Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: Buying Sphagnum Peat Moss in Ontario
Date Posted
Wyecomber |
I was wondering if anyone knew of any places in Ontario which sells sphagnum peatmoss, I went onto the www.peatmoss.com website but non of there links were working for me.
4/20/2005 6:01:56 PM
Wyecomber |
Found it tonight at Rona :-), Its in the black bag, I really wish they would put there Normal Peat Moss were there "sphagnum" peast moss is, would be eaiser to find that way, I had to walk through the entire yard to located this stuff which was located by there other garden soils.
Found what I was looking for anyhow. a little more $$ but should be well worth it later within the season
4/20/2005 8:42:27 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
The cost of Pest Moss in Canada should be essentially FREE. But instead it gets baled & wrapped in $1 worth of plastic. Then 30 bales get stacked on an $18 pallet & wrapped with $75 worth of plastic. Then a trucker hauls it to America for $2.20 per bale. Then his boss tacks on a 12.5% fuel surcharge & wholesales it to me for $7.00 & I get screamed at for selling it for $9.00 because I'm a highway robber. But I'm paying a guy $38,000 a year to hump the bales around a building that rents for $12,000 a month & I'm a robber?!? LOL. I hate Peat Moss.
Sorry....I had to vent.
4/20/2005 8:46:21 PM
Alexsdad |
Garden State Pumpkins
Looking for a buggy lugging job will travel!!! Call Me !Chuck LOL
4/20/2005 9:17:45 PM
Tremor |
[email protected]
Chuck if you ever met some of the guys I've had you'd be amazed. If you can pass a piss test, background check & physical the job is yours!
4/21/2005 10:03:44 PM
Peace, Wayne |
Owensboro, Ky.
Steve, this job pays $38K per...? No skills required? And I can gro AG's? Seed source close? Sounds like heaven! I will hit the road tomorrow!LOL Peace Wayne
4/21/2005 10:08:17 PM
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