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Pumpkin Growing in Canada

Subject:  And the Temperature Is!!

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[email protected]

Calgary this morning is minus 34 and with the wind chill it is minus 44
The temperature on our Acreage is minus 39
It's pretty cold this morning, but I wouldn't trade California, mud slides etc. Feel for the people affected by all the rain!!!


1/13/2005 9:34:22 AM


Edmonton, Canada

Hey Eddy, I feel your pain up here in Edmonton. It's -35 right now. Any kind of a breeze, and it is down-right painfull.

It's tough to imagine planting anything in a few months. However, I agree with you, I will take what we have, and be very thank-full.

1/13/2005 9:47:57 AM


Taber, Alberta

Geez, it's warm down here. We only hit -32. It's shorts weather!!!!!!! 1/2 hour down the road in Lethbridge, it's -39 with a windchill of a good ol -51. Yes, for all you farenheit people, that's colder than...................well, you get the point.

You are both so right. We may complain about our stupid weather, but I think in the long haul, we get it pretty easy.

1/13/2005 10:14:15 AM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

-5 here in my part of B.C. Nice and sunny though.


1/13/2005 11:08:43 AM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

A balmy -22 here without a cloud in the sky, it's gonna be a beautie of a day.

1/13/2005 11:33:15 AM


Edmonton, Canada

I thought that you folkd in B.C. shut down any time it's below 0!


1/13/2005 11:40:17 AM

Engel's Great Pumpkins and Carvings

Menomonie, WI ([email protected])

Dang thats cold -40C is the same as -40F..brrrr...

1/13/2005 11:46:14 AM


Halifax, Nova Scotia

Is it safe to tell you it's about +4 with rain here right now?

1/13/2005 12:00:54 PM

Don Crews


At this time it's a warm -30C. Going to be -37C tonight with a windchill of -51C. Thats -59.8F. Time to plug the truck in.
The good side to all this is the fact that pumpkin insect pests are just things that we read about. A little cool weather cleans things right up!

Keep warm guys!


1/13/2005 2:38:04 PM


[email protected]

46*F & the snow is melting. Fog hangs over the remains.

1/13/2005 2:54:46 PM

*Old *Man*

Sheridan . NY


1/13/2005 2:58:09 PM


Taber, Alberta

That's a good reminder Don. It makes me feel better when I'm out in the wind. We suffer a bit in the winter for fewer gardening bugs in the summer.

1/13/2005 3:32:04 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

It's hovering at 0 at the moment here in the city, but it's supposed to go down to -9 tonight, and I'm working night shift. Might have to break out the toque and long underwear tonght... All the side streets in this damn city are skating rinks at the moment, so a rear wheel drive Crown Victoria with bald tires is a real pleasure.

1/13/2005 3:41:06 PM

basebell6 (christy)

Massillon, Ohio

we hit 70.5 today !!!!!!!!!! i was loving it. then an hour later..........freefall

1/13/2005 5:16:08 PM


Leamington, Ont.

It was 56*F here this morning

1/13/2005 5:51:41 PM

Phil H.

Cameron,ontario Team Lunatic

Its 40* F here and raining like heck. Suppose it go down to -8* C by tomorrow morning. I feel for you guys out in the prairies, BURRRRRRRR!!!!!!!


1/13/2005 7:17:54 PM

Will Neily

Paradise, Nova Scotia

High of +14C predicted for the Annapolis Valley tomorrow...gonna get the tiller out!

1/13/2005 8:00:33 PM


[email protected]

Jeez now it's 54F outside AFTER the sun has gone down! Weird weather this winter here in CT. Fogs like Pea Soup.

1/13/2005 8:33:07 PM

chad gilmore

Pemberton, BC

Officer Hooper, I'm sure the Tim Horton's/Starbucks on every corner will come in handy this evening! LOL:)
Be safe, Chad

1/13/2005 11:17:49 PM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

Timmy's is open 24hrs a day. SWEEET. BRrrrrrrr.

1/14/2005 8:04:00 AM

Jeff Reid

Nova Scotia

It is + 16 here now and it only 9:06am Very nice

1/14/2005 8:07:28 AM

Rob T

Somers, CT

I'm in Windsor, CT today and it is about +59F and raining.

1/14/2005 10:03:30 AM

Andy W

Western NY

probably not for long Rob. yesterday it was a little over 60 here, now it's mid-20's.

1/14/2005 10:13:52 AM


22.3 F here or -6 C gonna be sunny and nice. Yesterday it was a high of 17 C. We had a huge drop in temperature.

1/14/2005 10:19:36 AM


Vancouver, White Rock, Canada

No topic like weather gets the Canadians talking... well, except maybe the hockey lockout, but that's another story.

1/14/2005 4:47:07 PM

*Old *Man*

Sheridan . NY

its 22 and snowing

1/14/2005 5:02:41 PM

North Shore Boyz

Mill Bay, British Columbia

+ 4c and now raining again. Cold and snow for 2 weeks on the B.C. coast...a new record set for consecutive number of days under the freezing mark. Back to rain now for another 10 weeks.


1/16/2005 10:59:49 PM

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