Pumpkin Growing in Canada
Subject: What is this white stuff?
Date Posted
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Well, southern British Columbia is getting hit by a nice blast of arctic air and it is mixing with moisture from the pinapple express resulting in some uncharacteristically large snowfalls.
Here on the North Shore we have about 6 or 8 inches and it is falling like mad today...suposed to stay cold and hang around for awhile.
I hear the Island is getting hit pretty good too - is that the case?
1/8/2005 5:42:31 PM
the big one |
Walkerton Ont
well bring it down to central ontario, a town called walkerton, near owen sound. We need the snow here, dont got that much
1/8/2005 7:17:54 PM
chad gilmore |
Pemberton, BC
Damn near got blue sky here Glenn, and its only -2. Haven't checked the mail today, will check tommorow. Go Seahawks!! Chad
1/8/2005 7:20:50 PM
Sav |
Leamington, Ont.
We hardly ever get any decent amount of snow, but today we got hammered
1/8/2005 7:55:03 PM
Lawmen |
Vancouver, White Rock, Canada
Same here. I actually had to use the shovel last couple of days. Last week I bought a bag of bolld meal for the patch, but the next day I went to add it in there to the compost and the whole thing was buried in snow!? Home Depot ran out of ice melter...
How long till spring?
1/9/2005 1:17:12 AM
pumpkinpley |
Hi Glenn,we have over 40 centimeters on the ground here in Nanaimo and it's late saturday night and the snow has stopped. Dave
1/9/2005 2:52:23 AM
Transplant |
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Just a suggestion guys, if you're that concerned about a little bit of snow I wouldn't recommend moving to the East Coast. Just a thought, shovelling snow is simply preparation for a summer of shovelling dirt. Think of it as a winter training program for growing pumpkins.
1/9/2005 8:26:24 AM
North Shore Boyz |
Mill Bay, British Columbia
Dave, I heard that the Island was getting pounded. Sunny and cold today, looks nice!
1/9/2005 11:36:17 AM
iceman |
[email protected]
Boy you guys have it tough!!! LOL It's snowing here now and the temp is minus 28, with a wind chill of minus 36. Now that's winter. Don't mind the cold so much, but the wind is brutal. Eddy
1/9/2005 2:30:14 PM
Benetton |
Ontario, Canada
We've got very little snow for this time of year around here. The weather has been unusually warm, 9 degrees c for thursday, normally like -10
1/9/2005 5:03:01 PM
Water (John) |
Midway City, California
Be patiance the wet stuff is coming, and so is the snow. It has been raining and snowing on the west coast (pacific ocean)for the last 10 Days. 14 inches of rain at lower elevations 9 foot of snow in the higher elevations. Have fun
1/9/2005 6:11:20 PM
the big one |
Walkerton Ont
sweet thanks for the good news, i hope the snowmobile trials are open by the end of the month, the news person said that its heading our way from where u are water.
1/9/2005 7:12:28 PM
the big one |
Walkerton Ont
oh it will be here the end of this week
1/9/2005 7:12:50 PM
Will Neily |
Paradise, Nova Scotia
The weatherman is calling for it to be dark tonight....same for tomorrow night.
1/10/2005 11:33:19 PM
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