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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Smoky Lake

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Edmonton, Canada

Who's going? Eddy? Alan? Anyone else? I'm trying to decide if I'm going to make the trip this year.


9/27/2005 8:54:38 AM


[email protected]

Jennifer and I are going up Sat. Morning with 2 pumpkins and 2 squash
I believe a new site record is coming from Kelowna

9/27/2005 9:39:43 AM


Taber, Alberta

Hey Cam. Check out my diary and my dilema. I'll make a decision Thursday or Friday.

9/27/2005 10:08:38 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Alan, you should go...you know it will be a good time. Take that squash, you just might win the prettiest category.

Have fun/Glenn

(PS - I think you may be right Eddy)

9/27/2005 11:55:33 AM


Taber, Alberta

Ok, I should be going. The pumpkin actually seems to have healed a bit. I'll see how it is Friday, but even if it doesn't enter, I'll probably still go. The only thing that'll stop me is if the baby comes early.

9/27/2005 10:25:39 PM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

For some reason I would not be surprised to see Ernie show up there, he is always good for a surprise.

9/28/2005 1:08:20 AM


Abbotsford, B.C

Gerry Groten's going, I think some of you know him. Plus the grower from Kamploops is it? Or maybe it's Kelowna? Unfortunately I will not be there this year (boo hoo) the drive is just too long.


9/28/2005 12:33:02 PM


Taber, Alberta

Hey guys, I wish you all the best. I'd better do the responsible thing and stay close to home. My wife is due in 16 days, but she's starting to feel some contractions so who knows when the baby could come. I'll really miss seeing you all this weekend and the chance to have a few cold ones. I'm also going to really miss the side trip to Mundare to get some good sausage, but oh well.
Good luck everyone and I hope they all go heavy. I'll have a few beers and will be thinking of you all on Saturday.

9/29/2005 10:20:13 PM


Salmon Arm, BC

so...who's planning on Smoky Lake this year??

4/27/2006 4:36:57 AM

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