Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: UK Van Hage results
Date Posted
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
912lbs James O Hanlon and Liam Cupit.New British record.
810lbs Ian Paton.Previous record holder at 819 when weighed 12 days ago.
637lbs James and Liam. 618lbs Joe Hallam. 550lbs Jimmy Reid. 430lbs Mark Raymont. 382lbs Trevor Wilson. 113lbs Tom.
Photos will be in my diary shortly.
10/14/2004 5:53:12 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
Wow, those are some great results considering that weather this season!
10/14/2004 6:13:53 PM
Canuck |
Atlanta, Georgia
Mark, What did you grow your 430 from and do you know the genetics of any of the other pumpkins? Regards, Michel
10/15/2004 1:37:49 AM
Pumpkin_lover |
Wroclaw, Poland (51 N, 17 E)
Cool... A lot of relay big pumpkins in UK...
10/15/2004 10:35:32 AM
Cornwall UK.(50N 5W)300ft.
Michel, 430 is 642.5 Raymont x 1083.5 Johnson. 912 is believed to be grown on 1301.5 Eaton.
Top 3 all under glass.
10/15/2004 12:31:18 PM
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