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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Louongooooo!

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chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

If this guy isn't a 723 Bobier in big set of goalie pads I don't know what is! Yes!!!

6/24/2006 1:20:28 AM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Costly aquisition, though... we better be able to sign him! And what ever happened to Cloutier?

How's the pumpkins doing for you this year up there?

6/24/2006 12:15:37 PM


Leamington, Ont.

Great trade for both teams. Bertuzzi needed to get away and start fresh again. As for Luongo,if they can't sign him... send him over to the Leafs for Belfour... Sounds good to me!!!
Cloutier is a good goalie, but I think they went for a little more with Luongo. I highly doubt that they'll sit a $2.5 million Cloutier on the bench though.

Do I smell another trade?

Great to see the Canucks making some moves in the right direction!

6/24/2006 3:10:28 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

Lawman how ya doing? I heard you got caught releasing killer squirels in Glenns patch!lol

My plants are doing pretty good. Healtiest bunch I've had. 1142 VK is leading the way at around a 10'main and secondarys are setting out nicely as well. I'm a couple weeks behind most others but hopfully a mid July pollianation should be possible. Got to get a diary going one of these days.

Shiznit I think Clouts would look great in white and blue, if I was in charge it would cost you Stajan though.

6/24/2006 3:50:35 PM


Halifax, Nova Scotia

I thought you were cheering him on for scoring with Paris Hilton!

6/24/2006 4:04:01 PM


Halifax, Nova Scotia

Crap. That wasn't Luongo was it, it was Theodore. Proof I spend too much time in the patch and not enough time keeping up with celebrity gossip. Not such a bad thing if you ask me.

6/24/2006 7:32:29 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Bye Bye Dan the Goalie Man!! Sure didn't get much for him though. Hey Chad, get some pictures and update your diary. Can't wait to see your VK plant!! I've had my struggles but this 1016 is a beast and keeps asking for more. I would have had fruit by now but suffered a major setback. Should have some in a couple weeks too.

7/6/2006 7:24:24 PM

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