Pumpkin Growing in Europe
Subject: Trying to be Humble....for a change!
Date Posted
Canuck |
Atlanta, Georgia
Fellow growers, It's been a few years now that I've been trying to grow AG's here in Germany since I first took pictures for Joe Pukos at Ludwigsburg and received a ton of seeds from him including many 805's etc...etc...etc...He was very very generous! to say the least! I thought that in one or two seasons I could hit 1000 lbs. NO PROBLEM! Well it didn't take long in my first year to hit 222lbs. from a 933 Garrell seed and I wasted about 6- 805Pukos seeds doing stupid tests because I thought that a seed from a 933 would be better than a stinkin' 805 back then...wasn't I smart? (I thought so at that time) Year 2: Planted the 845 Bobier 00 and got a 513.7lb. pumpkin which was the smallest pumpkin from that seed ever achieved at that time. At least I won something! LOL! Same seed went on to produce the 1337 World Record that year...Cry Cry Cry! Year 3: Even more fired up, plant a 582 Hester, forget it in the weeds growing wild and end up with a pb of 595EST that rotted about 15th of September. Another great year! Same seed produced 1458 Whittier....Cry Cry Cry Again! Year 4: Getting nervous now....plant 1097.5Beachy and 11 other great seeds and lost them all to frost except for 1038 Emmons which got hit later and died. 1097.5 went on again for another pair of great growers to produce a 1432 this year...NO MORE CRYING!
9/14/2004 1:05:54 PM
Mr. Orange |
Hilpoltstein, Bavaria, Germany
lol, Michel! Well said!
9/14/2004 5:04:37 PM
Bohica (Tom) |
9/14/2004 5:33:18 PM
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