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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Bringing The Title Back To Canada

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Papa Bill

Antigonish,Nova Scotia,Canada

I hope this post will not become another "golden apple of discord", however don't you agree that it's about time that an Atlantic Canadian grower gets the new world record? I know our American friends will be listening in to us, but when the title returns to this country later on this year, wouldn't it be great if it happened right here in Nova Scotia?
So who are you predicting will be able to rescue that valuable orange jacket to go along with Bob MacKenzie's green one?
I would love to see one of the Dills or someone else from Nova Scotia pull this off.Is Ben Hebb growing this year?What about John Mackinnon and Will Neilly.....and how about those Ontario growers????...much as I hate to admit it...some of them are damn good too!!!!....LOL ..Those southern BC., Alberta and Manitoba growers aren't too shabby either.Oops almost forgot our PEI and NB growers, sorry, Nicole!....hahahaha....Do we have any growers in Newfoundland and Labrador????....Let's hear your predictions and best of luck to all you growers, on both sides of "the wall"

4/28/2006 8:05:35 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

I think you are on to something Bill but I kind of expect a world record to come from the Pacific Northwest region. BC, Washington State, Oregon area. Watch the Boyz on Vancouver Island near the 49th parallel....

4/29/2006 12:53:16 PM

MR. T. (team T)

Nova Scotia

With such a warm winter here on the east coast. I fear that warm ocean temps are going to cause a lot of unsettled weather to contend with here this year. All along the east coast. So as much as it pains me to say it I think the North Shore Boyz prediction may come true. But who knows, with me as the new wild card here in NS.. lol..

4/29/2006 7:51:53 PM



Why don't you chip-in together and buy Al Eaton a vacation property in Nova Scotia? You'd help the "World record on the East coast" thing tremendously. ;0)

4/30/2006 10:13:07 AM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

We've also had a good spring here in Ontario. Mostly mild temperatures this year and really only one cool rainy spell a week ago.

Look for the GVGO to pop some really big numbers this year. The collaborative efforts of these growers should pay off big at Port Elgin.

4/30/2006 10:52:32 AM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Yeah, the weather has been so nice that I am beginning to think that I gambled wrong in waiting to start germinating only two days ago. I probably could have started at least a week ago. I guess we'll see. I wasn't expecting myself to win the title this year anyway. But, maybe a couple extra days would have helped boost my PB up from 204.5 :-)

4/30/2006 12:36:13 PM

Dutch Brad


Papa Bill, you forgot Quebec. People like Todd Kline have been growing big stuff the last few years.

5/1/2006 12:59:06 AM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Des Géants Atlantiques? :-)

5/1/2006 2:29:07 AM

Papa Bill

Antigonish,Nova Scotia,Canada

Oops, excusez-moi, mes amis!.....defnitely NOT done intentionally. Would you believe that I was born and raised in beautiful Quebec City????....Still my favourite city in all of Canada!
I know that there are some great growers in La Belle Province. (one of them even produced two 1000 plus pumpkins off the same Mackinnon 1082 plant last season)(both went heavy too!!!!)...so please accept my apologies....whether the new world title will be un potiron from Quebec, une citrouille from New Brunswick or a great big orange monster from Strathlorne, Cape Breton.....as long as it's grown in Canada I'll be very happy......We Canadians are often too modest and reluctant to name the next big winner.So, tell me, who do you think it will be????...name the eventual winner and I'll give you one of my famous 292(UOW) seeds!!!....hahahaha...all the best,

5/1/2006 6:28:07 PM

Peace, Wayne

Owensboro, Ky.

Is Michigan close to Canada...the Green Jacket might live in Mi. next year...Todd will grow a big green one this year...me thinks??? Peace, Wayne

5/1/2006 11:23:12 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

The Lawman's 1723 lb'r from Vancouver should do it. ;)

5/2/2006 12:23:26 AM


Deer Park WA

Sorry Papa Bill, I predict that the Orange and Green jackets will be awarded to growers in the States, probably West Coast (Oregon or Washington)...

5/2/2006 12:38:10 AM

Dutch Brad


Papa Bill, let's say I grow the world record here in Holland. I am still officially Canadian. Would that count?

5/2/2006 1:05:23 AM

Papa Bill

Antigonish,Nova Scotia,Canada

Hey,Brad, you would definitely "be in!"....that Maple Leaf is hard to shake off....it's probably tatoo'ed on your chest????right?....LOL....here's hoping you have a great season!

5/2/2006 8:34:57 AM



Ah, Now, But, I am a Member of the GVGO, does that count ME in LOL

5/2/2006 10:56:56 AM

Papa Bill

Antigonish,Nova Scotia,Canada

Gee, Mike...those magic giant onions of yours would certainly open the doors to you. I know you're NOT much of a Royalist, however the last time I looked , your Queen's pic was still on some of our currency!!!!...there was a time when "a pretty big chunk of North America , not to mention the world belonged to you Brits!"....But now...we are all growing AG's together on this tiny Global Village.....you bring that giant pumpkin that you're growing over here to weigh....let's say at the famous Windsor, NS. weigh-off, and we'll consider adopting you!!!...LOL, cheers, Bill

5/2/2006 11:44:00 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

If you guys let Mike in, then I want a piece of this too, I did set my feet on Canadian soil........about 10 years ago. But I think that counts as much as Mike does!

5/2/2006 12:58:43 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Wait, I grew a pumpkin from a German seed last year. Does that still qualify? If not, I get to be a rookie again. Yay!

5/2/2006 1:40:05 PM

Dutch Brad


It's the promised 292 (UOW) that is going to get me doing my best this year.

5/2/2006 3:13:42 PM

Drew Papez apapez@sympatico.ca


Hey you forgot about a couple of St Catharines boys. Bryan has grown a 1373,1201 and a 1327.5 last year. He's due, heck I'm due and with our line this year watch out.


5/3/2006 3:04:54 PM

Jeff Reid

Nova Scotia

bill i got a nice one on the go if i can keep it together you never know. Today is day 19 on my 1420 plant it is 87-61-62

7/24/2006 7:48:10 AM

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