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Subject:  President's Choice Garden Products

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Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Anybody have any insight into the President's Choice garen products available at places like Loblaws?

They had a sale last week. So, I picked up a tub of 10-52-10 and a tub of 20-20-20, $15 for the two. They had a same-sized tub of miracle-gro for about $10 or $11 each. I also grabbed a couple of bags of mushroom compost. They have some inexpensive soaker hoses too. And, they have a new lawn soil test for $10 (surely not suitable for our pumpkins) for which the address is the same as A&L labs.

Is there any compelling reason why they shouldn't be used? What's the difference between one company's fertilizer and another's? They get them made by well-known brands anyway.

5/19/2005 2:40:51 PM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON ([email protected])

Most water soluables are very similar in quality. The presidents choice 10-52-10 and 20-20-20 should be just as good as Plant Prod or Miricle Grow. If you can get a deal rock on! I went through about 10 KG of 20-20-20 last year on 6 plants. I have Nortrace 20-20-20 in 15kg bags available through the GVGO for $32.00 + freight. Contact me directly if interested.

5/20/2005 8:31:17 AM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

Good to hear that it's pretty much all the same stuff.

I'll only have one, maybe two plants. So, if I use the 20-20-20 at the same rate that you did, the 1.71kg tubs that I got should be perfect. I think that they are even dosed out in bags inside the tub to save me the trouble of measuring.

How often do you apply the 20-20-20?

5/20/2005 8:47:28 AM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

Crammed, consider using 10-52-10 for the next two weeks yet or until your plant begins to vine. Switch to 20-20-20 until fruit set. IMHO 1/2 strength once per week is fine.

5/20/2005 9:56:11 AM


Long Island,New York

Look...here's what you do....buy a case of an off-brand 10-10-10 or the like at your favorite superstore like K-mart, wallmart, Jamesway etc in Early September. Save the reciept and return all of it as soon as you see the "seasonal Isle markdowns"....then return to the store as soon as you think they've had time to mark it down and put it back on the shelves at 25% of the original price....it works but timing is everything.

5/20/2005 2:26:51 PM

CountyKid (PECPG)

Picton,ON ([email protected])

I fertilize with water soluables once a week all season. I start with 10-52-10 and switch to 20-20-20 as soon as the plant starts to vine (around June 1st). I usually mix a big handfull of the stuff per 5 gallon pail of warm water. I know this isn't real scientific but seems to work for me. This year I'm going to switch to a 5-20-30 watersoluable around August 1st. I will also use fish emulsion as a drench all season and Neptunes sea weed as a folier.

5/20/2005 2:37:44 PM


Thornhill, Ontario, Canada

I put on a helping of 10-52-10 this afternoon. But, the new sprayer I bought broke before I even used it. Then, the "plan B" sprinkler broke too. So, I didn't get very even coverage in the planting area. And, I ended up making a bathtub in the pit I dug. I meant to plant on Friday. But, now I'm waiting for Saturday so that everything can dry and so I can get a new sprinkler and maybe some more mushroom compost.

I may have to alter some of my fertilizing plans because I'll be away for the second week of June. But, I do have a fertilizer injector that can probably be used with the soaker hoses I'm going to put in. I'll just have to make sure that everything is timed properly. Good thing the timer I wanted went on sale a couple of weeks ago.

5/21/2005 12:43:35 AM

Big Kahuna 26

Ontario, Canada.

Crammed, at this early stage you can simply drench and foliar by a watering jug. About 1 gallon every fourth day is plenty. Gradually increase the quantity of water as they begin to grow or as the weather gets warmer. Some growers hold back on ferts, around blossom time to allow fruit to set.

5/24/2005 11:30:49 AM

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