Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: SVB / Cuke Beetle Controll... Before its an issue,
Date Posted
Wyecomber |
After 2 years of Attacks, In 2006 I dont want to see ANY!! My first year.. well I didnt really know what to look for, after 2005 and cutting and pulling these maggots from the vines I DONT want this to happen in 2006, Ok for someone whom cant be out in the patch all the time looking for these bugs or signs they have been around ( as most of us we work 8-12 hour shifts) myself I work a stupid shift 3pm-4am, Not up till afternoon unless Pollinating is being done then the alarm is set.
But what I want to know is, what are most of you useing as far store purchased "controlls"?
and When do you start spraying? May? , June?, July ? and how often?
I have a bunch of different products 2 are "DUSTS" but Id rather not use them as they are hard to cover the entire plant with and I dont like pesticides that blow off in the wind,
what type of product can we purchase that can be mixed in the end of the hose type sprayer and used that route? this way it can be applied on my weekly foiler application
P.S, As I havent looked into any of this yet, with all these " pesticide Bans" happening will this have any effect on the products which I am after or can use for controll of SVB'S and Cukes? IN 2004 I had Cukes Bad in 2005 I saw very little Cukes but my issues were very bad with SVB'S go figure eh
thanks again
11/25/2005 11:59:58 PM
CountyKid (PECPG) |
Picton,ON ([email protected])
Dave This pesticide ban thing is a real problem! fortunatly our local municipality has shelved the thing, and plans to let the province legislate it! (I'm not sure McGinty can figure it out either). My understanding of most of these bylaws is, it will still be lawfull for you to buy the products, you just arn't aloud to use them....hhmmm. The one that was proposed here stated that 1) I would have to apply for a permit (and pay a fee) 2) I would have to demonstarte a need 3) I would have to get writen permission from my neghbours 4) I would have to be a licienced exterminator or hire someone who is! Each application would need to be applied for seperatly Wow...luckily I am licienced. This stuff is just getting way out of hand. When you consider that many many products are considered safe and are available over the counter in the US and we have to use substandard products or obtain them on the "black market"This pesticide ban issue will just have us all spraying our patches at 3:00 AM. As you can see, I'm a little worked up over the issue. Sorry I didn't answer your question, I think you and I have talked enough on the subject anyway. John
11/26/2005 7:13:56 AM
Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings |
Menomonie, WI ([email protected])
Merit Granular....lay it down at planting and reapply at 90 days...
11/26/2005 10:07:26 AM
Cowpie |
I used Merit this year that I obtained through a friend. It worked great for cukes but I had big problems with SVBs. I think I got a bit lazy with burying my vines because I thought I was safe. WRONG! I had SVB's on all 5 plants. I think the best protection is burying your vines as they grow. I know that's not possible near the pumpkin or by the stump but at least it narrows down where you should be looking. It's a pain digging the little buggers out but I found that the infestation really didn't last too long if you check and kill daily. I work shift work too but I found they really didn't do too much damage over one day. Let's hope last year was just a rare bad year.
11/26/2005 10:42:24 AM
Big Kahuna 26 |
Ontario, Canada.
Dave, Consumer products are what I have used to control them. Manage your plant as any local farmer would using Integrated Pest Management(IPM). As soon as you see them Sevin the bastards then rotate with GrubX or Ambush from CTC. Apply every one seventh day by foliar mist with a good quality surfactant as a sticker. IPM courses are available in Ontario at Ridgetown college. Check out the link below.
If anyone is interested we could organise an educational event with the GVGO.
11/26/2005 8:02:48 PM
bluelacedredhead |
Niagara Region
I used Bug-B-Gon from Green Cross this year and didn't lose any plants to SVB's. It's rotenone and DE. My only complaint is that it's currently only available in a 200g squeeze bottle. Can't buy it (yet??) in a refill size. Worth every penny though even in the small container size.
1/2/2006 3:08:05 PM
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