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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Giant Pumpkins grown in Ontario/Canada

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This is a question from my plant project. How many hectares of giant pumpkins are grown in ontario and the rest of canada, and the world? If you have a guess or answer please help me out! I know it's kinda a stupid question about AG's since their not a commercially grown product, but a meer backyard garden plant. Thanks very much for the help!

11/15/2005 7:17:57 PM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

My thought would be 2,000 plants. 500 growers.
average size of 500 sq.ft./plant
1,000,000 sq.ft. total divided by 40,000
gives you an approx of 25 acres of AGP's Ontario.

11/15/2005 7:45:55 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

I wonder if there is some way to account for the people who are growing AG's "off the grid". That is to say, I wonder how many people are growing giant pumpkins but are not connected to the rest of the growing world through the Internet. I've heard that some growers give away seeds or seedlings at events. Some of those folks must go home and plant them. But, it would be hard to know how many.

11/15/2005 9:01:45 PM

Dutch Brad


Take a look at the average number of entries in a local fair and try to figure out how many fairs there are. You should then have the majority of growers, but likely not all.
I know a guy in Ancaster, ON who grows (or grew) acres of AGs for resale, so I think 25 acres is probably a bit on the low side.

11/16/2005 3:25:25 AM


Thank you for the help guys. I just had a thought. To me it's not gonna matter which random person out there grows ag's for just fun. When Canada does a census on apprx acres/hectares of let say onions grown, it's based on what farm they have on record, and who grows them in mass, not the little guy who has a 1 acre or less garden. Since Ag's aren't a mass grown product, they are a competitively grown plant, and I agree with kahuna at about 25 acres total in Ontario. It doesn't have to be even accuret. As long as I deliver a good idea of what might be out there growing. I think I'm gonna take a guess at 100 acres in Ontario because Dutch Brad is right there are some guys who grow for resale, and that's quite a lot of Ags. Since Ontario grows most Canada's crops I would say there is only about 300 acres total in all Canada. But thats a really bad guess

11/16/2005 11:05:12 AM

Dutch Brad


Might not be far off though. BC and Quebec grow quite a few as well and there are quite a few growers in NS and Alberta and NB. Not many others though.
Guy I knew grew about 50-75 AGs a year.

11/16/2005 12:20:05 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Might want to check to see how many AG seeds are sold in a typical gardening store by season, then multiply that by the number of gardening centres in the town, divide by the town's population, then multiply by the population of Ontario... or something like that. I imagine lots of people grow the store bought seeds too.

11/16/2005 11:47:32 PM

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