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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  Looking for seeds!!!!!!!!!!!!

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O'Leary, PEI

I'm relatively new to this hobby but enjoy it very much and want to get a little more serious about it this summer. I did meet my goal of one pumpkin over 50lbs last years. Small by the pro standards but for a greenhorn I was happy with it. This year I want to try and get over 100lbs. I'm looking for seeds and would appreciate any help I can get.
[email protected]

1/27/2005 4:32:39 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

I've got too many to grow myself, and would be happy to supply you with a few. Get yourself one of those yellow "bubble pack" envelopes at Staples (2" x 4" roughly) and fire it off my way inside of a larger envelope and some seeds are yours. E-mail me for my address.


1/27/2005 5:29:00 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

better get a whole box of those envelopes! :-)

1/27/2005 5:49:10 PM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

Email me also. I can spare some seeds.


1/27/2005 7:11:38 PM



Same as above,glad to help.

1/27/2005 9:32:21 PM


Calgary, Canada

Hello All

I'm from Calgary and have tried to grow a large pumpkin for the last two years (hail destroyed my best effort last year) this year I'll try for 75 Lbs. Does anyone have a few seeds they could spare?

1/27/2005 9:43:36 PM


[email protected]

I can give both of you seeds. Email me
Calgary Grower, I'm in Airdrie, so we should hook up and I'll help you all I can.
click on iceman on the right and my email address comes up

1/27/2005 10:22:18 PM


[email protected]

Ok on the left DOH!!!!

1/27/2005 10:23:08 PM


Taber, Alberta

Hi guys and welcome to the website. It's really nice to see some more Alberta growers here. I grew up in Calgary and I know the grief Calgary Grower and Eddy go through in terms of weather. If you want some seeds from the warm, windy section of the province, send me an e-mail and I can get you some.
Alan(as Eddy said, click on the Saxomaphone on the left)

1/27/2005 10:51:10 PM


O'Leary, PEI

Thanks for all the replies, it has been more than I would ever have thought. With all this help, I'm sure I'll be able to break my goal of 100lbs and I'm thinking even great. Pumpkin dreams, thanks again and I'm sure I'll be on here in the future looking for advice. Much apprecited

1/29/2005 10:20:50 AM


Ontario, Canada

Hello, I'm also looking for some seeds, this would be my 3rd year growing seeds and I really need some new seeds or else I'll just keep getting a mere 200lbs every year, I'm looking for 500lbs but I can't do that without better seeds, just e-mail me at [email protected]. Oh and that's not a hippie sign.

5/1/2005 9:43:34 AM

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