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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Website is launched

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Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

Hi Growers

I'm proud to announce that the new website for the Giant Vegetable Growers of Ontario (GVGO) has just been launched. This is just the beginning for the site. We wanted to get the site online for growers to see who we are. We plan on adding a Message Board for all members to post on, a Photo Gallery for you to show off your personal best, a Suppliers Page, so you can find places to purchase the products you need for your garden, along with other information and benefits. We will also have feature articles from some of the best pumpkin growers in the world and "How to Grow" articles for the other giant vegetables. Check out the links page for information on identifying diseases and pests in the patch and understanding soil reports. Please go have a look and give us some feedback. Like I said though, this is just a start, so bear with us. We will be adding other features as soon as we can.

I want to thank Marc Levy & Savio Spada for their hard work in getting the site up and running in the little time they did. Without them the site would still be in the planning stages. Thanks guys. You can visit the site at http://www.gvgo.ca/index.html

We hope that you will join us in making the GVGO a great success. Good luck to all this season. I hope you all reach your goals.

Take care,
Philip Hunt
President GVGO

4/19/2005 2:50:04 PM


Barcelona <Spain>


I'm a Spanish grower and I'm interested in obtaining one seed from the 901 and another from the 1156, and especial 1677.5.

Could it be possible?

my address is:

Salvador Mogas
Capella 13
08160 Montornes del Valles
Barcelona < Spain>

thank you

12/10/2009 5:11:52 PM


Barcelona <Spain>

I'm a Spanish grower and I'm interested in obtaining one seed from the 901 and another from the 1156, and especial 1677.5.

Could it be possible?

my address is:

[email protected]

Salvador Mogas
Capella 13
08160 Montornes del Valles
Barcelona < Spain>

thank you

12/10/2009 5:25:10 PM

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