Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: Whom is effected?........Hard Hitting Watering Ban
Date Posted
Wyecomber |
Well when things were getting bad ( weather wize ) now Kitchener has a very "Strick" watering Ban that came effect as of Saturday May 14th, As I read today.
Now in effect I am ONLY ALLOWED to water on "Wednesdays" from 7am-11am Or 7pm-11pm, all other days are NO NO'S and fines will be laid right on the spot if caught!!
It all goes by the last digit of the house number examples
(1-2 mondays) (2-3 tuesdays) ( 4-5 wednesdays) (6-7 Thursdays) (8-9 Fridays) and NO WATERING what so ever by ANYONE saturday or sundays. People are already set-up and driveing around handing out fines for anyone whom wishes to negelect this law!!
worst part of it all is... My watering day is on Wednesdays Its OK for me to water the front or back lawn dureing the time posted above eaither day or evening BUT if any water is found running off the lawn onto the driveway or road its considered over watering and an automatic fine will be SET!!.
man whats this world comeing to, thanks for my 2 45 gal water barrels, man i wish I had 2 more.. anyone know were i can affordably purchase 2-4 more of these rain barrels at ?, as Rona wants $100-150 EACH!!
Worst part of it all is, what about all the water being used at these car washes? or people emptying there swimming pools and re filling. eaither or i'll pay in the end in my water bill... cant win eaither way you look at it can ya :-(
5/16/2005 11:35:46 PM
Lawmen |
Vancouver, White Rock, Canada
Vancouver usually has watering restrictions in the summer as well, but no where near as strict as yours! Our watering restrictions only apply to lawns as well, not to gardens, so the pumpkins can be fed anytime they need it. Rain barrels sounds like the way to go.
5/16/2005 11:41:57 PM
shtick |
niagara falls
Dave Where in Ont do you live!
5/17/2005 1:39:02 AM
shtick |
niagara falls
And the barrels are food grade 50-55 gal around 10-15$ each I think there old cherry barrels! And got a screw on top.
5/17/2005 1:52:06 AM
In the shade - PDX, OR
Don't waste the water on the lawn.
5/17/2005 1:58:38 AM
Phil H. |
Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic
Dave, my water barrels only cost about $15. Look in your local newspaper for some food grade barrels like the ones Antoine mentioned.
5/17/2005 6:42:05 AM
crammed |
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
DaveM, Lee Valley sells a barrel tap that you could install on a 55 gallon drum and hook it up to a hose or anything that hooks up to a hose (like a drip or soaker system).
5/17/2005 7:06:40 AM
saxomaphone(Alan) |
Taber, Alberta
I bought a 55 gallon drum for $10 from a local food cannery, and installed a tap on the bottom for $4. I've seen the fancy ones at Lee Valley, Home Depot, and Canadian Tire and they are very nice, but I'd rather spend money on other things, like beer and golf. Alan
5/17/2005 10:15:51 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
I'm with Alan on this one, I got my 45 rain barrel for free and then bought the $6.00 tap from Lee Valley and installed it.
Check your watering restrictions a little more carefully as you should be allowed to "hand water" as much as you want and just not use sprinklers on the days you are not supposed to.
I better not see any sprinklers running in East Vancouver Lawman......just might send the water cops your way (kidding) lol....
We will have water restrictions set here in Vancouver soon and will be allowed to water with sprinklers twice per week. It is a pain in the rear but I just use my water wand and spend a little extra time in the garden. I figured that I get 4 gallons per minute so I just time my watering so I know how much gets onto the patch and when.
5/17/2005 11:24:08 AM
Wyecomber |
Thanks for the input
5/17/2005 1:35:44 PM
crammed |
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Oh, yeah, I should have mentioned the drip taps at Lee Valley. They come in a set of three for $8. I used one to drain out the garbage can that contained my compost over the Winter. I plan to use the other two for some early drip watering of my seedlings (until I can install some soaker hoses). They look pretty small in real life compared to the photos on the web and in the catalogue. But, they worked pretty well for my purpose. They're probably not a very good long-term solution, though. I have some doubts as far as how long they can maintain a seal. And, they are also probably too light-duty for 55 gallon barrels.
5/17/2005 2:46:32 PM
ahab |
Look for a barrel co.near by.
5/17/2005 3:30:41 PM
mark p |
Roanoke Il
`Buy a swimming pool one of those smaller ones 15 footer run soaker hose out of the bottom
5/17/2005 5:29:30 PM
the big one |
Walkerton Ont
water at night, but be careful, and dont make it obvious lol
5/17/2005 5:49:29 PM
Big Kahuna 26 |
Ontario, Canada.
Dave, I have to contend with watering rules too. Though, not as strick. I'm resolved to watering more conservatively, by mulching and using drip irrigation your water resources can be maximized.
Every other day gets to be a pain when those long hot days begin. It sure helps to have barrels in place to circumvent the law. I have well over 2,ooo litres of storage capacity installed to get by in case of short term drought.
5/17/2005 7:01:25 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
Get a very large tank & fill it from 7-11. Four hours at 7 gpm is 1600 gallons. You guys can also consider a gray water recycling system on your showers & sinks. But watch the amount & type of soaps used.
Best wishes for timely rains too.
5/17/2005 7:07:57 PM
Phil H. |
Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic
Dave I'm on a well and in the summer it provides just enough for my household needs. So, I load up my pickup with 4-50 gal drums and head for the nearest creek. It's alot of work, but if you want to grow a big pumpkin, you have to make sacrifices. Good luck.
5/17/2005 7:15:35 PM
crammed |
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Hey, don't forget, there's always the Swedish method of saving your "water". :-)
5/19/2005 8:14:49 AM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
...and looking at his plants (his fruits in past years as well!)I have no doubt that the Swedish method works. People might think differently about it but the plant seems to like it.
5/19/2005 1:13:59 PM
wk |
try soaker hoses.........
5/19/2005 10:12:42 PM
LIpumpkin |
Long Island,New York
Well, 24hrs of sunlight helps a little no?
5/20/2005 2:27:31 PM
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