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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Polish weightoff

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Wroclaw, Poland (51 N, 17 E)

Just to inform that on 10th October in Wroclaw, Poalnd we will be having firs official weighoff.
If you want to come here, contact: [email protected]

9/30/2004 4:11:44 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany


Do you know of any other Polish growers who will attend the weighoff? Or will you be the only competitor? lol
What is the current record in Poland?


9/30/2004 4:28:20 PM


Wroclaw, Poland (51 N, 17 E)

I think that I am the only competitior, but maybe one of my friends will bring his pumpkins (i am even not shure if he has something in patch). The current record.. hm.. I don't knwo.. it MAY be my 70kg (154lbs), but we have 1st official weightoff now, so my biggest pumpokin will be official record (if I'll win...)

10/1/2004 2:57:29 PM


Itzetown City

Lucky dog! LMAO

10/1/2004 3:50:22 PM

Mr. Orange

Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany


10/1/2004 4:41:53 PM


Cologne / Germany

like for anything else, there needs to be someone who will start it all. In Poland that person might might be you and you should be pretty proud about that!
In the future, with better soil, good seeds and more experience, your personal best results can easily increase 150 lbs+ each season. Good luck and never forget you´ll get the best help here on BP.com!

10/1/2004 6:53:13 PM


Wroclaw, Poland (51 N, 17 E)

Thanks. I am trying to make pumpkin growing more popular here. It will be second fall/winter when I'm sending lots of people here seeds for free. Last year I've send nearly 400 seeds away to 100 people. This yera I would like to double that number (I just need a lot of seed and envelopes).
I am proud of being pumpkin grower even when kids in my age find it... sick, weird :)
This year I also started writing articles to our school magazine.

10/2/2004 5:48:30 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

Don't believe what Ingo said!
You just might start growing pumpkins 150 lbs. lighter
every year!!!!ha ha LMAO

Best of luck at the weighoff!

10/2/2004 10:04:28 AM


Wroclaw, Poland (51 N, 17 E)

I would rather not believe in what You say :-), but of course I knwo it might be true. but I would have just one sezon left and them pumpkin weighting below 0 lbs :-)

10/2/2004 11:06:11 AM


Itzetown City

Way to go Jacek! Dont listen to what the other kids say, let them smoke and drinking and go your way.

10/2/2004 12:10:25 PM


Wroclaw, Poland (51 N, 17 E)

I like smoke and drinking too ! lol

10/3/2004 2:12:59 PM

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