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Pumpkin Growing in Europe

Subject:  Trying to be Humble...for a change...cont.

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Atlanta, Georgia

I just simply wanted to say that it's not all as easy as it seems and that the seeds are not as big of a part of the equation as I used to think.
I'll always feel privileged to swap seeds with anyone but will now plant some seeds of the few good crosses I've been fortunate to make and then TRY to acquire some great seed out there to introduce new and improved phenotypes such as better color, better shape, thicker walls, etc... into my own plants from now on.
I went from borderline heart-attack growing in my first year to totally insane in my second year to even worse in my third year but this year I've started to settle into enjoying the growing and it has been my best year although I forsee a two hundred pound drop from my personal best of last year. I was so crazy that I lost sight of what growing is all about and was not nice to many people in my search for better seeds.
All I can say now is that I wish all the european growers the best of luck this year and I wish you all an exciting and happy growing season in 2005 with me here since it will be my last here as I move to the US in 2006 and will have to take a year off.

If I've offended any of you over the years I hope you accept my apologies and to my friends I wish you all new pb's.
I just wanted you to know how it feels to go from experienced grower to rookie in a matter of 4 years for me and to also say that it's the best feeling I've ever had.
Thanks to all of you for your friendships and we have one more year to grow together. I hope it will be FUN!

9/14/2004 1:06:29 PM


Minnesota([email protected])

I enjoyed reading your two "Humble" Posts.
I'm essentially a first year grower with one plant. My pumpkin is currently close to 450 lbs(hoping for 500). This moderate success has really given me the A.G. bug. I'm thinking of the four or five plants I'll grow next year, and the wonderful crosses I'll make(hoping I'll produce a "hot" seed). Trouble is, I keep changing my mind on what I'll grow, and my breeding objectives(size, color, both???). It's quite obscessive right now. I hope to mellow out a little, and not think so much about it. I also don't want to request a huge number of seeds, that I'll never have the chance to try them all.
May I ask where in the U.S. you will be moving to?
I'm guessing it's not for the sole reason of growing monster A.G.'s.
I'm glad you are enjoying yourself more with this hobby. I hope you grow a huge one next year!


9/14/2004 2:00:04 PM


[email protected]


Don't be so hard on yourself or your 500 lb 845 Bobier. You're just the only one to admit the less than stellar result. AGGC won't post below 500. And most growers that year wouldn't admit it. Good for you!!! Because you did. Believe me that many 845's have finished at less than 500#.

Humble Pie isn't so bad when eaten with friends. We've done no better here.


9/14/2004 3:45:25 PM



Hi Michel,
I also enjoy your post.I'm down about a hundred lbs. from last year, but I think I did too much fishing and not enought weeding. Like they say wait till next year!!
Do you know were in the states you will be liveing???
Best to you and yours
George C.

9/14/2004 3:46:18 PM

Tom B


hey Michael...I got a 21 pounder on a 946.5 Geerts! Much worse than the 513.7


9/14/2004 11:24:52 PM


Atlanta, Georgia

Your 21 is probably one of the most famous pumpkins from last year at any rate.
I was feeling no pain last night when I wrote the post but it's still exactly how I feel.

My family will be moving to southern Maine but we haven't decided on the town yet...and NO we aren't moving to grow AG's. It's something we've been planning for years now.
Best regards to everyone and thanks for your kind comments.
I sort of expected to wake up this morning to a lot of slamming but everyone has proven so far that pumpkin growers are some of the best friends you can ever have!

9/15/2004 1:12:41 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

By the way Tom,
Send me another 1097.5!

9/15/2004 1:15:22 AM

owen o

Knopp, Germany


Do not feel alone in going from expert to rookie. I went from rookie to expert to rookie. Three years ago I started off with a 165 PB and knew I could do better. Grew 4 last year over 600 with a 642 PB. I just knew I was going to grow one over 800 this year. HA! I will be lucky to have one hit 250 at our weigh off.

I agree with you that just sitting back and enjoying the fun of trying and the friendships is the most important thing. Funny, we have to have a bad year to understand that. I hope that I can keep that attitude regardless of my successes and or failures.

Best of luck to you Michel, looking forward to seeing you in ludwigsburg.


9/15/2004 1:58:56 AM


Atlanta, Georgia

You really hit home that it takes a bad year
to get this pumpkin growing into proper perspective...at
least for me. I didn't know it until this year and I'm sort
of happy that this year was shit in a way.

The bad thing about it is that there's a whole 8 and a half months to wait to battle mother nature again and I hope we all do better here in Germany.

It will be interesting to see what zygadlo brings to Ludwigsburg this year. If it's big I think I might ask him how he does it this time...LOL! It was a sad scene last year that he was sick and a good thing that his wife at least got that prize money. (Other than that I hatED him...)

9/15/2004 4:46:06 PM

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