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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Fruit set in Nova Scotia?

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Will Neily

Paradise, Nova Scotia

Does anyone have a fruit set yet? I know I'm a couple weeks away from having anything in bloom worth keeping.

6/29/2005 3:24:15 PM


Halifax, Nova Scotia

No fruit set here, but two females showing, probably to open end of next week. The furthest of the two is probably still too close to the stump, but I'm going to pollinate anyway, see what happens. What have you got for vine lengths right now?

6/30/2005 9:37:33 AM

Will Neily

Paradise, Nova Scotia

Most are between 5 and 8 feet. They are just starting to grow nicely with the heat we've had recently. I have intentionally removed some of the early females as soon as I could see them. I'm guessing that this may increase the rate of female initiation later on. (I wonder if anyone has tested this?) It will likely be mid-July before I have anything set that I will keep.

6/30/2005 2:54:28 PM


Halifax, Nova Scotia

It's been a rough spring, hasn't it? My plants had one day of good growth, almost a foot, then the weather turned again. Got females showing on both plants now, I remain hopeful of a fruit set on both by secend week of July, but the weather will have to cooperate, I need a lot more foliage by then.

7/1/2005 7:56:45 AM


Hilden Nova Scotia

got a couple plants polinated aug 4th & 7th, looks like another year like last 300-325 lbs.. anyone hear of any big ones around ? southshore & valley must have had better growing weather than here in central ns..When do they weigh in their p'kins down in Dillville, anyone know.
I heard they grew some big ones up in saint john in the fog,but the minute the sun comes out, they shrink up like soccer balls with holes in em..

9/23/2005 11:28:59 AM

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