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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Hot across Canada

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North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

BC is experiencing some pretty hot weather (by our standards anyways) and even on the coastline of Vancouver where I live it was 99.9 F or 37.72 C yesterday. More record breaking hot weather is expected.

How hot in Pemberton Chad??

7/22/2006 12:48:27 PM


Salmon Arm, BC

No Kidding!! low 40's here in the sunny Shuswap. I need a fan or a dip in the lake....sorry I know you were talking to Chad but thought I'd chime in as I don't seem to talk with you much... Best of Luck with your season and enjoy the weather....sometimes I miss ol' Van and the ocean!

7/22/2006 1:43:31 PM


Salmon Arm, BC

ps I hope all you guys in Nova Scotia aren't getting slammed to badly with that tropical storm...geeez

7/22/2006 1:45:15 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Man, is it hot...

7/22/2006 2:11:38 PM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON ([email protected])

It has been warm this week here in Ontario. It has cooled off today with scattered showers. Much better for sleeping tonight

7/23/2006 12:07:33 AM


Taber, Alberta

We hit 35 today. Geez it's hot out. It seems like it's been hot and dry here forever.
We're heading out for a few days to Cranbrook to do some camping. It's supposed to be 38 there on Monday. I think we'll live in the lake. I just wish we could bring the air conditioner with us.

7/23/2006 1:19:23 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Hey Deb, thanks for the reply. Chad has not been updating me lately so I was reaching for details. He is somewhat "aloof" sometimes and the internet is the only way to communicate with this potatoe farmer in the mountains.

7/23/2006 2:19:05 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Lawman must be doin' stake out work.....can't leave the motor runnning for AC.....tooo bad!!

7/23/2006 2:20:44 AM


Abbotsford, B.C

So hottt.... Glenn, you aren't out here in the Valley, it is WAY hotter on the flats than it is in Vancouver... And during the heat of the day, there is NO wind. Getting close to the 40's the last few days for sure, records have been falling all over the Valley.


7/23/2006 10:48:55 AM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Man is it hot...

7/23/2006 2:00:03 PM


Halifax, Nova Scotia

Storm wasn't so bad, lot of rain in a short time, but nothing damaging, at least not in my yard.

7/23/2006 7:31:15 PM


Salmon Arm, BC

lol Glenn! Sounds like Lawman needs to grab an Ice-Cap from Timmy's. But I agree...man it IS hot. We had an unbeleiveable electrical storm go through here last night..it was 1.5 hrs of constant fork and sheet flashes. Hope it didn't spawn any more fires....

7/24/2006 5:01:53 PM


Salmon Arm, BC

ok..i give, too hot for me!

7/28/2006 3:52:56 AM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

Just crawled out from under my potatoe pile and saw this. I was under there because it's the only place to escape the heat !!

42 in the shade is what it topped out at Glenn, 5 straight days at 40+ degrees. The plants did well, but went from 5"-6" circumfrence a day down to 2"-3" but it's coolled a bit and growth has picked up again. 20 day measurement on the 1142 was 56" maybe could have made 60-65 without the heat but it's still looking good. The weigh off I go to doesn't have a forklift so you don't want them too big anyways. lol

7/28/2006 12:26:46 PM

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