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Subject:  Hit by Storm :-(

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Well a very agressive storm past threw most parts of Southern Ontario this afternoon and evening as the cold front rolled its way in, and it hit my area Hard!! Tornados just 15-30 minutes away trees down on my street, power outtages, Luckly I was kinda ready for the storm before heading into work, I placed the hoop house over my best growing plant ( 926 Hunt ) staked it down placed wood overtop and then covered with a tarp with a few large bricks on top, I just arrived home at 3.05 am ran into the back yard to find that the hoop house was blown over and laying 30 ft across the yard, a large branch off the maple tree had come down landing in middle of patch, I lost the 839 Hunt as it was just torn out of the soil, 695 Landry squash doesnt look good with a broken main vine and most of the large leafs torn off, my 926 hunt looks ok with allot of leaf damage and my 812 Landry is laying flate, Wont know excate damage to plants till sun rises in mouring. Was talking to my father at 10pm when storm rolled in and he lost both of his plants ( from what it sounds like) fingers are crossed that he didnt as his 839 Hunt had an 6 ft main vine and was growing 9+ inchs per day. worst part is.. now after 3 weeks of being in the 30 + day times are going to drop to the 15-20 mark with night time lows rangeing from 4-5.:-(


6/15/2005 3:23:26 AM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

Wow, Sorry to hear that Dave. The plants will recover, unless they were torn right out of the ground. I'd train a secondary to replace the main vine that was broken though. I hope your Dad's plants can be saved. The main thing is that you and your family are okay.


6/15/2005 6:15:46 AM


I am sorry to hear about that man. I watched the weather carefully making sure no storms were coming here. The biggest storm with the tornado near Fergus was heading straight for hear but than it split with the big storm and went south and hit brampton and vaughn, the other storm hit Barrie and innisfil. My plants seem to be fine, but THE CUKE BEETLES HAVE ARRIVED so if you got plants get those insecticides NOW or those organic methods going! Hope you recover and get a good plant and pumpkin DaveM!

6/15/2005 1:41:43 PM



Update : 926 Hunt has damaged leafs but the main vine was untouched and plant seems to be growing ok, 839 Hunt is done!! 695 Landry squashs main is snapped but will be replaced with a secondary main vine. Over at fathers place the 839 Hunts main was kinked ( not bad ) tons of leaf damage but its still growing well with a main over 8 ft now
with a few females just about ready to open on both main and secondary vines, His 839 Hunt has the biggest stump ive ever seen its about 4" round with a main vine of about 3" solid really nice agressive plant.

Wheather has turned cooler with night time lows of 10
long range forcast looks like things are going to warm up later into next week.


6/16/2005 12:42:43 PM

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