Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: PPPP Warning to all Nova Scotia Growers.....LOL
Date Posted
Papa Bill |
Antigonish,Nova Scotia,Canada
Well it happened this week-end in my patch. The Antigonish Highland Games were on and I left my #1 patch unattended for a few hours Saturday evening.I got up early Sunday morning because I wanted to demonstrate how to pollinate a female flower to my son-in-law and grandson. I was in the process of removing the cover when my I spotted a little note which read "Give -it-to-me,Daddy!!!"....I thought it was my son-in-law, Jason, pulling a joke on me....but later on in the day while inspecting a previously pollinated 848* MacKenzie, I found another note saying simply, "Bill, this is going to turn orange on you!!!" So this started me thinking, who else but a knowledgeable grower would know the difference between a squash plant and a regular orange AG? Probably also someone who couldn't grow a true beautiful greenie if his life depended on it too......????....so.... Methinks that because the first note was discovered on a MacKinnon 1082 blossom, that this famous Phantom Pumpkin Patch Prowler must be none other than that notorious John MacKinnon himself from Cape Breton. Fortunately the house was locked and all my brown ales were still safe in the fridge....but take care fellow eastern Canadian growers,this Phantom is on the prowl, he could be visitng your patch next....lOL.... he leaves his anonymous notes on the back of Dentyne gum packages....and he is especially fond of borrowing nice male flowers from various patches that he visits!!!!!Take care, all......LMAO...cheers, BT
7/17/2006 3:13:10 PM
Merry Tiller |
LMAO @ Bill. How are ya anyway Bill ? Keeping well i hope. Regards Mike
7/17/2006 3:34:28 PM
Ooooop's, Sorry Bill, did it again. Signed in again under my Nephews Nickname.
Regards Mike
7/17/2006 3:36:43 PM
Bohica (Tom) |
7/17/2006 5:37:13 PM
scottie |
Williamsport, Pa.
dwaine gipe is notouious for this!!1 he dont leave notes? just roundup!!!
7/24/2006 9:36:35 PM
Papa Bill |
Antigonish,Nova Scotia,Canada
Rumour has it that the PPPP struck again this past week-end. It would appear that the phantom and a very famous Canadian from Upper Canada ( think Kingston and hockey ) visited John MacKinnon's patch this Sunday past. Mr MacKinnon was not home, (off working in one of his blueberry fields)but apparently a rather humourous note was left behind!!!!....now tell us, John, any truth to these rumours???? Did some famous Canadian visit your patch recently????....LMAO....cheers, Bill
8/14/2006 10:12:25 PM
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