Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: New Club, Giant Vegetable Growers of Ontario
Date Posted
Phil H. |
Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic
I’m please to announce the formation of our new club, the Giant Vegetable Growers of Ontario (GVGO). A dedicated group of growers from Ontario met at the International Seminar in Niagara on March 12th and decided it was time to pool our knowledge and experience together to form this new association. Notables in attendance were Al & Sharon Eaton, Drew Papez, Dave McCallum, Adrien Gervais, Russ Landry, Glenn Cheam, Chris & John Lyons, and myself (Phil Hunt), along with a few other great growers. I was honored to be elected chair of this elite group and have a great group of growers as Representatives for their specific regions. I’d like to invite all growers to help us promote this great sport/hobby, by sharing our knowledge and experience to all who want to learn and by sharing the camaraderie that growers enjoy by being a part of this sport/hobby. If you are interested in joining us please send us an email at [email protected]
Benefits include:
1. Yearly seed giveaway- at least 5 + seeds per member 2. 3 Newsletters per year 3. Patch Tours (free admittance) 4. Yearly grower’s seminar and seed swap 5. Club website (we are working on it and hope to be up & running soon) 6. Club Championship trophy for biggest pumpkin grown in Ontario by a member. (Ontario growers only) We hope to expand this to include all the giant vegetables. 7. Growers help line for those growers without the Internet. 8. Expanded weigh off schedule. More weigh offs dates.
Memberships are $20 per member & $35 for family memberships.
We hope that you will join us to help make the GVGO one of the best and most respected growers associations in the giant vegetable community.
Phil Hunt President GVGO
4/11/2005 2:24:07 PM
Wyecomber |
Dues comeing your way :-)
4/11/2005 7:51:02 PM
Orange Crush |
Bobcaygeon Ontario
Great job Phil!! Keep up the good work.
4/11/2005 8:34:00 PM
crammed |
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Maybe we should incorporate an online dues paying system into the website to keep up with demand :-)
4/12/2005 1:09:42 AM
Wyecomber |
Yes the online payment option would be good!! possibly Paypal ? Thats something that could possibly be worked in for 2006 correct
4/14/2005 7:44:29 PM
crammed |
Thornhill, Ontario, Canada
Theoretically it could be worked in sooner than that. The issue isn't so much setting up the Paypal payments. I think that would be easy. What might be hard is opening an account for the club. There's only so long that individual members can use their own money and their own bank accounts for club business. I'm not suggesting improrieties have or will occur. But, it puts that perosn in a financially dangerous spot if the club gets sued and their personal bank account is left open to seizure.
4/14/2005 11:57:27 PM
Phil H. |
Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic
This is something we might consider in the future, but because we are just getting started and there's still a lot of work ahead of us, we'll just stick to doing it the old fashion way. By check or money order in the mail. I want to thank all the growers that have sent in seeds so far for the membership drive. We will be handing out some watermelon, long gourd, corn, sunflowers and squash seeds, along with the pumpkins.
Phil Hunt Pres. GVGO
4/15/2005 6:34:42 AM
Wyecomber |
Recieved my membership package in the mail today, VERY IMPRESSED well done !!
thanks guys
5/2/2005 7:17:54 PM
Phil H. |
Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic
We're glad your happy, Dave. We aim to please.
5/3/2005 6:33:23 AM
Sav |
Leamington, Ont.
Recieved my GVGO seeds today. Awesome! Also very impressed! Can't wait for the news letters Thanks
5/3/2005 7:54:32 PM
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