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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  My Goal is 500 Lbs for 2005 :-)

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Grown on the lawn, side of house i un proven soil. is it possible, I say YES, Byt OTT measurements My fruit has had some awsome gains this week nearing the 400 lb shoulder mark. By sunday shes suppose to be back up in the 30's.

Only things ive done was Plant by seed in unproven soil last week in May, Pollinated my fruit on july 27th 22 ft out, burried all my vines after 2 weeks of pulling vine borers left and right ( a total of 22 came out of this plant) total nightmare which WONT HAPPEN AGAIN !!!!
fruit is now close to 50 days old with an OTT nearing 400 lbs fingers are crossed for a warm sept so come Oct 8th she will close to 500 lb mark little under will be good as well. For such a rough 2nd year if she stoped growing today id still be happy its been a stressfull but fun year and have big plans for 2006. still NO PM, found an 40 lber and culled her today, she was on a secondary that grew in "DEEP" in my "lylack" bushes, its been a non stop bussy month i never even knew this fruit was there LOL. Unfortunally my fruit is starting to canatalope now , but I believe thats due to heavy 15-15-30 applications along with 2 hour deep drenches of hose water. Am still foiler spraying every evening with seaweed and mollases with a weekly application of eaither defender or green earth fungiciced still NO pm so all is well. Purchased some 12-0-44 from Plant Prod Monday should be here by end of week will be useing this as a finisher in 06.

Best of luck to all in 2005 weaigh off its been a rough but fun year

9/10/2005 5:21:44 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

Best of luck Dave. My goal in my first year was 250 lbs and I managed 2 over 500.

The heavy hitters call 500 lb "porch pumpkins" but in my mind, I think 500 lbs is a great accomplishment.

Good luck, hope you meet a bunch of bigpumpkins.com growers at the weigh-off.


9/10/2005 1:40:25 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

500 lbs is no joke. I've been at it, sort of, for 4-5 years, and never even came close. This is my first year with good (great) seed, and I'd be happier than a pig in ???? to get to 500. Congrats on a great season.

9/11/2005 12:46:04 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

At this point I'll be happy with 250. But, it'll be a stretch to hit 225 in my rookie season. I'm hoping that my fruit will go 700% over the charts. :-) I look forward to seeing Dave's fruit at the weigh-off.

9/11/2005 1:32:35 PM


Leamington, Ont.

Dave, I watched your diary in '04 and this seaon as well. If there is anyone who deserves a biggy, it's you bro!
You never gave up in '04, just kept pluggin' right 'till the end. Now, this year, your hard work is paying off!!
Congrats & Great job

9/11/2005 2:59:37 PM

Brooks B


Dave, way to go man! You had the worst luck last year. I knew if you didnt run into any major problems this year you would grow a big one. A Little luck Helps alot growing these monsters for sure.


9/13/2005 6:07:09 PM


Hey Dave good luck with your 500 lbs. I know you can do it! I had a Green beast growing on a skid and it reached the 500 lbs mark but it had to much wrong with it, developed mould and flies and basically went flat as a pancake on the skid because I didn't have the time to weigh and dispose of it. I have another biggy at 430 lbs about a week ago, still going, pollination unknown maybe July 22, but i know it was pollinated at the end of July. Anyways Good luck again to you and I hope at least one of us can produce a monster 500 lber, that be awesome! Keep on the heat!

9/13/2005 6:40:25 PM

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