BC

He He...this hillbillie agrees

8/16/2006 1:18:02 AM


Salmon Arm, BC

Did anyone happen to catch the story about Howard Dill on The Weather Network?? He was saying that there might be a couple of 1400#'s lurking out there in Eastern Canada! New WR? Woo Hoo! Great Job! Really cool news bite. My daughter came running into the kitchen...Mom! Mommmmmmm!!!! Check it out! LOL seems we all have the bug here!

9/19/2006 12:37:36 AM

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