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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  watch BP.TV on german television..

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Cologne / Germany

...tomorrow afternoon, 4.15 (16.15), on WDR3, the program is called "daheim und unterwegs" (45 minutes). Many of you should be able to receive it via satellite. Unfortunately it can´t be received overseas. It´s the first time that a big pumpkin is carried to a TV studio during a live broadcast. My biggest (or both) pumpkins will be there. They´ll drive me into the studio on a rolling scale with the pumpkin on it. Sounds like fun. I will also bring the 20 ft vine of the 1260 Weir and a 24 inch leaf that remained. The broadcast is planned to take around 15 minutes!
I hope to promote our hobby the best way I can but I´m a little bit nervous though:-)

10/6/2004 11:03:54 AM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

WOW, Ingo!

That sounds great! Do your best to promote our hobby and good luck. I will watch it for sure and also video tape it!


10/6/2004 11:25:30 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

My knees would wobble too much for something like that Ingo!
Congrats and we'll also try to watch.
Thanks for letting us know!

10/6/2004 12:16:53 PM


Wroclaw, Poland (51 N, 17 E)

cool, shame that I can't watch it. I'll lso have my minuteof fame this weekend... I'll keep you updated...

10/6/2004 5:26:39 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany


Der Beitrag ist gerade vorbei und ich muss sagen du hast sehr professionell gewirkt... Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum gelungenen Auftritt!

Nur schade, dass der Beitrag nicht 15min sondern nur gut 3 min gedauert hat... Es wäre ja noch sooo viel zu berichten gewesen... Rekorde, dt. Meisterschaft in Ludwigsburg, Kultur, Samenerwerb, etc.
Die Idee, den Kürbis auf der Waage zu befördern war aber sehr gut, genauso wie der Vergleich mit den beiden anderen Kürbissen...

Ich hab alles auf Video aufgenommen...


10/7/2004 11:16:07 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany

Enjoyed the report very much Ingo. Great job, nice looking pumpkin.

10/7/2004 11:17:32 AM


Itzetown City

Congrats Ingo. Very interesting report. A good feeling to see one of us growers in TV. But as Martin said, they make it too short.

10/7/2004 11:48:17 AM


Cologne / Germany

Thanks everybody for watching it. I just returned from the studio and yes it was pretty short. The TV guy promised much more time and an interview with many details yesterday but the producer of the show was just looking for a teaser. That´s what you get when you listen to the promises of the press...though I´m pretty happy we had the chance to be there.
On the brighter side - on the way back a woman crashed into my car. That means some money from her insurance just in time before christmas-:)

10/7/2004 1:15:08 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

Now, that is bad luck with that accident! I hope your car wasnt't too old so that you can get some money...

10/7/2004 1:17:24 PM


Cologne / Germany

Hey Martin - it was my father´s new car and he is on a holiday trip right now:-) You know my old bus is a SDV (short distance vehicle) only:-)

10/7/2004 1:23:39 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany

That's a lot better than having an accident with an old car...

10/7/2004 1:33:54 PM

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