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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Martin's Visit!!!!!!!!

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Atlanta, Georgia

Well today Martin Reiss and his father will be coming to visit my terrible patches and I plan to lock him up in my wine cellar so he doesn't make it to the weigh-off next week since his pumpkin might be larger than mine.
Just wondering now how much food and drink I need to leave down there for him to survive the week.....

9/26/2004 3:25:45 AM


Germany (Kirchheim / Bavaria)

"Hallo" Michel, if you have not enough bootles of vine I´ll send you some more this week...ha..ha..ha.
Good luck and I am looking forward to seeing you and Martin next sunday in Ludwigsburg (....or not...??!)

9/26/2004 3:55:56 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

I hope to see you too Peter! I'll be there even if I have to bring a Howden Field pumpkin. I want to chat with everyone there again and let the kids see the displays.

I'll soon be holding Martin Reiss here as a hostage and he'll be beheaded if all the pumpkin growers in Germany with pumpkins over 400 lbs. do not agree to destroy their pumpkins before the weigh-off!

9/26/2004 5:28:34 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

I forgot to add that Martin and his father will be treated to a very good lunch before I take him hostage and that his innocent father will be released right after lunch and a good cigar and glass of decent red wine.

Please don't think that I don't have sympathy for innocent victims here!

Send the vino asap Pete!

9/26/2004 5:31:28 AM


Atlanta, Georgia


Get me out of here! Or at least get me something to eat and not just that bad tasting wine! lol

Now, seriouslz, we are now here with Mike and are having a great time. I also alreadz visited Schloss Ludwigsburg todaz along with the pumpkin exhibition.... Will post pics when I am back home this evening...


9/26/2004 6:36:54 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

Thanks Martin for the nice pictures you posted, and
thanks for the visit!

I know the wine was terrible but Peter's shipment had not yet arrived but at least we had plenty of Rauchbier!

See you all next Sunday!

9/27/2004 1:07:42 AM


Cologne / Germany

Rauchbier...delicious...too bad I´m pretty far away here up north:-)

9/27/2004 10:40:12 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

I'll bring one bottle to the weigh-off floh for ya!

9/28/2004 5:37:01 AM

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